Sunday, February 24, 2013
Tate's Hell, Florida, Bigfoot Report
This report comes from librarian Marlin Day who was helping me get my photos onto this blog. He said that a friend of his owning property on Tate's Hell saw a Bigfoot walk into his backyard and then walk back out of it. The observer says he will swear to it in any court of law. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850
Saturday, February 23, 2013
NAAWP- National Association of White People*
I have been told that the Alamo at Benghazi is old news, but there is a question that I am not aware of having been answered: Why did Leon Panetta and Martin Dempsey, if they were told by Obama that the response to the Benghazi Alamo was up to them, not go to the rescue of our men at the consulate? The second question is why would a Commander-In-Chief not order an immediate response to the consulate being attacked? Is that not technically American soil? There were eight hours from the time of the first attack to the time that the two Seals were killed in which to make a response. Are you telling me that Obama has degraded the military so much we can't make a response in that amount of time? I don't think he's been that successful. An F-16 to strafe, an armed drone, and heliocopters all come to mind. Isn't there some action that we the people who pay for the fancy salaries and toys that the pompous politicians and their wooden enforcers get, can make malfeasance in office have a legal consequence? Especially if these people are organized and have a budget to draw from? There's got to be a way. We cannot allow a third Alamo, and the ones who brought about the Benghazi Alamo should face legal consequences if at all possible. Weren't we supposed to "Remember The Alamo" and never let such a thing happen again? It has happened again, and there should be consequences. Peter Nickerson
* The definition of "white people" as I use it is anyone with white blood, even a drop, and anyone who believes you should be judged by your character not your skin color. These are all "white people" by my definition for this association.
* The definition of "white people" as I use it is anyone with white blood, even a drop, and anyone who believes you should be judged by your character not your skin color. These are all "white people" by my definition for this association.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Nature Note
I was in the parking lot of a local hamburger joint enjoying their way-too-expensive hamburger when a car pulled in next to me. As soon as the car appeared, a cat came to the car. Strange. The car parked, and the cat rubbed herself on the exterior of the car. Stranger still. An attractive woman on a bike appeared and engaged the driver of the car in conversation for a while and then left. A woman got out of the car and walked over to the hamburger joint. She was holding a cardboard box, and the cat pranced along behind her. The woman and the cat went out of my vision, but when the woman came back, I asked her, "Do you feed the cats."
"Yes, I do. I have four other places where I put out food. All the cats have been neutered. The woman on the bike does the same thing. In fact, she used to feed the cats here untl I took over."
"I noticed the cat following you."
"Oh, yes. I have to come in the back way where there's less traffic. They've learned the sound of my engine and will just come running out into the street. If I used the main way, I'm afraid they'd get killed in the traffic."
"Yes, I do. I have four other places where I put out food. All the cats have been neutered. The woman on the bike does the same thing. In fact, she used to feed the cats here untl I took over."
"I noticed the cat following you."
"Oh, yes. I have to come in the back way where there's less traffic. They've learned the sound of my engine and will just come running out into the street. If I used the main way, I'm afraid they'd get killed in the traffic."
Nature Note
I ran out of bird seed, and the cardinals went into a frenzy looking for it after a few days. At the end of the garage is a door that opens to a large room. I have made a doggy door there. The cardinals found it and were actually flying through the doggy door into the house looking for the bird seed. It had to be somewhere! One day I found two cardinals in the house. Another day I went into a bathroom that I rarely visit and found a distressed Lady Cardinal there. She had her beak open. I caught her and put her out. She perched and wouldn't move. I was worried about her, but at least her body wasn't there on the ground the next morning. That moved me to go to Walmart for another bag of bird seed. Now there are no more hungry cardinals in the house.
