Friday, December 20, 2013

Bigfoot Story Of The Day

    Continuing our focus upon sightings of Bigfoot wearing clothing, we add this one:
  About 1950, near the Eel River above Eureka, Florida, a girl walking in a meadow sees a Bigfoot dressed in torn clothing.
    Peter Nickerson  352-359-0850

What's Better In The News With Dolphins, India, And The Economy

    A scientific paper has made a strong correlation between the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico to the deaths of dolphins. This paper is being argued against by British Petroleum which paid for the study. Lung disease caused by oil contamination was found in most the of the dolphins captured and released in the Gulf. About half of the contaminated porpoises were given a "guarded or worse" prognosis.
    India's dominant party is going to try to overcome a supreme court decision to begin again a ban on homosexual acts. The Minister Of Law stated, " We must decriminalize adult consensual relationships." There can be little doubt that India is in a cultural revolution to recognize and give sanctity to the rights of the individual rather than the traditional domination by males.
    Ben Bernanke is going to taper- a little - monthly bond purchases. The government buying of mortgages and treasury purchases will be reduced by $10 billion in January. These bond purchases have benefitted housing and the hiring and pay scales of federal government bureaucrats. By not spending this money, there may be some growth in small businesses.
    These commentaries are based upon news from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
    Peter Nickerson

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bigfoot Story Of The Day

In 1947 on Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. Werner are driving along a logging road. They see two Bigfoot with a skin wrapped around them.

What's Better In The News For Lobotomies, Wiretapping, And Green Peace

    What's better with lobotomies is that Thorazine replaced lobotomies in the mid 1950s. For the most part, Thorazine, the first anti-psychotic medication, also ended the barbaric practices of electroconvulsive (shock) treatment, hot then cold water hosings, high pressure water hosings, and insulin induced comas. The Wall Street Journal has revealed that almost 2,000 veterans of World War ll in Veterans' Administration (VA) hospitals received lobotomies. Most were done from 1947 to 1950. The overriding decision for a lobotomy appears to have been to control violence.
    There were two kinds of lobotomies. The usual one was for the surgeon to fold back the skin of the patient's forehead, saw to holes into the skull, insert a spatula-shaped knife into the brain and then twist the spatula. This would destroy the brain fibers between the prefrontal area (the area right behind the forehead) and the rest of the brain.
    The second method was to insert an ice pick beneath the upper eyelid, through the bony eye socket, and into the brain. This was a simple procedure, and we know of a psychologist with a Master's Degree whom the physicians let perform such an operation on a patient.  This was not at a VA hospital but at a state mental hospital.
  A presidential panel has offered 46 proposals to the president that could result in big changes in the way the United States pursues intelligence gathering. The pendulum is about to swing again in spying. It swung too far under President Clinton who insisted that foreign spies basically had to be Boy Scouts to be hired by the United States. This led to 9-11. Americans must recognize that we successfully fought World War lll against the Soviet Union, and that we are currently in World War lV against the Islamofascists. This war will be over when the Muslims reform Islam to purge the hate from the Koran. The hate is essentially found in the command by Allah to kill the infidel. We Christians got over that bias and now it's time for the Muslims.
    Russia is hosting the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi this February. In order to look like a more civilized nation, a bill has been passed which would grant amnesty to those convicted of  "hooliganism." This will, if anything is certain in Russia, result in the two members of the Pussy Riot Band being released before serving their last three months of a two year sentence. More significantly, it will probably result in charges being dropped against thirty Green Peace members arrested after they tried to board a Soviet offshore oil platform in the Arctic.
    These commentaries are based on news from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
    Peter Nickerson

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bigfoot Story Of The Day

    This happens in Springbrook National Forest, Southeastern Queensland, Australia in 1984. Three young people are on a hike when one of them, a woman, sees a 5 foot 6 inch Bigfoot squatting on a rock at the edge of a creek. He is playing with a twig. His hands, feet, and face are black and free of fur. He has a human/ape face, and his eyes glisten with intelligence. Unconcerned about the humans, he continues to play while the three hikers, enthralled with such a discovery, watch him. Suddenly, the three hear a strange, gurgling noise and then a crashing sound as something runs toward the cub. The cub looks behind him. The three hikers are terrified to see a huge, long arm emerging from a bush next to the cub. The arm is covered in black hair, and the hand has five fingers. The cub takes the hand, and mother and cub disappear into the forest. The three humans run in panic with the smell of a wet dog behind them. They think they saw a breast in the bush from which the arm was extended.
Peter Nickerson

What's Better In The News With HIV Drugs, Monsanto, And Argentine Looting

    For the large part, before ObamaCare insurers required patients to pay only a flat copay- $10 to $50- for HIV drugs. Under ObamaCare insurers are requiring patients to pay 50 percent of the cost of the drug. This can amount to thousands of dollars, and for examples, Humana and Aetna are doing this in Florida already. Another problem is that insurers are putting HIV drugs, even the generic ones, on the highest tier, that is, charging the most for them. Fortunately, some 31 HIV and AIDS organizations  are asking Obama to look at these problems. This, again, is not what We, the People, were promised with ObamaCare.
    Monsanto is partnering with Novozymes  to cultivate microbes such as tiny fungi that will aid plants. This offers the potential of sidestepping genetically-modified (GM) seeds that many people are fearful will have adverse effects on humans in the future. As far as we are aware of, there has been no damage to date from GM plants, and no reason to think there will be.
    The looting has stopped in Argentina. It began in the  province of Cordoba about two weeks ago, and was stopped by the police only after they had been given a big raise. But from there, the looting spread to four other provinces. For example, hundreds of looters on motorcycles broke into a milk factory where the workers resisted the bikers but were overwhelmed. The looters sped away, laden with cases of milk. Looting has happened due to police protests and small strikes over wage increases in all twelve Argentine provinces. To stop the widespread theft, the government doubled the starting wage of a policeman to $1,300 a month.
  Peter Nickerson

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bigfoot Story Of The Day

  In Low Gap, Johnson County, Arkansas, 2005, two boys hunt for coons with their dog. One boy test fires his little .22 rifle to make sure it's sighted in. At the second shot, both boys hear a very loud, monkey-like scream from a dense thicket about 80 yards away. Alarmed, they walk back home and get their father who sensibly comes out with a 30-06 rifle and a .357 magnum revolver. They see that the dog has treed the coon up a cliff. It's very late, and they call to the dog but he won't leave the coon. They all leave, knowing the dog will return home. Next morning, the dog is lying out in the yard. The father approaches the dog to put him back into his pen and feed him. He reaches for the dog, and for the first time, the dog snaps at him. Finally, the man is able to safely pick up the dog and put him back into his pen. The father notices that the dog has his ears torn and acts as if he is hurt. That could have been done by the coon or the creature that made the loud monkey-like scream.
  Peter Nickerson

What's Better In The News With Pot, The Ukraine, And The Republicans

  What's better with pot is that if you are 18 years or older, you may legally grow six marijuana plants if you live in Uruguay. Additionally, private companies will be able to grow pot, and the government will sell it. Some 20 to 30 companies are poised to start pot farms in the warmer northern regions. Countries to the south of the United States are sickened by the drug wars the U.S. has financed in their countries. The only difference such wars has made is that the violence has become more brutal and widespread. The drugs remain. Mexico City legislators are looking at bills to legalize marijuana as are officials in Puerto Rico, Chile, Belize, Barbados, Trinidad, and Tobago. Many credited the initiatives in California and Colorado for inspiring them plus giving them models to consider for their own use.
  The Ukrainian government made a surprise push to eject the demonstrators from their camps by sending in the troops. Surprisingly, the troops were rebuffed by the demonstrators without violence. Unidentified sources in Yanukovych's administration had not expected this push to clear the camps and stated it was because the president has come under the influence of more hard-line advisors, including, ominously, Russians. We predict Yanukovych  will use violence if he continues his association with Russia. At the same time, Catherine Ashton, the European's foreign policy chief did meet with the president who repeated over two days of meetings that he would sign the EU pact. If this is true, it is good news, but along with using violence, the Russians also export lying.
  What's better for the Republicans is the many Democrat leaders who said along with Obama that you would be able to keep your insurance with ObamaCare, and it would be cheaper, are in trouble for being wrong, badly wrong. Republicans may have an issue they can ride to Congressional victories in '14 and a Presidential victory in '16. Certainly, many voters are getting weary of the mistakes of this administration and are ready for a change. As for the Republican leaders, it all comes back to character: Are there any leaders with strong enough personalities to say the obvious or will they too continue to admire the Emperor's clothes just as McCain and Romney did?
 These commentaries are based upon news from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
  Peter Nickerson, Truth-Seeking Activist And Community Organizer

Friday, December 13, 2013

Bigfoot Story Of The Day

  This story comes from Montgomery County, Arkansas in 2008 and shows how successful putting out corn for deer can be in attracting Bigfoot and how Bigfoot kills deer. A couple move onto 16 acres of woods with the plan of building a house. They live in a camping trailer in the meantime, and both work in a nearby town. Animal lovers, they put out corn in two locations. Soon Bigfoot kills a deer at both spots by breaking both of the back legs of each deer and pulling the head and back leg off of one deer. We surmise he broke the neck of the other deer once he crippled her by breaking her back legs.  A dog is found bleeding beside the couple's front porch. A quart of sweeten water put out for humming-birds is drunk. Blocks of suet for birds are eaten. The couple finds two 18" tracks, and then they hear whooping sounds. The neighbors have five sheep killed, and their nearly-200 pound Rottweiler has a leg pulled off but survives. Unfortunately, the story ends here, but this would be a terrific place for a Bigfoot camera-hunter, or two preferably, to set up an armed camp for a while.
  Peter Nickerson

