over a ravine. According to what my informant told
me about ten years ago her grandmother looked out
that window, which is about eight feet from the
ground, and saw a Bigfoot staring at her. This was in
Alachua City, Florida.
This is Midge, one of the three dogs who follow me
around. She is a rescue and is very shy but extremely
aggressive if a fight breaks out. Then she becomes
another personna, and it is very hard to make her
let go of the other dog.

This is the third dog of my crew, Tuk-Tuk. A rescued dog, he is
very anxious and continually on the go. If you even speak to him sternly,
he begins peeing. He is my shadow, constantly pushing to be pet.
Here is another view of Abby.
Tuk-Tuk is constantly hunting and a year ago killed
a cottonmouth in front of me. Tuk-Tuk grabbed the snake
below its head and violently twisted to the left. This resulted
in the snake's head hurtling about six feet to the right of the
of the dog and the rest of the body flopping onto the left side
of Tuk-Tuk. I walked over to the cottonmouth's seperated head,
and the head actually moved around in a circle as I walked
around it. The head also made several cottomouth displays at
me before it died. It was a very unusual event.
This is a tree limb that fell off during a storm and stuck
into the ground. I worry that the dogs will be hit by these
pieces of wood.

Here we have a wild gator coming out of a swamp in January to
sun himself. Same gator below.
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