A New Bigfoot Report
I was talking to a clerical worker who told me that her brother dives for arrowheads in the Suwanne River, Florida. He's found huge sturgeon and once brought up a giant snapping turtle that was only ten pounds shy of the world record. So he's a competent diver. The story is short: One day while diving, a huge hairy human-like creature swam past him. He knew immediately that he had seen a Bigfoot. This happened ten years ago. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW Questions, reports, comments: 352-359-0850
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Bigfoot Hunt #8
This hunt almost didn't happen as I woke up and just did not want to go into the woods with a supremely stealthy and dangerous animal as Bigfoot. But after a few hours, I started on my way to try to find a way into the Ocala Forest without going across a big bridge. I went to Eureka as it had a dam, and I thought I might be able to find a road that would take me across the dam of Oklawaha River. I did find some good Bigfoot woods on the west side of the lake. There were creeks, deep ravines, and ridges, but the country road soon turned away from the lake and out of that terrain. I turned on my lights at dusk, and they caught the yellow rump of the Yellow-Rumped Warbler. The bird almost let me overtake her, but at the last moment she swerved away from my windshield. I was only going 30 miles an hour as I looked for Bigfoot.
Soon I also saw a Barred Owl beginning his nightly prowl. After seven hours, I realized there must not be a way into the forest except by bridge. The next day, the maps on the Internet made that plain. I would either deal with my bridge phobia or not get into Ocala Forest. Now, I have dealt with higher and longer bridges in the past, but it takes tremendous motivation. I desensitized myself to the Hampton Roads Bridge(s)-Tunnel to go to social work school to get my master's. I didn't think I would ever do that but then something happened to make me highly motivated. It took putting a knife into my leg, tightening a rope around my leg, and sometimes popping open a beer to get across the two bridges at first, but I gradually adjusted to them and was able to drive across without any crutches. Then I started going to classes with an Air Force F-111
navigator. He always wanted to drive, and I was happy to let him. When I finally got my four-wheel truck, I thought my troubles were over in getting to Bigfoot. I told others and myself that I would fearlessly approach Bigfoot for a good picture or video. I had to: My house was in foreclosure and I needed a miracle like a good Bigfoot video to save it. Now I find out that fear is a big problem with just looking for Bigfoot. On top of that, the only way into Ocala Forest is by bridge. I know that going over a bridge at night is less frightening as I can't see as much. Therefore, this week I bought a tent and a sleeping pad. The idea is that I will go over the bridge early in the morning, hunt for a couple of hours for the Ghost of the Woods, and then go to a campground, put up my tent, and get some rest for a while. Then I'll get up and hunt until dark or so. I'll go back across the bridge after nightfall. Even so, it will be quite a challenge for me. Peter Nickerson
Soon I also saw a Barred Owl beginning his nightly prowl. After seven hours, I realized there must not be a way into the forest except by bridge. The next day, the maps on the Internet made that plain. I would either deal with my bridge phobia or not get into Ocala Forest. Now, I have dealt with higher and longer bridges in the past, but it takes tremendous motivation. I desensitized myself to the Hampton Roads Bridge(s)-Tunnel to go to social work school to get my master's. I didn't think I would ever do that but then something happened to make me highly motivated. It took putting a knife into my leg, tightening a rope around my leg, and sometimes popping open a beer to get across the two bridges at first, but I gradually adjusted to them and was able to drive across without any crutches. Then I started going to classes with an Air Force F-111
navigator. He always wanted to drive, and I was happy to let him. When I finally got my four-wheel truck, I thought my troubles were over in getting to Bigfoot. I told others and myself that I would fearlessly approach Bigfoot for a good picture or video. I had to: My house was in foreclosure and I needed a miracle like a good Bigfoot video to save it. Now I find out that fear is a big problem with just looking for Bigfoot. On top of that, the only way into Ocala Forest is by bridge. I know that going over a bridge at night is less frightening as I can't see as much. Therefore, this week I bought a tent and a sleeping pad. The idea is that I will go over the bridge early in the morning, hunt for a couple of hours for the Ghost of the Woods, and then go to a campground, put up my tent, and get some rest for a while. Then I'll get up and hunt until dark or so. I'll go back across the bridge after nightfall. Even so, it will be quite a challenge for me. Peter Nickerson
Saturday, February 16, 2013
NAAWP - National Association for the Advancement of White People
My defintion of white people is not the same as the government's whose definitions are meant to divide and set people against other people. By "white people" I mean two things: First, anyone who has a drop of white blood in them. It is false to call a part African, part Caucasian a "black." He's got white blood as well as black blood. Barry Obama, Jr. is white by my criterion. The other standard is that a white person is anyone regardless of bloodlines who judges people on the basis of their character instead of the color of their skin ( the racial goal of Martin Luther King).