What's Better In The News About Chickens, Pre-K Education, And The Ukraine

  Tyson has decided to raise their own chickens in China instead of buying them because of safety concerns. Tyson covers its chicken yards so wild birds flying over can't introduce diseases by way of their droppings. Tyson is also building chicken houses in rural areas far from neighbors who raise poultry to try to keep down the rate of disease transmission by way of the air. Chinese housewives have remarked that they are willing to pay a little more for a better kept bird. They also like the label on their chicken having a production date so if there is a problem, the chicken can be traced back to his home. Tyson is aware that these safeguards cost but hope the costs will be small enough to remain competitive.
  What's better with pre-K education is that study after study, even a gold-plated forty year longitudinal study, show that early childhood education results in children who are learn better, behave better, live healthier, and earn more than those who don't get such an education. President Obama has a $75 billion plan for preschool education. China, Mexico, and India are all promising to increase their enrollment numbers.
  The European Union (EU) is sending its foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, to Kiev to try to resolve the political stalemate: President Yankovych's refusal to join the EU. Unfortunately, Yankovych is moving toward Russia, having recently invited Putin for a visit. If Yankovych continues the association with Putin, we fear he will be influenced by Putin to deal with the massive pro-European Union demonstrations in the Ukraine by using violence. Putin is thuggery personified.
  These commentaries are based upon news from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
  Peter Nickerson

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Bigfoot Story Of The Day

  This story comes from Johnson County, Arkansas and is about a hunter who sees the tops of two small trees bent at about seven feet with both of them pointing in the same direction -toward the mountains. He is in the woods hunting squirrels with a diminutive .22 rifle. He shoots some squirrels and then hears what sounds like a hollow tree being struck with a club. He hears four bangs. He also notices that the woods have becomes silent.
Even the woodpeckers who call and drum at lot at this time of day are quiet. Then he sees it. A Bigfoot is squatting behind a thin screen of brush. He is rocking side to side. The hunter thinks he is about to be attacked. He's actually killed a 375 pound black bear with such a small caliber rifle by aiming and hitting the bear directly under the chin, severing his spinal cord. He carefully aims at a spot directly underneath the chin of the Hairyman and shoots the little rifle. The Bigfoot springs up, whirls around and runs off. The hunter fires 15 more shots at the back of the Bigfoot, and he is sure he has scored at least 7 hits. The Bigfoot continues running, his legs noticeably bent but with long strides that are very fluid. His long arms swing in an exaggerated but fluid manner too. The hunter runs to his truck, throws the vehicle into gear, and stomps desperately on the accelerator. Much to his horror, the truck roars backwards deeper into the woods, hitting a tree. He put the transmission into reverse rather than drive. He throws it into drive and roars out of the woods. The hunter never hunts in that area again. But unlike many other hunters who have seen Bigfoot, he does go into the woods again, just not that woods.
  Peter Nickerson

What's Better In The News About Brains, Cancer, and Crippling Our Military

  For us who like differences between male and female, this is big. Brain imagery shows that women's brains are better connected across the two brain hemispheres than men's are. But men are better wired within each hemisphere. This may mean that women are better in multi-tasking (think of the myriad tasks a mother must do in raising her children and how essential that is for the survival of our species) and analytical thought (this too would be essential for raising children). Men though are better equipped for more focused work, requiring attention to one thing at a time (think how important this would be in hunting, fighting, and meeting other challenges. This could also be part of the reason that more estranged men kill their girlfriends or wives rather than the reverse).
  Cancer is expected to kill almost 40 percent fewer people in the next ten years because of survivorship programs. Apparently, there are a significant number of people who initially beat cancer but die later. Survivor care includes a treatment follow-up plan, physical rehabilitation, and emotional care such as counseling and support groups. Chemotherapy can cause secondary cancers and damage to the body. There is always the chance cancer will return. Most people- 70 percent- suffer depression. Patients have immunity deficits and get infections more easily. "Chemo-Brain" is real with both temporary cognitive problems as well as 15 percent of the patients having long-term mental damage.
  Survivor-Care is designed to combat these problems with the services already mentioned. In addition, there is a software program called "Journey
Forward" used to customize follow-up plans.
  What's better for the crippling of our military is the 2016 presidential election being won by a Republican. Americans are going to look at the cowardly, indifferent abandonment of an American ambassador, two Navy Seals, and a State Department technical expert at Benghazi. Americans are going to look at Obama's lie that he will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon. Americans will learn that the number of military fighting men and women have been decreased by 50 percent since the 1990s while the number of military bureaucrats has increased by 100 percent. The time for change is more than here. It is urgent.
  These commentaries are based upon news in the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
  Peter Nickerson

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Bigfoot Story Of The Day

  This is a report from a 75 year old man in 2009 from Ouachita County, Arkansas. He claimed that his father and his father's brother happened upon five Bigfoot in a pool of water in a river bottom. His father said they were ugly and the three female Bigfoot had big breasts that hanged quite low. His brother never got over the shock and would not go into the woods again. The father fed a four and a half foot Bigfoot whom he called Little Sam. He'd go into the woods and bring him food. The writer says he only saw Little Sam twice but he had a humpback and facial hair. He remarked that the Bigfoot was very ugly. Years after the writer left home, he got a letter from his father saying that he and his wife hadn't seen Little Sam - only the family knew about him - so he hunted for him and found his body. The writer said that the creature never talked but only grunted, but still he cried when he read of the death of Little Sam.
  Peter Nickerson

What's Better In The News With Mexico's Oil, Military Women, And Stolen Art

  Mexico may be winding up to pass a bill that will allow foreign companies to drill for oil and gas. A major problem is that the oil is being defined in the bill as "strategic" which allows State control. It remains to be seen if foreign companies will be able to live with oil and gas at the whimsy of Mexican bureaucrats. Corruption runs deep in Mexico. For example, several months ago, a drug cartel seized a port, and it took the Mexican Navy - the least corrupted government entity- to seize it back.
  Another bill, this time in the U.S., is moving through Congress to criminalize retribution against victims of sexual abuse in the Armed Forces. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand also proposes that military commanders should no longer have the power to decide if assault cases can proceed. She rightly argues that the military prosecutors should decide that. Unfortunately, she has been unable to find political support. However, criminalizing retaliation is a major step forward for the military if it passes.
  Both Israel and the U.S. are pushing the Germans to be quicker and more open in restoring art stolen by the Nazis from the Jews during World War ll.
Germany has a well-deserved reputation of slow-walking and being uncommunicative about current claims on stolen art that has been found. This is odd in that Germany has historically been eager to shed its National Socialist (Nazi) past and to aid the Jews who survived the Holocaust.
  The commentaries are based upon news found in the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
  Peter Nickerson

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bigfoot Story Of The Day

  An acquaintance told me a few days ago that he puts out deer parts, deer killed on the road, and other meat to attract coyotes so he can try to shoot them. He hears plenty of coyotes singing at the kill sight, but recently has been hearing something howl that he knows is not a coyote. But he doesn't know what it is. I wonder if it could be a Bigfoot and plan to ask him to entertain that idea. Sometimes, the howling of a Bigfoot is much louder and deeper than coyotes. If Bigfoot starts to howl while coyotes are singing, sometimes the coyotes will quit howling. There is also a "hitch" to Bigfoot's howling which I cannot explain further. Maybe you'll understand it when you hear it.
  Questions, comments, and sightings of Bigfoot and black panthers (pumas) are greatly welcome. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850

What's Better With Mass Murders And Louisiana's Vouchers

  The International Commission On Missing Persons (ICMP) established in 1996 has made so many advances using hard work and even jerry-built equipment in identifying people killed in genocides and other calamities that about eighty percent of people are being identified. This means that each body is given his individuality back and provides closure to his family, friends, and country. Also, once people are certain that someone is dead, they can demand accountability for his death if it was done by others. This means that mass killers will feel less safe as there is no statute of limitations on murder. In time, they will pay for their crimes.
  Judge Lemelle in Louisiana has said that he believes vouchers promote racial balance and doesn't want to stop that. That seems rather vague, but if it promotes vouchers, all the better. He's given the Department of Justice
(DOJ) 60 days to agree to a review. DOJ wants blacks to stay in public schools because it keeps public schools less white. This is the Achilles Heel of centralized government- one size fits all, and people are regarded as mere numbers not individuals. Black children must sacrifice a good education via vouchers to remain in failing schools so highly paid, political elites can have their way. These force freaks have their own children in private schools, of course. Why do We, the People, tolerate such arrogance and two-facedness? Judge Lemelle is doing his part to make education better for many individuals. Stand strong, Your Honor.
  These commentaries are based on news from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
  Peter Nickerson


Monday, December 9, 2013

Bigfoot Story Of The Day

  This is a strange story from Dana Jacalien, then a 40 year old refrigerator mechanic in 1979 living in Kodiak, Alaska. He and his friend had boated to Etolin Island near Wrangell to shoot deer. They had a stand about 7,000 feet up and were going to camp there and shoot down at the deer in the morning. Dana's friend wasn't satisfied with the anchoring of the boat and decided to stay there for the night. Dana went up to the camp and soon was in his sleeping bag. A Bigfoot came up to his sleeping bag, leaned against a limb, and looked down at Dana. Dana says the Hairyman (as Bigfoot is known in Alaska) had a knowing smile. Then Dana heard " a collective consciousness that whispered with a longing voice 'Leave me alone.' The Bigfoot walked off. The next morning, Dana told his partner what had happened and showed him the Bigfoot tracks. They left without shooting any deer. Peter Nickerson

What's Better In The News

  What's better is that one woman thought she saw an opportunity, took it, and it led to a business that may make $40 million this year. Alli Webb in California wanted to get some time away from her kids and make some money. She had been a hair stylist so she offered to go to clients' homes and give them high-quality blowouts. Soon she had more requests than time and started hiring other people. Today, she has 32 locations and 2,000 employees, mostly part-timers. She stresses high quality blowouts and personal service. She charges $40.
  What's better with the Bernie Madoff billion dollar scam is that Frank Di Pascali, one of Madoff's schemers who holds only a high school degree is being a cooperative witness. It's in his best interest as he has been convicted and not yet sentenced. He has detailed how Madoff and his crew outwitted auditors. Auditors can learn from Madoff's tricks. For instance, in the '90s an auditor surprised Di Pascali by demanding to see the detailed trading logs of a certain day. Of course, Madoff had none, so Di Pascali managed to slip out an order under the auditor's nose telling the rest of the crew to create the trading logs. They hurried to make some and then put them in a refrigerator as they were got off the press. Next, they tossed them to each other to make them look old and used. The counterfeiting worked for the auditor was satisfied with "trading logs."
  These commentaries are based upon news from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper. Peter Nickerson