I now want to give an example of the racebaiting that the Obama administration has carried out which is the voter-intimidation case brought against the New Black Panther Party after two Black Panthers in paramilitary clothes stood outside a polling place and yelled racial slurs. One of the Panthers carried a billy club. This happened in Philadelphia on election day 2008.
The Justice Department has dismissed the case according to Hans von Spakovsky who worked for the Justice Department " because they did not believe, and did not want, the Voting Rights Act used to protect white voters or to prosecute black defendants. We know that's the case because political appointees within the Justice Department said that in front of witnesses, and these witnesses eventually testified under oath."
This is from "The Comiong Battle Over The Ballot Box" by James Taranto, p. A11, Wall Street Journal,
2-9 thru10- 2013.
So here it is -another law designed for blacks and not for whites. Only whites can break the law; blacks won't be prosecuted if they do. What needs to be done is a class action suit filed by white people to make the Obama administration to apply laws to all people, to make the Obama administration stop being rascist. Wouldn't that be delicious? I'm the man to do that if only I had the money. And because I'm the man to do that and have always been, I don't have the money. But truly, white folks (again meaning anyone with even a drop of white blood and those who don't judge a person by his skin color but by his character) if you have a chance to support such a legal initiative against the Obama administration, check it out, and if it's honest, contribute what you can - even five bucks. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW
I now want to give an example of the racebaiting that the Obama administration has carried out which is the voter-intimidation case brought against the New Black Panther Party after two Black Panthers in paramilitary clothes stood outside a polling place and yelled racial slurs. One of the Panthers carried a billy club. This happened in Philadelphia on election day 2008.
The Justice Department has dismissed the case according to Hans von Spakovsky who worked for the Justice Department " because they did not believe, and did not want, the Voting Rights Act used to protect white voters or to prosecute black defendants. We know that's the case because political appointees within the Justice Department said that in front of witnesses, and these witnesses eventually testified under oath."
This is from "The Comiong Battle Over The Ballot Box" by James Taranto, p. A11, Wall Street Journal,
2-9 thru10- 2013.
So here it is -another law designed for blacks and not for whites. Only whites can break the law; blacks won't be prosecuted if they do. What needs to be done is a class action suit filed by white people to make the Obama administration to apply laws to all people, to make the Obama administration stop being rascist. Wouldn't that be delicious? I'm the man to do that if only I had the money. And because I'm the man to do that and have always been, I don't have the money. But truly, white folks (again meaning anyone with even a drop of white blood and those who don't judge a person by his skin color but by his character) if you have a chance to support such a legal initiative against the Obama administration, check it out, and if it's honest, contribute what you can - even five bucks. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Do you see the back window of this home? It is perched
over a ravine. According to what my informant told
me about ten years ago her grandmother looked out
that window, which is about eight feet from the
ground, and saw a Bigfoot staring at her. This was in
Alachua City, Florida.
This is Midge, one of the three dogs who follow me
around. She is a rescue and is very shy but extremely
aggressive if a fight breaks out. Then she becomes
another personna, and it is very hard to make her
let go of the other dog.

This is the third dog of my crew, Tuk-Tuk. A rescued dog, he is
very anxious and continually on the go. If you even speak to him sternly,
he begins peeing. He is my shadow, constantly pushing to be pet.
Here is another view of Abby.
Tuk-Tuk is constantly hunting and a year ago killed
a cottonmouth in front of me. Tuk-Tuk grabbed the snake
below its head and violently twisted to the left. This resulted
in the snake's head hurtling about six feet to the right of the
of the dog and the rest of the body flopping onto the left side
of Tuk-Tuk. I walked over to the cottonmouth's seperated head,
and the head actually moved around in a circle as I walked
around it. The head also made several cottomouth displays at
me before it died. It was a very unusual event.
This is a tree limb that fell off during a storm and stuck
into the ground. I worry that the dogs will be hit by these
pieces of wood.
over a ravine. According to what my informant told
me about ten years ago her grandmother looked out
that window, which is about eight feet from the
ground, and saw a Bigfoot staring at her. This was in
Alachua City, Florida.