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Watching Bigfoot

  There was a very good word used to describe the walk of the Bigfoot which has been compared to cross-country skiing and long-distance ice skating. The word is "gliding." We saw this word used in a report from Taylorsville, North Carolina. The gentleman, a hunter, saw the Hairyman from his car. He was on a powerline, a likely place for a Bigfoot to hunt due to its high browse factor and glided into the woods when the gentleman spotted him. We checked maps and saw that there were about four lakes and ponds in the area as well as a river. Bigfoot are like Navy Seals: they use water for refuge, getting into and out of situations, and are extremely comfortable in that medium. There is even speculation that they have underwater caves and diving efforts have been made to locate such caves but to no avail as far as we know. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850

Wha'ts Better In The News

  Free lunches were offered in America as a draw to get you inside the restaurant where you were expected to buy beer. Hence, the saying that there's no such thing as a free lunch. Then main form of advertising on Twitter is "native ads" which are advertising messages subtly mixed with the content. Mixing ads with content is necessary since phones and tablets are too small to conveniently separate the two. But the practice is spreading to larger format information platforms. The New York Times already has native advertising and our beloved paper, the Wall Street Journal, is considering it. It appears that it is simply going to be the reader's responsibility to have the savvy to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Peter Nickerson

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Watching Bigfoot

  We want to tell you an interesting, colorful story. The story comes from the Kamchataka Peninsula in Russia. It is told by a hunter who had already killed a 10 foot Alaskan Brown Bear there and did not go on this particular hunt with his buddies. The hunter is Bill Lee of Boise, Idaho. The hunting party guided by Indians followed a brown bear for four days. They found where the bear had an epic battle with another extremely powerful creature. The ground was torn up, and the hunters found a limb that the other creature had used against the bear (bears can't hold clubs). The limb had been torn from a nearby tree and measured about five feet long with the bigger end about five or six inches in diameter. The big end was covered with blood and fur. The hunters tracked down the bear the next morning. He was sleeping in some thick bushes so they waited patiently for him to get up. Hours later he emerged from the bushes and began walking very stiffly and slowly. The bear was humanely killed by two shots from a .416 Rigby, commonly known as an elephant gun. When he was skinned, he was found to have bites on him, but they weren't as deep as bear bites. They also were arranged in a horseshoe shape like a human's, not the long and narrow pattern that a bear leaves. The Indian guides had read the signs at the site of the epic battle a day before and said that the bear had attacked a female Bigfoot who had a youngster with her. Immediately, a male Bigfoot had jumped on the back of the bear and began biting his neck. During the battle, he had pulled thelimb off and used it as a club. The mother Bigfoot had run off with the cub, leaving the fight to the male.The area was full of wild strawberry bushes. This fight was probably over finite resources. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.

What's Better

For people who love their family, others, and themselves enough to keep guns handy to protect the above, one-person handguns are now available.
They are very expensive, costing about $2,000, and we believe in time all the technology will be solely in the gun and a watch or ring will not be needed.
  Armatix sells an IP1 pistol and a IW2 watch. You synchronize the watch and gun, enter your PIN number, and the gun is unlocked. In addition Triggersmart Technologies has a gun and bracelet or ring that activates the gun. These guns allow you to have a firearm within reach, but it avoids the tragedy of other people, especially children, fiddling with the weapon and accidentally shooting others or themselves. It also makes it more difficult for thieves to have a useable gun.
  Security sensors have proven their worth by their absence. In order to boost sales, Penny's took off its security sensors. Sales did go up but so did theft. It took a full percentage point off sorely needed profit. Less theft means lower prices, so maybe the public can put up with the sensors more easily.
  These commentaries were based upon stories in the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper. Peter Nickerson " I didn't go to Vietnam so I serve this way."

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Watching Bigfoot

  A strange story emanates from Estes Park, Colorado. Jim Holder and his son, to all appearances, innocently videoed a Bigfoot walking in the forest there. They put the video on the Internet and then received a lot of abuse from people who thought the video was a hoax. Someone even complained that the penis of the Bigfoot was circumsized and therefore couldn't be a Bigfoot. Apparently cowed by the din of criticism, Holder decided to take the video off the Internet. We understand that it was a good video, showing a reddish Wildman taking 12 steps, stopping, and tree-peeking. His cone head was clearly visible. Bigfootery is extremely frustrating since good videos are very hard to find plus the anonymity - to a degree- of the Internet makes it easy for some people to show their worst. We urge people to stand up to abuse. If you back down, it leaves room for people to believe you were doing something wrong. Science operates on the truth and needs people who won't abandon it when the crowd shouts otherwise.

What's Better In The News

  What's better with Lenin is that his mausoleum in Red Square is being over-shadowed by a huge Louis Vitton trunk. The giant trunk houses an exhibit of the company's luggage. Luggage that you can buy and is not forced on you by the State represents a liberty of the individual. As Lenin famously said, "Everything belongs to the State." No longer, Butcher. Communists are unhappy, saying that the trunk desecrates Lenin. Not true. Lenin is a desecration to humanity.
  What's better with the Senakuku Islands is that Obama did send two unarmed B-52s over the islands without filing a flight plan with Communist China as demanded. But Obama has asked domestic carriers to file flight plans. Didn't we learn at Munich that appeasement does not work but only reinforces the bully? Did we not predict such a thing would happen after the insane appeasement with the temporary nuclear agreement with Iran? The lamb calls the wolf. All over the world.
  What's better with working conditions in Bangladesh is that two private safety pacts have been put together "pledging" to invest in factory inspections and upgrades. Steep upgrades, we hope. Walmart is a signatory.
There are also three other groups- Walmart is included here too - that are trying to hone out a single, comprehensive inspection plan. Critics, with justification, see this as more fog saying that the safety risks in the factories are glaringly apparent to any intelligent, honest inspector. They state that what is needed is the government to give such inspectors the power to demand the factory owners make changes or face shutdowns. It remains to be seen what kind of safety plan, if any, the government will pass and enforce. One also wonders about the judicial system in Bangladesh. Can't parties on behalf of injured or killed factory workers sue the factory owners?Overall, this could be a very difficult situation in that you don't want factory workers injured or killed, and at the same time you don't want factory owners deciding that safety features are too expensive and choosing to move to a less demanding country. This leaves your workers jobless and maybe homeless and hungry.
These commentaries are based upon articles in the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper. Peter Nickerson - "I didn't go to Vietnam, so this is my way of serving my country."

Monday, December 2, 2013

Watching Bigfoot

  Recently Dr. Jeff Meldrum from Idaho State University was mentioned in regard to the Falcon Project in which he would use drones with cameras to look for and video Bigfoot. It appears that William Barnes began the same project after he saw a Bigfoot and had his life changed. He was a weekend gold prospector and had gone out to his site, set camp, and was waiting for his buddies to show up. Suddenly, he heard a Bigfoot walk up to his tent and stand only three feet from him. William Barnes hit upon the idea of using a 35 foot blimp that could hover and would house infra-red cameras and audio equipment. It would fly at night, and he wanted to start on the Bigfoot famous Klamanth River and eventually cover thirteen Bigfoot rich states. The problem was money, and Barnes hoped for donations including the very unlikely Russia. The last I've read is that he's accumulated little of the projected $350,000 necessary to begin. Meldrum's drones will be cheaper, and they can operate in the daylight with no fear of being downed by pot-shots. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850

What's Better In The News - Exclusively For Ayn-Randians, Libertarians, and Conservatives (For Individual Rights)

  What's Better With Christianity? What's better is that Harvard and the writer of a Harvard blog on the Christian website Harvard Ichtus are both apologizing for a posting saying that the Jews should be punished because Jews killed Christ. It is insane to hold Jews living two thousand years after the death of Christ liable. Besides, only a handful of Jews- the Sanhedrin- and a few Romans had Christ killed
(and then for only a couple of days). The author of the crazy post was a new convert to Christianity coming from Judaism. New converts to anything are especially susceptible to doing extreme things to prove their new loyalty which, of course, is going to be questioned.
  I say that not only should we  love God and others as we love ourselves, but that we should choose to do the most loving thing in any situation that has reasonable options.
  What's Better With ObamaCare? It's better that Americans are starting to see the gimmick in ObamaCare. The trick is to legally order millions of people to pay for overpriced and excessive insurance to provide money to insure the poor and the medically uninsurable. It is obvious that ObamaCare, like Islam, needs to be reformed. You don't deceive people, and you don't kill people of other faiths- so-called "infidels." Naturally, the sponsors of both would disagree.
  What's Better With Music? Alice Herz-Somner, 101 years old, is still playing the piano. She is the oldest living Holocaust survivor and was departed to Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1943. She performed over 100 concerts in the 41 months she was there. After the war, she fled Communist Czechoslovakia to newly created Israel and eventually settled in England. Her son survived the same concentration camp though her husband did not. Play on, courageous lady!
  These commentaries are based upon stories in the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
Peter Nickerson

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Watching Bigfoot

   I have found my second-best face shot (after Gimlin-Patterson's Patty) of a Bigfoot. It was spectacular! It is part of a video of a man near Scranton, Pennsylvania searching for a Bigfoot at night. The face shot is only one second, but it is great.The Bigfoot is only ten or twelve feet away. He moves off much faster than a human. In addition, he is white.  Another very interesting video clip is that of a Bigfoot swinging in a tree and grabbing a baby. The analysts at Facebook-Finding Bigfoot say that the two creatures subsequently fell from the tree, but that wasn't clear to me. Search with "athletic, auburn sasquatch tiptoes across gap in trees-southwest Ontario, 2010."
  Bigfoot seems to be on the tip of the tongue of many people around the world. For instance, a man gets shot in the back, and the shooter says he was with a group of people hunting for Bigfoot and when he heard a noise, he shot what he thought was a Bigfoot, but it turned out to be one of the Bigfoot hunters. The "Bigfoot" is in stable condition at a hospital. The shooter, a Mr. Pineda, is charged with reckless conduct with a firearm. Also, Mr. Pineda, as well as his girlfriend, are charged with obstructing an officer. A Mr. Perry is charged with throwing the shooter's gun into a lake. All this happened in Catoosa, Oklahoma.
  Happy Trails.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What's Better In The News? For People Who Want A Positive Perspective

What's Better With Health Care And The Republicans? What's Better is that the timid Republicans are actually considering some health care reforms. Note that they are "considering." They are afraid that if they come out with any proposals, Obama and the media will tear them apart. Then why not resign or join the Democrat Party? As Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker wrote in his Wall Street Journal op-ed, " too many people in politics spend their time trying not to lose instead of trying to do the right thing." This is like a soldier who goes into a battle and does whatever is necessary to survive instead of trying to help win the battle. We would not call such a soldier patriotic. Our Republican representatives who don't try but just quail and hunker down can't be called patriots either. They are weak and selfish opportunists who want the power and prestige but no risk. If they won't change, I say vote 'em out.
  What's Better For Women in India? What's better is an ad that is becoming a sensation in India. The ad depicts a woman with a six or seven year old daughter. The two of them are happily talking with the mother's groom right before the wedding ceremony. This ad is ambiguous but however it is interpreted, it is all wrong in much of backward India. First, if the woman is getting married for the first time, she has a child from premarital sex, a no-no in India. If she is getting married for the second time, that's wrong too. Second marriages are another no-no. The chief of the conservative Hindu organization Swayamsevak Sangh has said that the ad is in bad taste. The ad was paid for by a big jewelry concern in an attempt to get people to think about their values.
  What's Better With Wild Monk Parakeets In Britain? There are 55 to 87 (gasp!) wild monk parakeets in Britain, and the central government is taking them and themselves very seriously. It is up in arms to eradicate the tropical birds whom they consider a menace to fruit crops and public safety. Apparently, the birds do make a din screeching. But the parakeet trappings and killings are being sabotaged by bird lovers who warn the parakeets away from approaching hostile forces. They also hit the government with freedom of information requests about what happens to the little, colorful birds after they are taken into custody. This is embarrassing to the government which has to admit that numbers of them "die" in government care. A charitable organization, Animal Aid, is also trying to protect the birds. Florida has colonies of wild monk parakeets and infinitely greater fruit crops than Britain, yet it hasn't gone into a killing frenzy.
  These commentaries are based upon news stories from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
  Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, William and Mary, Class of '68

Monday, November 25, 2013

What's Better In The News: For People Who Want Honesty And Choices, Not Deception And Orders

  What's Better With Slavery? What's better is that three women just escaped slavery in England. One woman had been a slave for 30 years, a record number of years, as far as is publicly known, for Britain. The women had some privileges and responded to Freedom Charity's TV documentary about forced marriages. They called the given hotline number, discussed their situation, and the London Metropolitan Police, also known as Scotland Yard, was notified.
  What's Better With The "Scottsboro Boys?" The Alabama Parole Board has given posthumous pardons to three of the black teenagers- who became known as the "Scottsboro Boys"- falsely accused of raping two white female teenagers on a train. Eight of nine were tried, convicted, and sentenced to death within a couple of weeks. "Justice" was swift. Twice the case went to the Supreme Court resulting in reforms that protected blacks. None of the eight were killed, but they did spend time in prison until they were either paroled, pardoned, or freed. The psychological trauma must have been tremendous. This happened in the early 20th Century, and all nine have died.
  What's Better With Women and The Marines? Three women became the first to graduate from the Marine Infantry Course. They completed almost three months of training that included carrying an 80 lb. pack almost thirteen miles, and met all the same standards as men. There are some 40 other women in stack to follow these three very strong women. At this point women will still not serve in combat except for the women fighter pilots in the Marines. But the policy is being reviewed. 
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, William and Mary, Class of '68

Friday, November 22, 2013

What's Beter In The News: For People Who Want Honesty And Choices, Not Deception And Orders

  What's Better With The French President? Israel gave French President Hollande a hero's welcome when he arrived in Tel Aviv. This is an indication that Israel believes France is going to stand strong on not selling out the world by a toothless nuclear agreement with Iran. The Obama administration is pushing such a deal. Why? Besides the fact that Obama is pro-Muslim, he also has an unfounded belief in the ability of discussions, negotiations, treaties, and the United Nations to keep peace.
  What's Better With Islamic Martyrdom? What's better is that the Pakistani
Government is insisting that its soldiers are martyrs when they are killed fighting terrorists. This is contrary to what the leader of Pakistan's islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islami, contends. This has opened a debate in Pakistan about what is martyrdom. Any discussion that is rational and honest will only weaken Islamofascism.
  What's Better In Understanding The 2008 Financial Meltdown? This has emerged after the government's huge shakedown of J.P. Morgan: The settlement began its long process when Justice Department officials discovered that in 2006 J.P. Morgan executives had decided at a meeting to continue selling dubious, now notorious, mortgage securities in spite of warnings that should have stopped them (of course, hindsight is always
perfect). Most of these mortgages would never have been made by banks if the banks were not under extreme pressure by the federal government to make them. The government wanted everyone to be a homeowner. The ability of home buyers to pay their mortgages was not even a consideration.  In fact,the government insanely said those considerations were indications of discrimination. The feds demanded financial recklessness by the banks, the banks kowtowed and adopted the same corruption and recklessness in making, for a while, huge commissions selling these soon-to-be almost worthless mortgages in bundles called mortgage securities.Then people discovered they couldn't pay their mortgages, and the house of cards fell.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, William and Mary, Class of '68.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What's Better In The News: For People Who Want Honesty and Choices Not Deception And Orders

What's Better With Books? A new book, "Magnificent Delusions," by Hussan Haqqani backs up a common belief among thinking people that the treasure chest of intelligence found at Osama bin Laden's home in Abbottabad, Pakistan proved that the Pakistani government knew that Osama was living in Abbottabad. Since the Navy Seals found this information and bagged it for U.S. intelligence, it should mean that Obama knows it, though Obama is very adept at saying he wasn't in the loop for things that go wrong. If Obama does know about it, then he hasn't told the American people about it. Besides being generally pro-Muslim, there is probably another reason for it: He didn't want Americans demanding reprisals against the Pakistani government for hiding Osama. That concern has validity for the U.S. does not want to completely alienate all of the Pakistani. We still have deep friendships with officers we have trained and trained with. These are probably proving invaluable to us, and we see that the military is reacting negatively and strongly to Islamofascist dictates that Pakistani army soldiers killed fighting terrorists are not engaged in jihad and therefore not automatically going to heaven and enjoying the company of virgins and other deeply spiritual events. It seems an insult to the intelligence and maturity of We, the People if Obama decided he could not tell us about the Pakistani sheltering Osama for fear we would demand drastic reprisals. If Obama can be nuanced, there's no reason we can't be too.
  What's Better With Ethanol? That there isn't going to be more we have to put into our vehicles, at least for now. The Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) is finally lowering the federal dicktat about how much Ethanol has to be put into America's gas tank. Technically, it is only negation of an increase in Ethanol which was about to happen. The increase was going to be 16 percent, but that increase has been halted, and the standard of 10% of the fuel put into your gas tanks being Ethanol remains. This is a small victory over the Levanthian. The EPA is responding - a little- to the realization that raising corn for Ethanol puts more CO2 into the air than simply not using Ethanol. However, Ethanol has been getting federal subsidies for 35 years, and industries have grown up on those subsidies. These organizations and the people they buy are not going to give up ethanol use and more importantly, ethanol subsidies easily.
Peter Nickerson, Philosopher, William and Mary, Class of '68

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What's Better In The News: For People Who Want Honesty and Choices Not Deception And Orders

What's Better With JFK and the Internet? What's better is that the Internet with its treasure trove of information is helping to show that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a conservative. He was for limited government through cutting taxes and was profoundly anti-communist. In 1963 his main objective as president was to get Congress to cut the marginal tax rates. This was done by law after his death and resulted in American enjoying years of strong economic growth. The Internet exposed the fact that both Ted Sorenson and Arthur Schlesinger, two of JFK's advisers, wrote books that - deliberately, it appears- reversed the dates of two of JFK's speeches to make it appear that he was moving to the left.
  Using a linked profile of an archives collector, this quote in 1947 from Representative John Kennedy was found: " The Allis-Chambers strike was a commie strike." Sounds like the remark of a visceral anti-communist. In addition, JFK was dedicated to removing the communist Premier Fidel Castro from power in Cuba, and his brother, Bobbie, called the CIA almost daily to ask what the CIA had done about it. Castro was so concerned about efforts toward his demise that he issued a statement that the leaders of foreign powers could be targeted by Cuba if they were trying to kill him.
  This commentary was based upon news from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper. Peter Nickerson, Philosopher. Class of 1968, William and Mary, 352-359-0850

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What's Better In The News: For People Who Want Honesty and Choices, Not Deception and Orders

What's Better For Books? A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit begun in 2005 to stop Google from copying books and thus allowing worldwide access to them, though the books will only be viewable in limited parts.
  What's Better With France? What's better is that the French showed courage when they exploded the silly agreement the Obama administration wanted with Iran over Iran's nuclear development. The agreement would have amounted to accepting unaccountable promises by Iran essentially to go slower on their nuclear programs. The deal died when the French Foreign Minister Laudent Fabius rightly called it a "sucker's deal."
  What's Better With ObamaCare? What's better is that the Wall Street Journal's editorial page has offered a better alternative which is a flat tax benefit for health insurance coverage for all Americans. This tax refund would give Americans the money to buy, as consumers, the kind of health insurance the particular individual or family wanted. For low income people and those with pre-existing medical conditions subsidies to their accounts would be necessary. Now such an idea needs to be worked into a bill with a sponsor.
  This commentary was based upon items found in the Wall Street Journal,
America's most trustworthy major newspaper. Peter Nickerson, Philosopher, College of William and Mary, Class of 1968. Trying to do the best with the little God gave me. 352-359-0850

Monday, November 18, 2013

What's Better In The News For People Who Want Honesty And Choices, Not Deception and Orders