This is Midge, one of the three dogs who follow me
around. She is a rescue and is very shy but extremely
aggressive if a fight breaks out. Then she becomes
another personna, and it is very hard to make her
let go of the other dog.

This is the third dog of my crew, Tuk-Tuk. A rescued dog, he is
very anxious and continually on the go. If you even speak to him sternly,
he begins peeing. He is my shadow, constantly pushing to be pet.
Here is another view of Abby.
Tuk-Tuk is constantly hunting and a year ago killed
a cottonmouth in front of me. Tuk-Tuk grabbed the snake
below its head and violently twisted to the left. This resulted
in the snake's head hurtling about six feet to the right of the
of the dog and the rest of the body flopping onto the left side
of Tuk-Tuk. I walked over to the cottonmouth's seperated head,
and the head actually moved around in a circle as I walked
around it. The head also made several cottomouth displays at
me before it died. It was a very unusual event.
This is a tree limb that fell off during a storm and stuck
into the ground. I worry that the dogs will be hit by these
pieces of wood.

Here we have a wild gator coming out of a swamp in January to
sun himself. Same gator below.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Bigfoot Hunt #7
This hunt took place near Chiefland, Florida, on the Gulf Coast,to a pit where Bigfoot has been seen apparently staying in the culvert by the pit and living on animal parts thrown away by hunters and people slaughtering cows. The site only had a couple of old ,black hog hides. There was no beaten path to the pit from the woods, but with a five or six foot step, it might take a while for Bigfoot to make a trail. The other end of the culvert featured skeletons and bone fragments. I thought I heard a noise from within the culvert, but I was too frightened to descend and look into the culvert. I am unarmed and am making a defensive thrusting spear, but my progress is suspiciously slow in putting it together. I will admit that the last three read Bigfoot books have unnerved me a bit. I made a drive around the pit from the west. Plus, there's the realization through reading that Bigfoot often travels two or more and is almost supernatural in being able to get right behind you. The area is wooded except Bigfoot would have to walk through a yard or use the road like I did to get into the area. To the east is a large pond where I have a report of a hunter seeing a red Bigfoot. A trip like this is well over 100 miles. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at 352-359-0850
Bigfoot Hunt #6
This hunt took place where an acquaintance told me he had found and cast a bigfoot print in the bed of a creek. He measured the foot with his hands, and his mother said, "It was bigger than that." This place is less than two miles from where I live and I parked at the creek early one morning. I had the privilege of hearing a turkey cluck but in about an hour, a retired policeman walked up to me. We talked for about an hour so my hunt was over. But he did assur me that the man's mother was practically his mother too, and she did not lie. He also said that he had been between two ponds at a nearby ranch and encountered a human-like track, too wide to be human though. He said the owner of the ranch had released some 400 pairs of wild turkeys, trying to restock the area. I have had see-through bottles of whole corn and dog foot in that area for years, and they have never been touched. The cop has seen them too. I've also started putting out whole bananas. I haven't been able to find them so I will put out more and monitor more carefully. Peter "Two-Guns" at 352-359-0850.
Nature Note
Scientists have found crystals of a magnetic element, the same elenment used in the tip of compasses, in the cells of fish. Thus, scientists are announcing that fish know where to swim because they can respond to the earth's magnetic field.
Two Bigfoot Sightings
The first sighting comes from the mountains of North Carolina. Christian called me to say that a couple of men he knows are loggers, and they went into an area they were logging and saw three Bigfoot. One was a small cub, his mother and his father. They looked at the humans a long time and then calmly walked off.
Christian knows one of the men and is sure he is trustworthy. However, some time ago, I reported from him that a couple had taken a camera-phone picture of a Bigfoot on the side of the road. The picture circulated the internet. Christian said he knew the couple. They were from his hometown, and he was sure they were honest. The story soon became that they weren't, and the picture was a fake.