What's Better With Drones? A drone killed the leader of the Pakistan Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud, in the North Pakistan tribal areas. His insurgents are closely related to Al Qaeda. This drone attack marked only the 23rd such attack in Pakistan this year. Drones are being used much more infrequently.  Drones are safer for Americans and can be launched much quicker than the Navy Seals and other special operators, but drones do kill innocents and destroy property. Special operators can sometimes bring out the wanted person alive along with all his intelligence records and minimize death of innocents and destruction of precious buildings. Drone kills make a lot of enemies, but even Navy Seals find some situations too dangerous for a raid.
What's Better With Ford Motors?
  India's Tata Motors has created a new car for first time car owners that costs as little as $2,000. But it's barely selling. The car was introduced as merely a step-up from a motorcycle or scooter. This was hardly exciting and not very respectful to potential buyers. Also, the car was tall, looked tippy, and had no premium features, such as chrome. Now Ford has stepped into the picture with a "Ka." This is not an automobile for New Englanders but for the same poor people all over the world whom Tata was targeting. The difference is that Ford is not only selling an inexpensive car but self-respect which is something that poor people particularly want. Ford is doing this by not advertising that its car is only a step above a motorcycle. Ford has build the Ka so that it is not tall and tippy looking but wide and low. The Ka has chrome and exudes a premium look. Its owners can feel proud of their first car and give their motorbike a rest. Let me say that Americans are proud that people all over the world are finally able to buy a car. America is all about freedom and prosperity for everyone. I know that message gets lost
all too frequently.
Peter Nickerson, Philosopher, William and Mary, Class Of 1968

Friday, November 15, 2013

What's Better In The News For People Who Want Honesty And Choices Not Deception And Orders

What's Better With ObamaCare? What's better is that it has come out that policy writers for ObamaCare were against Obama making the sales pitch - and lie- that Americans would be able to keep their insurance. They were over-ruled by Obama's political aides. At least, someone ostensibly in the Democratic Party wanted Obama to be honest to we, the people.
  What's Better With Governor Chris Christie? Two Republican politicians openly share about the same values, but one, Ken Cuccinelli of Virginia gets defeated while Chris Christie, in the solidly blue state of New Jersey, gets a very surprising 60 percent of the vote. What made the difference? The wimp factor. Gubernatorial candidate Cuccinnelli wilted at Terry McAuliff's attacks, failing to appreciate that McAuliff's hard barks were to hide his  own vulnerabilities such as supporting partial-birth abortions all the way to the time of natural birth. McAuliff was no way the "centrist" he claimed to be nor did Cuccinelli deserve the "extremist" label that McAuliff dogged him with. But for some reason, Cuccinelli, the Republican, behaved like a whipped dog and wouldn't get into the fight. Up in New Jersey, Christie, for the most part, fought back though he didn't appeal the court's decision not to allow the garden state to ban gay marriages. He also tried to keep the focus on being able to grow jobs better than his Democrat contender.  That is an assertion Independents all over America support by a wide margin. This will be the winning claim- as it is already widely accepted- for the Republican presidential nominee in 2016. With that promise and fact, he can beat Hysterical Hillary who will be demagoguing the Republicans' "War Against Women." I mean, really what difference does it make if we find out who withheld military assistance to the beleagured men at Benghazi? Maybe she or he will do it again somewhere else.
  What's Better With The Senate? It voted for laws forbidding discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBTs) at work. The GOP in the House is expected to sink this bill though. However, the Log Cabin Republicans (LGBTs) claim at least 87 House Republicans are sympathetic to the bill. Government employment should be based upon performance not sexual preferences and identities. However, private property businesses are morally free, though not legally free, to be biased. It's their property, not the public's.
This commentary was based on news found in the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper. Peter Nickerson, Philosopher, William and Mary, Class of 1968, 352-359-0850.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

What's Better In The News For People Who Want Honesty and Choices Not Deception and Orders

What's Better With Ice-Cream: It is getting richer, with more complex tastes, less calories, but more expensive, of course. I am talking about gelato, first introduced by Hagen-Dazs in 1988 but proving to be a flop as presented. Gelato is the Italian version of ice-cream. It is made with milk rather than cream, thus having 30 to 40 percent less fat. But it is thicker and smoother and may cost up to 50 percent more than regular ice-cream. Hagen-Dazs has rolled out gelato again in early 2013 with a better advertising plan and 7 new flavors.
  What's Better With Barbie: A new violin playing Barbie is being introduced in Japan by Mattel in hopes that her violin will emphasize learning and performance and pass the scrutiny of Chinese tiger moms. To sweeten the deal, Violin Barbies cost only $13 in China while most international models go for around $30.
  What's Better For The GOP: It got a huge number of polled independent voters on the basis of being good for the economy. Remember this when I talk about Governor Chris Christie's re-election. This important fact was found in a mid-October Pew Research Poll amid all the negatives the GOP was getting for its little stunt in shutting down the royalty - I mean the federal government. The margin of independents who like how Republicans grow the economy was a king-size 46 to 30 percent.
  This information comes from the Wall Street Journal.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Restricted Calls

 A group of possibly five people are planning to get together. The rest of them have been having occasional meetings for years, and I have never attended. This year the meeting will be near me so I can go. There are some people I haven't seen for over thirty years. But there is a problem. Restricted has become increasingly critical of another member, Free Spirit. It began with Restricted complaining that Free Spirit wasn't so free financially to finally evolving over the years to predicting  that Free Spirit is going to shake down several of the group members for their last penny at the forthcoming meeting. Curiously, it is Restricted who has married Mr. Big Bucks so one wonders if this is projection within an obsessive personality. At any rate, Free Spirit will not attend if Restricted is there. She has tried to argue rationally with Restricted but her throat shuts down due to tension, and she can't get the words out. For months after the meetings, she suffers physical problems such as burping.
  I am still getting restricted calls, and no one says anything. I called Restricted, and she doesn't answer so I left a message saying she is not invited to our get-together. Technically, I can't do that. What I should have said is that if she is there, Free Spirit, another member who is sick of the verbal abuse Free Spirit gets, and I will not be there. On the message machine, I also told her she could work on establishing a positive relationship with Free Spirit, and we'd have another meeting in a year or so. I was not going to answer any more restricted calls as no one was saying anything, but Free Spirit has asked me to keep answering the calls. If they are from Restricted, maybe she will tell me if she is going to stay away from the get-together this year or not. I am not going to call Restricted as I don't like my calls piling up with no record of her calling me as she uses the restricted service. You have to be careful. I hope this can be worked out, but there is a very long, bad history. History is the best indicator of the future. It will be a shame because Free Spirit is an unorthodox soul who graduated summa cum laude while Restricted is an equally intelligent woman who believes God micro-manages her life (but apparently not Free Spirit's).  Both have energetic, colorful personalities, and had once loved each other deeply with no condemnation. Peter "Nick" Nickerson, MS, MSW North Florida

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Florida Woman Reports Bigfoot Sighting

I have received a Bigfoot sighting from Geneva, Florida. The young lady said her boyfriend wanted her to contact someone, and she found my blog. Thank you. She said she went camping with a group last March or April in Geneva going only a quarter of a mile into the woods, and the next morning they saw a Bigfoot about six and a half to seven feet tall speed-walk by. He had little eyes and large pupils. She was not scared because she thought it was someone in a gorilla suit, but her friends were scared. That area has the Wekiwa springs, run, river, and swamp. It may be a hot spot as the area is not huge and is locked in by housing. She described the Bigfoot as brownish-black. An adult Bigfoot only seven feet tall could be an indication that he's not getting enough food, and therefore it would be particularly fruitful to hang tab top cans of food and beverages by wires to gift trees(look at prior postings for my simple invention of using cans). When he finally hits your cans, keep resupplying them as soon as possible, and he may eventually show himself to you. Or you can take the chance of alienating him by putting up a trail camera at the cans. Reconyx is the only brand I've heard about that supposedly will not frighten him away with  noise or light. Bigfoot do not like trail cameras or big, aggressive dogs. Please call me with your or your friends's sightings. We've got to get the wild people recognized while there's still land for them. It's going fast, and illegal immigration is a big reason. I also think the life expectancy of a human in an ape suit in Florida might be shorter than a second lieutenant's during the Vietnam War. Peter "Nick" Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850 Florida

Friday, July 5, 2013


What's Better In The News?

*What's Better With Benghazi?
What's better with Benghazi is that we shouldn't accept the government's assertion that there were no reinforcements available. This is a lie as an in-country Navy Seal contingent was told to stand down instead of going to Benghazi. I have long said that a jet could have aided the Benghazi defenders. Yesterday, I found in Howard Wasdin's "Seal Team Six" that during the Battle of Mogadishu, Somalia, Seal Wasdin radioed a jet for help as the Ranger convoy he was in had become virtually a sitting duck for Warlord Adid's fighters as the convoy lost its direction repeatedly. The jet pilot said that he was "Winchester" meaning he was out of bombs and missiles. He came back on the radio to say he did have flares and would try to use them. So he came almost on deck to shoot out flares and generally intimidate the fighters. This proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back, and the insurgents broke the attack for a few precious moments. Wasdin was wounded severely, but was still driving the Humvee with one hand and shooting his CAR-15 rifle and then pistols with his other hand. Later in the battle, he called for help from a heliocopter. The pilot said he was Winchester too, but bravely attacked the insurgents with the skids of his heliocopter. Each time an insurgent raised his AK-47 to shoot the heliocopter, Wasdin and his men used that opportunity to cut the insurgent down.
  These were men, not Panetta or Dempsey who did nothing, and certainly not Obama, the Commander-In-Chief, who went to bed while his own beseiged men were fighting for their lives and who refused to send them any help. What kind of person can go to sleep when that is happening? Only a very cold, ruthless person, and we the people should be especially troubled to have such a person as our president. Is there any question whether he's in it for us or himself?
*What's Better With The Immigration Question?
    What's better with the immigration question is that conservatives should reframe the question by asking why we are thinking about passively accepting as citizens possibly as many as 30 million desperately poor people who will be a drain on our welfare resources, our forests and our wildlife. In addition, each person can bring in maybe four others? Instead, conservatives should be actively trying to help these people in their own countries so they can have the economic freedom to open businesses or work for businesses and prosper. Conservatives can do that themselves by forming groups that will make small business loans to Mexicans and other immigrant-prone countries in the Americas. They can vote for conservatives who are, by history, supporters of a free economy. We can get a Washington, D.C, that will support and push for free economies in all countries. This is especially important for the Christians who want to love, love, love, but don't know they should also be doing the most loving thing. The most loving thing to do is not to support flooding with impoverished, unskilled immigrants a country that is already economically broken but supporting immigrants as I have discussed in their own countries.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What's Better In The News?