Last week, I got a sighting from a man as big as some Bigfoot. He is about six foot seven and well over 300 pounds. He has a cute, little, blonde girlfriend who is a third his size. He told me that his mother was on the way to work in Trenton, Florida one morning around 5:30. She was on Route 47 going into Trenton. I know the road there as I/ve been up and down it looking for Bigfoot. She said that a gray, tall Bigfoot crossed in front of her. She couldn't describe his stride. It wasn't a walk, and it was a run. She was probably describing the glide of Bigfoot as he doesn't lock his knees as humans do. If she has to go to work when it's dark, she now takes another route. Another example of the long-lasting terror Bigfoot evokes in people, and not just women either. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson 352-359-0850
Christian knows one of the men and is sure he is trustworthy. However, some time ago, I reported from him that a couple had taken a camera-phone picture of a Bigfoot on the side of the road. The picture circulated the internet. Christian said he knew the couple. They were from his hometown, and he was sure they were honest. The story soon became that they weren't, and the picture was a fake.
Last week, I got a sighting from a man as big as some Bigfoot. He is about six foot seven and well over 300 pounds. He has a cute, little, blonde girlfriend who is a third his size. He told me that his mother was on the way to work in Trenton, Florida one morning around 5:30. She was on Route 47 going into Trenton. I know the road there as I/ve been up and down it looking for Bigfoot. She said that a gray, tall Bigfoot crossed in front of her. She couldn't describe his stride. It wasn't a walk, and it was a run. She was probably describing the glide of Bigfoot as he doesn't lock his knees as humans do. If she has to go to work when it's dark, she now takes another route. Another example of the long-lasting terror Bigfoot evokes in people, and not just women either. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson 352-359-0850
Friday, February 8, 2013
National Association for the Advancement of White People- NAAWP
This is a concept that belongs to all people but since white people have been under the gun since the 1960s, it is particularly pertinent to them as the concept gives strength. The concept is that Jesus committed suicide. I want to present this idea as I have thought about it before going to the internet to see what others have said. It's really quite simple: If Jeuss were God -and Christians believe He is, supposedly- then Jesus was omnipotent. Being omnipotent knew that He was aware of what the future was. Knowing what the future was, He knew that he would be brutually whipped and then crucified if he continued teaching, particularly that he was God. He continued insisting He was God, therefore knowing that it would get him beaten to within death and then killed. Jesus then committed suicide just as desperate people who charge holding weapons the police are known a committing suicide by police. If our God committed suicide, what is the problem with us following his example if we choose. There is none. Don't listen to the ignorant who want to control you.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
National Association For The Advancement Of White People -NAAWP
With Affirmative Action, Privileged Groups, and a U.S. Supreme Court Justice saying she'd trust the judgement of a Latina woman over white people, only a fool or a coward would deny white people need protection. The immediate concern for whites is immigration legislation.
Even the conservative Senator Marco Rubio is callling for reform legislation allowing illegal immigrants to become American citizens. We white people need to be insisting that there be a real border between us and Mexico and Canada before such legislation is passed because there will be a tidal wave of illegal immigrants coming into America to be "grandfathered" in under such legislation.We cannot and should not tolerate any more illegal crowding, the destruction of habitat for Amereican wild life and plants, more competition for the few jobs available, more criminality, and in general, more chaos. Whites need to talk this up among ourselves, find and elect politicians who are with us, and support them financially and emotionally, if we can. You know they are going to be mau-maued -terrorized- by the Dems.
Even the conservative Senator Marco Rubio is callling for reform legislation allowing illegal immigrants to become American citizens. We white people need to be insisting that there be a real border between us and Mexico and Canada before such legislation is passed because there will be a tidal wave of illegal immigrants coming into America to be "grandfathered" in under such legislation.We cannot and should not tolerate any more illegal crowding, the destruction of habitat for Amereican wild life and plants, more competition for the few jobs available, more criminality, and in general, more chaos. Whites need to talk this up among ourselves, find and elect politicians who are with us, and support them financially and emotionally, if we can. You know they are going to be mau-maued -terrorized- by the Dems.
A Welcoming Sign To Ocala National Forest which has the second largest populations of the increasingly endangered Scrub Jay. The jay reportedly needs to live in scrub oak not more than eight feet tall.With habitat destruction for humans, that enviroment is becoming less and less.
After receiving a black panther or puma report recently, I went over to the area and found these tracks which I believe are either a bobcat or a panther and her cub. Note the lack of claw marks, the natural position for cats.