*What's Better With Racial Discrimination and Paula Dean?
 What's better with racial discrimination and Paul Dean is that the race-baiting Demonic-crats could do no better in finding racial discrimination and slurs in America than going back thirty years to what Paula Dean said then. Hooo-wheee! Aren't we up-to-date? They couldn't do any better than that? Well, that's wonderful, isn't it? Did you hear any of these weak hypocrites go on the war path when one of their own, Senator Byrd of West Virginia, was discovered to have been an officer in the Klu Klux Klan?
*There is enough shale oil in California- mainly in the Monterey Shale Field- to rival Saudi Arabia in the production of oil. The main obstacle to development is Obama's father's wish and Fred Davis's wish that America should suffer for its "colonialism." The wishes are being actualized by Barack Obama.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850  Sources: Wall Street Journal, talk show hosts, and general reading.

Why Do You Think God Would Choose You?

Intellectually, it intrigues me when we pray that God will provide us some favor. This idea is particularly strong with my friend Quaker who believes God is directing her life on a  micro-basis. For instance, a house sale seems to fall apart; that was God's will. But the next day, the loan resurrects itself, and the sale goes through. That was God's will too. If everything is God's will than what is the point of living? Let God live his own life instead of doing it through me. Life is too painful to be allowed proxies. Also, isn't it intellectually fatuous to think that God is going to grant me some favor when new-born babies are dieing of disease and starvation?  They have done nothing wrong. They are sinless. I asked this question of my Quaker friend, and she replied like this: "You don't know how those babies would have grown up to become. They might have been murders or other great sinners."
  My response was, " Shouldn't God make that clear why he is allowing babies to die? Doesn't he want us to know that he is a just God?"
  Quaker had no response for this, and now we get into the covert and emotional reasons for religion with this fact: For years, Quaker has been calling me using "Restricted." I have asked her why she does this, and got a sideways "answer" that was no answer. Just today, I was told that the "Restricted" service costs money. If that's true, the plot thickens. In the past week, I have received three calls from "Restricted." I've answered two of them, and there was no response on the other end. Were these calls from Quaker? I ask that when every "Restricted" call I have received has been from Quaker?  After the second call, I left a message at her number asking her to call me again. The next day "Restricted" called but there was only silence on the phone.But Quaker is a deeply religious person. Not only does she believe God is micro-managing her life, but she spends two hours in the morning on devotionals. What the hell is going on? Is she really that messed up and why? And why would she call and not say anything? It's such a waste of time. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Should God Just Love?

When I brought up the issue of Jesus killing Jezebel and her children, the Quaker friend asked, " What is God all about anyway? Just to love, love, love?"
  This is a strange defense for killing a jezebel and her children. After observing that, I would like to answer now that I've had time to think, that the Most Loving Principle answers what God and anyone else should do. Here I am, telling what God should be doing! I'm sorry but I am a child of God, and he didn't give me a brain for nothing. That principle is that you do the most loving thing in every situation. Certainly, there are many things you can do besides passively loving everything someone does or killing the sucker! Instead of Jesus killing Jezebel, how about giving her a conscience that had higher values than the one she had?
  Readers, I've had comments from the Quaker friend that I am "confused" and from the Methodist minister that "some of my arguements are weak," but those comments are useless and ad hominem until you tell me how I am confused and weak. If you won't do that, I have no respect for you. Sorry, but that's the most loving thing that should be done to you. You don't call me names and walk away without consequences. To be fair, the Methodist minister said he'd tell me how my arguements were weak.  I'm listening. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850  North of Gainesville, Florida 

What's Better In The News?

*What's Better With A Stoned Fox?
    The icon of a stoned fox is being inserted into pictures, advertisments, and paintings in Russia as a way to mock the authoritarian government of Putin's.
* What's Better With Freedom in Colorado?
  What's better is that measures to oust Senator John Morse (Demonic-crat) who was responsible for the gun control package being passed this year in Colorado have jumped a major hurdle. However, the Demonic-crats may head the issue to the courts which is one of their tactics when they want to go against what we the people want.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850  North of Gainesville, Florida  Sources: Wall Street Journal

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What's Better In The News?

* What's Better With Government Testing Drugs?
What's better with the government testing drugs is that Massachusetts now supplies another example that the results are not always true. This is important to we the people who go against prosecutors with almost unlimited staff and money, especially compared to what we the people have. State drug chemist Anne Dookhan has been arrested for making up drug results. The reason why she may have been arrested has been her cozy relationship with prosecutors. It was obvious from her communications that she wanted to be one of the good ole boys with the prosecutors and to be considered one of their team instead of an independent professional. Her affiliation needs apparently doomed her.
This problem has been going on a long time with the most recent big story coming out of Texas. What is needed is closer checking of the credentials of these chemists plus more oversight. I'd humbly suggest having the supervisor also sign off on any written finding by a state chemist. People who cannot afford to pay for independent testing or have a judge who won't allow them to, should be able to depend upon the accuracy of testing done from government chemists. After all, we the people pay for their fine salaries, their offices, their benefits, and their over the top retirements.
* What's Better With Student Loans?
  What's better with student loans is that the government is now trying to find out people who go from college to college using government loans and repeatedly flunking out, leading to the conclusion that they don't want to be get a degree and don't want to get a job either.  The government is beginning by looking at students with multiple admissions to colleges, especially open admission ones like community colleges and Internet colleges. The number so far is small, only about 1 per cent of college borrowers are academically doomed and are just going from one college to another. The article didn't state what the enforcement criteria would be such as how many attempts the student would be given before he was denied federal aid. However, if there is a reasonable number set with an appeal process and a reinstatement process later where the student can demonstrate a better attitude or freedom from a personal problems like alcoholism, this would be a good boundary to set. Throwing good money after bad should be stopped for the student's sake as well as the sake of we the people who make that loan money available. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What's Better In The News?

* What's Better With The Immigration Bill?
   What's better with the immigratioln bill is that Michele Bachmann on the Sean Hannity Radio Show today has joined other conservatives by urging Americans to melt the phone lines to the House of Representatives. You should call your representative and tell him not to vote for any immigration bill because it has already been decided that if the the Senate and House immigration bills go to conference, a very liberal immigration bill will result and then be passed.
*What's Better With An Aids Vaccine?
  What's better with an AIDS vaccine is that now if AIDS drugs are taken properly, they are 74 per cent effective in preventing an HIV infection. This drug regimen will next be offered through four demonstration projects at  four health centers. Those who will be treated at that time will be those most vulnerable to contacting AIDS such as prostitutes, needle-addicts, gays, and bisexuals. These drugs are very expensive wth significant side effects, but 74 per cent effectiveness is very heartening.
* What's Better With South Africa?
  What's better with South Africa is that an African country is actually offering a welfare program to the 15 million poorest South Africans. There is some doubt by South Africans themselves that the population will be able to support such a program, but it is a beginning. Now if more African countries could become more business friendly, they too would become more prosperous and be able to give the poorest some degree of protection.

Monday, June 24, 2013

How To Re-Stock Your Hanging Cans For Bigfoot

When you have a Bigfoot hit your hanging cans of food and drink (which I have discussed the particulars of in previous postings), I suggest that you try to announce to Bigfoot that you have re-stocked his cans of food and drink. If you are a hunter, you may know that deer and wild hogs will learn to listen for the corn feeders in their territory to go off ( begin spreading the corn at set times) and will know that means dinnertime  and will go to the feeders. This response becomes so solid that there has been a hunting gadget made to simulate the sound of a feeder going off to attract deer and wild hogs. This should also work for an animal so much more intelligent than hogs and deer that he hunts them, meaning Bigfoot. Therefore, I suggest you bring something that will make a noise that will carry a long distance, such as a whistle, hunting horn, bugle, aersol boat horn, or whatever you can think of. If you drive to your hanging cans, use your truck's horn. I also suggest that you use your own code, like three longs, each time so Bigfoot will know what the noise signifies and precisely what gift tree it comes from. If my invention of the hanging cans of food and drink for Bigfoot works, there are going to be an increasing number of groups of cans in Bigfoot woods. Eventually, Bigfoot will come to vehicles with cans displayed on the roof of the cars or trucks just as Black Bear come for food from the tourists parked on the sides of roads in the Smoky Mountains. It remains to be seen if that will be a safe practice with Bigfoot.   I do not want to ignore the possible danger of Bigfoot. Bauman's partner was killed by one, Man Mountain in Okeefenokee Swamp supposedly killed about five men, there's a old newspaper account of one killing a horseman in a group of hunters who were trying to catch the Bigfoot alive, and there are also stories of hunters and trappers in the Northwest being found in their sleeping bags with their heads torn off. I am certain there are other killings too including disappearances in national forests that David Paulides has writtten two books about. If I were going into Bigfoot land, I'd want to carry an elephant gun like Peter Capstick's favorite, the .416 Rigby. I'd also want to carry a .45 semi-automatic for two possible purposes: 1. to fire a warning shot or two at Bigfoot to stop his advance ( the elephant has learned to respnd to this). 2. If you have to shoot Bigfoot, it had better be first with the two shots from your elephant gun. If that does not stop him, then use your .45 for about two chest shots, and then save the rest until he is so close you can't miss the area at his nose and above - the brain. If you are sensitive to others possibly laughing at you, then carry a bear gun like the .338 or the .375 magnum. The latter is also used for lion which have tremendous musculature and nine lives. But if you are interested in Bigfoot, then you don't care what people think, so carry an elephant gun and a .45 pistol. Obviously, you are going to need plenty of practice with your guns as Bigfoot is inhumanly fast. Let the idiots laugh while they can. It won't be long before Bigfoot's existence is aknowledged by the mainstream, and everyone is trying to drive to the nearest big park or national forest to give him cans of food or drink. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850 North of Gainesville, Florida

Sunday, June 23, 2013

What's Better In The News?

What's Better With Bigfoot?
  To answer this, I will turn it over to the intrepid philosopher-adventurer Two-Guns (aka Pete Nickerson): I have been using Google to see if anyone is publishing about this idea, and have seen no mention of hanging cans of food for Bigfoot so I may have been the first to invent the idea. I am not keeping it to myself because I have no nearby Bigfoot woods to hang my cans. I have hanged a can of Coke out in an area where I have collected three Bigfoot sightings, but they were about thirty years ago. Florida has changed drastically since then.
  I read two stories about Bigfoot that influenced my inventing this food  and liquid source. First, I read that the captured and domesticated Bigfoot Zana in Georgia, Russia in the late 1800s dearly loved copious amounts of wine. After she drank it, she would arrange her bed and then peacefully sleep off the intoxication. This would take hours. I next read of a Kentucky hunter with his muzzle-loader who was charged by a mother Bigfoot. She had about a three-quarters grown cub with her. The hunter must have been both kind and courageous as he fired his only shot in front of her instead of going for a head shot. The shot turned her, and the hunter wasted no time abandoning his stand. When he came back to it, he found his pack rifled, his food eaten, and his cans of Coke broken against rocks presumably done so the Bigfoot could drink the contents. 
  These two events led me to eventually using #17 gauge electric fence wire to hang cans of food and drink with tabs for Bigfoot. You simply pass one end of the wire under the tab being careful not to crack the can so that the contents are pristine and will last almost indefinitely. Then you pass the same end of the wire through the hole in the tab and twist it back on itself several times to secure it. Take the other end of the wire and wrap it around a stout branch or limb once or twice and then twist it around itself, making several twists to secure it to the branch. Have less than a foot of wire from the branch to the can. I believe Bigfoot will need about four cans to figure out how to pull the tab top open and not spill most of the food or drink.
  There are numerous things available in cans, and they seem to be increasing. Since Zana loved wine, I'd go for that if it is available and you can afford it. There is also beer, Vienna sausages, beef stew, chili, a variety of Progresso stews, and as mentioned, dog food and soft drinks.
  You must check your hanging cans regularly to re-stock as soon as possible after Bigfoot hits them. You want to build up a habit for him just as is done at feeding stations for deer, wild hogs, bear, and other game. If he gets into a habit, you have an excellent chance of coming onto him or him showing himself to you as he is going to be very curious about who is feeding him. Then I hope you get the million dollar video.
  It is imperative that Bigfoot be recognized as existing not only because of the threat of immigration taking all our undeveloped land but also because there is talk of the local, state, and federal governments selling their parks and forests. The Love Principle of doing the most loving thing (for Bigfoot) dictates that I make this method available to you. It would be great to hear from you.  Two-Guns   352-359-0850  North of Gainesville, Florida

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wire For Bigfoot Cans

I had two spools of #17 electric fence wire in the garage and used that to run through tabs of dog food without cracking open the can, twisting the wire together and then looping the other end around a stout branch and twisting that end together. It worked perfectly. I tried several angles and all went well. I would hang at least four of these together so Bigfoot will get the idea of how to use it without spilling the contents as he will probably be lifting the cans initially which means at least some of the contents will fall out. Since Zana, the domesticated Bigfoot in Georgia, Russia, dearly loved her wine, I'd start with what you know has worked if you can afford wine, and if it's available in cans. Other items are coke, beefstew, beer, and dog food.  If you don't believe Bigfoot exists, let's talk. 352-359-0850
Pete Nickerson, MS, MSW  Self-appointed First Social Worker for the Bigfoot Nation

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Now Jesus "Only" Kills Children Metaphorically

  About a month ago, I wrote about hearing a short sermon at payer meeting by a First Baptist minister on Revelations, Chapter 2. The preacher pointed out that Jesus said he would kill Jezebel and her children. I commented that I was disappointed that Jesus would kill children for something the mother did. A brain surgeon's wife then asked twice who I thought I was to question Jesus. I also asked if there was another interpretation to this, and the minister replied that there was but he wasn't going to get into it. Later in his sermonette, he said, "You know the old saying that the fruit doesn't fall from the tree. That may be a reason for the killing the children."  I shooked my head no while being painfully aware that others were nodding in agreement.
  After blogging about that, I arranged to talk to a Methodist minister over the phone. By then a friend who is a Friend (Quaker)  had told me that the passage was a metaphor not a threat to a specific Jezebell and her children. When I talked to the Methodist minister, I told him what the lady who belongs to the Friends had said about the metaphor, and he agreed completely with her. Still why would you metaphorically kill the metaphoric children of a metaphoric Jezebel? The Methodist minister added that you can find God killing children in the Old Testament. So how does that make him a just God? If he had reasons to kill children, as unlikely as that seems, why didn't he tell humans the reasons so we could worship a just God? On what basis should we worship an unjust God? Because we're cowards and fear his wrath? Now that's a reason to be proud of ! Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW
Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Correction To Hanging Cans For Bigfoot

The correction is that ribbons, at least the one I used, are not strong enough to pull a tab on a top off. I used the blaze-organge kind hunters buy to mark their trails and other things. I have several spools of wire at home and will try these. But I wanted to give you this correction. Don't want you getting miles back into the woods with the wrong thing.
  Also,  if anyone had a bad experience seeing a Bigfoot, please feel free to call me. I have a master's in social work and have spent my life counseling people. You can remain anonymous. Talking helps.
  Also, if you don't believe Bigfoot exists and either want to vent your frustration against people who believe he does, or you want to hear why we Bigfooters believe he does, please feel free to call me.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Bigfoot's First Social Worker, Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I've Thought Of A Way to Attract Bigfoot

First, I am offering this because I cannot do it. It requires land that Bigfoot is found in where you can go and check your feeding station or gift tree regularly.I don't have that. I got my idea from reading recently that Zana, the bigfoot from Georgia, Russia, dearly loved wine. I also got my idea from another recent reading of a hunter in Kentucky who got charged by a mother Bigfoot and had to fire his front-loader into the ground in front of her to stop the charge.He quickly left his stand, but when he returned some time later, he found that the Bigfoot had gone through his pack, opened his cans of Coke on some rocks, and presumably drank what she could get.
  This led to my idea which is to get four to six cans with tab tops. I think Bigfoot will get the idea how to open a tab top in about four tries. According to Albert Ostman's accounting, Bigfoot is very curious and careful examining human artifacts. Run a ribbon under the tab without cracking the top of the can. This means that the can has not been opened, and the contents are pristine. You can choose coke, or other soda - remember that caffeine is mildly addictive so I'd use that- beer, dog food, soup, and beef stew. If you can afford beer, use that.  Anything with a tab top. Run that ribbon under the tab and through the hole and tie it in a knot. Then tie the other end of the ribbon to a stout limb so if Bigfoot pulls the can, the ribbon can pop the tab. He should be smart enough to figure out how pop a tab in four to six tries. Use a brightly colored ribbon, hang your cans, and give it some time.
  If you get a Bigfoot hitting your tree, you need to replenish your supply of cans right away or risk him moving on. If he starts hitting your tree or station regularly, you have a good chance of him showing himself to you as they are very curious about humans. Then you get your million dollar video. I think it is imperative that Bigfoot be discovered before Obama and the idiot Republicans involved give away all the wild land in America to the Mexicans and anyone else who wants to come here. The Bigfoot may not have any more luck with man than the Indians did, but this will give them a chance if they are officially recognized as existing.  I am sure that the money people don't want Bigfoot recognized any more than the black puma, but if we, the people, will just work at being better informed and not accepting the cliches made by the left and right, all creatures will have a better chance.
  If you or your team hunt Bigfoot at night by making a campfire and hoping to draw him in, these cans could possibly help you bring him in if you put them out on the perimeter of your campfire, well back into the woods. If he finds them, opens them, and likes them, he may come in closer to see if you have any more. Maybe he will tolerate a trail camera placed at the gift tree.
  I would greatly appreciate any feedback now or later when you've tried this idea. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850

Friday, June 14, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News?

*What's Better With The U.S. Hacking?
  Edward Snowden claims in a Hong Kong newspaper that the the NSA has done 61,000 global hackings with dozens of them in Hong Kong and Communist China. This has been going on since 2009. He claims that huge Internet routers enable the NSA to break into multiple computers without having to hack each one.
* What's Better With Depression?
  Finding the right antidepressant for depressed people is tricky with only half of the people who take the same antidepressant getting any relief from their depression. A study of the antidepressant Lexapro showed that patients who improved on it had a distinct pattern in the region of the brain called the insula. This was seen using the  positron emission technique (PET). Scientists are hopeful that they can build on this and use PET to show who should get what kind of antidepressant.
*What's Worse With al-Qaida's Weaponry?
  Al-Qaida has the SA-7 surface-to-air missile and probably plenty of them since piles of instruction manuals have been found in a captured al-Qaida stronghold in Mali. At least one SA-7 has been seized by the French Army, and photographers allowed to take pictures of it. It has a range of 1.4 miles so the French are now using planes instead of heliocopters to fly high fast.
  The SA-7 was developed by the Soviets in the sixties and is not much larger than a poster tube. They are heat-seeking missiles.
*What's Worse For Russian Gays?
   Russian continues clamping down on individual rights in that the Duma has just passed a nationwide law prohibiting the "promotion of homosexual propaganda." This mislabeled law means that holding gay events, speaking in defense of gays, or saying that gay relationships are equal to straight relationship are all promotions of homosexual propaganda." The bill mandates stiff fines and jail terms. Even if you are a Russian and don't like homosexuality, taking away the rights of homosexuals places the Soviet security goons one step closer to your door. Restricting the rights of homosexuals encourages the government to restrict your rights next.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850 Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh,  Morrison  (FM - 97.3, Gainesville, Florida), Dean, Savage, and reading widely.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