These are before and after pictures of Shady Lady. You see her with the tumor growing out of her mouth here.
Here she is several days after her surgery with the tumor gone. The tumor had become attached to a tooth so the tooth had to be removed too. When I started to take her picture, Lady retreated several feet, sat down, and watched me from that position. So she's a little scared from all that she's been through. The tumor was found to be benign. With a little luck, that should be end of it.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Update on God Micro-Managing You
I was wrong in the previous posting: I do not go to that group to try to get more people interested in Christianity. I go there for the fellowship but I realize that I'm not going to get it with my ideas, questions, and truth-seeking. I'm not going there to be irritated or to argue with the pastor and others. One man, a CPA, came up to me and shook my hand after the last meeting. He didn't say anything though. He's a quiet person there, never heard him say a word. That's not me. If those thirty men there, including several pastors, could not see that there was a contradiction between the definition of meek and what they had been led to believe it meant biblically, then I'm not at their service to teach them differently. Not without pay for it would be worse than just a thankless job. Besides, I don't think they want to hear it. When words no longer have the correct definition but mean the opposite, I feel like I'm at a cult or being brainwashed. Down the rabbit hole into Alice's world. Words have meanings, and in the English language "meek" has nothing to do with "strength" or "power." I entered this group for fellowship. Using the Peter Principle (doing the most loving thing), I think I should look for fellowship in another setting. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson
Bigfooter's Colorado Running Well
This is an update to say that the mechanic told me to use a rubber mallet to hit the gas tank (where the fuel filter lurks) if the car stops on me. It did, but I turned the key and it started again. It's been about two weeks
with no more problems. I guess it is okay to take it into the woods. I need to buy a tow strap so if it goes out on me in the boonies maybe a kind hunter will tow me out to the nearest hardtop road and I can call a tow truck. .
with no more problems. I guess it is okay to take it into the woods. I need to buy a tow strap so if it goes out on me in the boonies maybe a kind hunter will tow me out to the nearest hardtop road and I can call a tow truck. .
"Giants, Cannibals, and Monsters" Review Continued
I counted the following tribes that had legends about Bigfoot eating people: the Chinook, Clackamas, Kwakivr, Kwekiutl, Upper Skagit, Flathead, Kalapuya, Klickitat, Puyallup Me-Wuk, Shasta, Wintu, Yokuts, Nothern Paiute, Shoshone, Southern Paiute, Commanche, Iroquoi, Micmac, Alabama-Coushatta, Caddo, Chickasaw, Hopi, Taos, and Hare. I counted twelve tribes that had legends that Bigfoot took human children. Some of the better known were the Shoshone, Yurok, and the Hopi. There were seven tribes with legends of Bigfoot taking women including the Comanche and the Chehalis. Eight tribes had legends of Bigfoot-human hybrids including the Shawnee and the Cherokee. This is shocking, serious news, and indicates that Bigfoot is dangerous as well as DNA compatible with humans. This is not a gentle, loving, upright Manatee wandering peacefully about the woods as some brain-deads try to portray him. This is the most apex predator or killer in the woods besides man, and until Bigfoot met man with guns, man was subserviant to Bigfoot. You can be sure Bigfoot doesn't like that, even now.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Bigfoot Book Review of "Giants..". Continued
Walker said that the giants carried two or three "beams" on their backs at once. It was not explained what beams were or what they were being used for. In light of the Bigfoot legends, it is possible that the Bigfoot were still eating humans when Elikanah was a missionary to the Spokane Indians. Why did Bigfoot stop eating people? We don't know that he has, and that is what David Paulides "Missing 411" books are all about. However, he, like the grizzly bear and the moose, have undoubetedly come to fear the gun, particularly after catridges made the front-loaders obsolete.
The Yokurts whose land was in the central San Joaquin Valley and foothills of California, were one of the few tribes that had a term that translated to "Bigfoot." It was "Shoonshoontr." To be continued in next posting.
The Yokurts whose land was in the central San Joaquin Valley and foothills of California, were one of the few tribes that had a term that translated to "Bigfoot." It was "Shoonshoontr." To be continued in next posting.
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