What's Better and What's Worse In The News

*What's Better In Peru?
  Peru is gowing its economy at the average rate of almost 7 per cent for the last five years while socialist Venezuela languishes at 2.1 per cent. Peru's president, Olllanta Humala, appears to be growing too. He came from a family that would discuss Marxist economics at the dinner table. His father led an outdated movement that proclaimed that only the descendants of Incas should run Peru. Mr. Humala showed his modernity by participating as a soldier in a military uprising to protest the corruption of President Fujimoro. The uprising stopped peacefully, and Mr. Humala was later pardoned by the government. The Peruvian president has gradually embraced business much to his father's horror. He has even gone to America to meet a group organized by J.P. Morgan to assure the group of his acceptance of a free market. Since then, he has been business friendly, and Peru's economy and people's standard of living have improved. Humala almost mis-stepped by purchasing a national share in a refinery, but walked back when business leaders objected, and his popularity declined. It was said that even the working classes in Peru were against any policies that would kill the goose - the free market- that laid the golden egg - money and more prosperity. Would that Americans understood the same.
*What's Worse With Obama's Spying?
  Of course our dear leader knows nothing about what is happening with the scandals in his adminisrtation. Of course, we're idiots, and he's so smart. Today, a caller to the Rush Limbaugh Show told Rush that he was developing a business that builds an exhaustive data bank on every individual in America. Every kind of information that is legally available is mined - credit ratings, foreclosures, legal involvement, even your friends mentioned on your facebook and other programs. This man plans to sell this data bank to people so that when they call your number, your complete dossier appears on their computer screen before you even answer the phone. This allows them to sift through all the information on you so that they can develop a personal hook to get your attention. Say you have a passion for fishing or golfing. They would use this to grab your attention and try to entwine themselves around you. This kind of information would be especially useful for salesmen and would make cold calls much warmer. Also, these data banks can be used at places receiving calls so that before the person answers your call, there is your complete dossier on his computer screen. He can decide from that how best to approach you or even if he wants to talk to you at all.
  The inventor of this program believes that all the data the NSA is collecting on us is not only being used as meta-data by the NSA but that the particulars are being gathered by Obama's minions to build an exhaustive data bank on every American citizen. This could include what party you support, how often you call political parties, and how much you contribute as just the tip of the iceberg. Obama will then give this information to Demonic-crats running for office whom he likes. This will make him a kingmaker much like Putin is with Medvedev and like Bill Clinton desires to be with his wife Hillary.
Peter Nickerson, MS,MSW Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Chip Morrison of FM.97, Gainesville, Dean, Savage, and reading widely.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News

*What's Better For George Bush?
  For the first time in five years, Bush's approval rate is greater than his disapproval rate, according to a Gallup poll. He was shown at 49 per cent approval. Contrast that with Obama's 47 per cent approval rate. We're making progress because an increasing number of Americans can see the misery they are living in caused by Obama's anti-business attitude. Please keep talking the pro-business attitude up. It's the only way to make money and have prosperity for the as many people as possible.
* What's Better With Tim Tebow?
  Tim Tebow is playing with the Patriots. Maybe if he plays more, the Christian-bashers will tire of having hysterics about his praying on the field. He looked good in practice yesterday and maybe running out of the pocket will eat up the time it takes him to throw the ball. Unfortunately, the camera did not show if he threw bullets or ducks and if his receivers were catching his passes. With his bulked-up body and his spirit, he should be an exceptionally durable quarterback if he's reasonably protected by his linemen. It's great to see him on the field again.
*What's Worse With Ticks?
  The Lone Star Tick, named for the white spot on the back of the female, can cause bitten humans to become allergic to meat in a process that may take six years or only a few hours. Besides man, white-tailed deer and turkeys are its natural hosts. The allergy seems to fade after several years if the person is not re-bitten. The University of Virginia is doing pioneer research having discovered the problem. Other species of ticks in other countries are also causing meat allergies. Since this is a new discovery, there is still some eye-rolling about it in the medical field so you may have to ask about it if you develop an allergy. Don't allow yourself to be patronized by Minor Deities (MDs).
*Knowledgeable Fact
  This should remind you of Barack Obama: When Lenin moved the capital of Russia from Petrograd to Moscow to make room for the occupation of Russian land by the Germans during World War I, he soon made a speech in Moscow, his new home. There was little to add to explaining his cession of Russian land to the Germans besides  "breathing space," "gaining time," and "gathering strength," so he again attacked Kerensky, Chernov, and other members of the dead Provisional Government. He even dredged up "Predator Napolean," the "Predator Alexander I," the "Predatory English Monarchy," and the Paris Commune. He was unmoved by the occasional shouts of "Lies!" page 186 "Lenin" by Dmitri Volkogonov.
 Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Morrison (FM 97.3 Gainesville), Dean, Savage, and reading widely.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News?

* It is disquieting to see representatives of we, the people, like John Boehner and  Peter King calling Edward Snowden a "traitor" and a
"defector" respectively, for revealing to we, the people, that the NSA was spying on us. Neither man should be so enthusiastic about the government spying on us.
  The furor over this surveillance surprises me as for years I have been reading and hearing about the Eschelon Program which  has centers in America, England, Germany, and Australia, and has computers that listen to every telephone and Internet conversation.These computers are programmed to flag key words. If these words are picked up in a conversation, an NSA employee is alerted to review the conversation and decides if it constitutes a terrorist threat.
  Much of the furor over Edward Snowden is because he is an easy target with a name in the midst of frustrating failures like Benghazi, the Boston bombings, and the IRS's illegal discrimination against conservative groups. Supposedly, there is no one to blame in these failures so Edward Snowden fills the void. It's a prmitive, emotional way of dealing with reality, but it fills the bill for too many people. Edward Snowden a traitor and defector for telling us that we are being spied upon by our government? Hardly. Besides, a lot of us know it's much worse than that. Say "Project Echelon."
*What's Worse With Immigration Reform and Marco Rubio?
   I've heard it from a caller on the Herman Cain Show and then from Chip Morrison (FM 97.3 Gainesville, Florida)  himself: Marco Rubio has just lied. He has repeatedly assured us that securing the border comes first. But when speaking in Spanish to an Hispanic group, he told it that comprehensive reform came first and then securing the borders. In other words, closing the chicken house doors after all the foxes are inside the chicken house. I am angry and disappointed that Rubio did an act of hypocrisy. I had hoped he was above that. Who will represent Conservative Republicans?
  Rubio is naieve about the immigration bill because the Demonic-crats will chip away ( they love incrementalism) at all the restrictions imposed upon illegal immigrants applying for citizenship until there are no restrictions left. They will also try to make sure secure borders are never made. Do you think Obama or Hillary or Joe Biden is going to put up a border that stops anyone? Immigration reform as proposed now must be stopped. Give your representatives a call please.
*What's Worse For George Zimmerman?
  This quote portends it: " 'It's not an exaggeration to say this (Florida) is the most corrupt place in the country,' he (Karl Hiassen, Florida writer and newspaper columnist) says with delight." p.C11, 6-8 thru 9-2013, Wall Street Journal
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Morrison, Dean, Savage, and reading widely.

Monday, June 10, 2013

What's Bettter And What's Worse In The News?

*What's Better With Icebergs?
  In the spring thaw, icebergs are netted by small boats and brought to a trawler where they are melted and then sold to a few companies like Iceberg Beer and Berg Water. This is water formed from glaciers and is thousands of years old. It is supposedly the purest water available naturally. So far, it is a one trawler business, hunting icebergs off the northeast coast of Canada, Newfoundland, and even Labrador.
* What's Better With Pot In Vermont?
  Vermont has become the 17th state to do away with criminal penalties for small amounts of marijuana, up to 1 ounce of marijuana and 5 grams of hashish. This needs to continue until all drugs are legal for adults or America is going to become so corrupted by the drug cartels that we may as well be ruled by them. Look at Mexico. It's coming our way.
* What's Worse For George Zimmerman?
  What's worse is that Zimmerman apparently hasn't found any "black" blood in him. He needs to find a black grandmother or someone so the blockheads who judge things on color can say, "This is a case of someone who has some black blood in him shooting someone who has, as far as we know, all black blood in him. I guess we can't cry racism." The reality is that finding will augur much better for Zimmerman than the way it is now being represented :"A white Hispanic has shot a young black." Since Zimmerman is an Hispanic, there is an excellent chance he has black blood from the African slaves brought in to cut the sugar cane. The Spaniards first tried using the Indians, but they died quickly in captivity. It's pathetic that we're talking color when we all originated in Africa. We are all "black" and every other color people have on earth.
*What's Wrong With The IRS Now
    It appears that despite Obama's words, the opposite is happening. As usual. FBI agents are not looking into IRS abuse to find out which employees in the hierarchy had a hand in discriminating against tea pary applications. Also, FBI agents are not trying to find out who initiated the order to start the discrimination against the tea party applications- the smoking gun. Oh, no! Not at all! Instead, the FBI is contacting tea parties  about their meetings and who comes to their meetings. So now the No-Justice Department and the IRS are together discriminating against the tea parties!
  This is what a Phi Beta Kappa lawyer, Cleta Mitchell, says is happening  in a half-page interview in the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal. Incredibly, Ms Mitchell knows of another illegal advance the IRS has made in harassment and terror. The IRS is now going after donors to conservative causes. One donor to a conservative cause wanted to participate in a merger of two companies. The IRS told him he could not make that merger until he filled out some forms relating to his donations to conservative causes. You see how the IRS is taking this one step farther? It is now going from asking undue questions to saying if you don't answer these questions, we're going to stop your business or employment. If this is true, do you see how utterly dictatorial this is?
And we have Obama flashing his warm smile and using his soothing voice to tell us that this is completely unacceptable. Is there a "But I'm not going to stop it" that he's not saying. It sounds whacko which is not at all like the Wall Stree Journal. I urge you to check out Cleta Mitchell. Earlier today, Rush Limbaugh said we are going through a coup d'etat by Obama. Are we?
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW Gainesville, Florida