ERRORS: In the last posting, I said that Route 470 went through Green Swamp in South Florida. That should have been Route 471. Also I misspelled the reflective lining in a cat's eye. It should have been
"tapetum lucidum."
It finally came to me that the large, tall, gray creature that crossed 471 in front of me could have been a Bigfoot so I called QuietVoice in south Florida. He belonged to the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) but now has his own research team. QuietVoice said that the color was okay for a Bigfoot, but he seemed to say that the gait on all fours was not indicative of one, saying they had a distinctive walk. Unfortunately, I did not ask him to tell me more. He also seemed disappointed when I told him that that the body did not go up in the front. He brought up the possiblity of a hog since they come in all sorts of colors and color combinations. QuietVoice said that several members of his team were in that area last weekend. Once while two of them, a married couple, were walking down a road, the wife looked behind her (woman's intuition) and saw that there were two tan panthers in the middle of the road looking at them. As soon as the humans turned around, the panthers rocketed into the woods. QuietVoice said, "There are panthers in almost every county but no one ( in government or the sciences) will admit it." He also said that Green Swamp was a good place to look for Bigfoot and there have been sightings. I related how one hunter had told me there were thousands of hogs in there, and QuietVoice added, "There's also turkeys and deer."
So there's plenty of meat available for the carnivores and omnivores.
I attend a Promise Keepers group and really appreciate the socializing and the food. One of the men told me over dinner that the Conservation Commission had released three panthers in the High Springs area. He said that he or someone else had found this out when they found the field biologist using a wand to try to pick up their radio collar signals. The biologist supposedly said that two panthers were remaining in the area but one was following the Santa Fe River out of the area. Another gentleman at dinner said that he had seen a panther in his yard when he drove in one night on his motorcycle. The panther was tan. I talked with a clerk in Gainesville who said that when they moved into their home in rural Hawthorne, part of Alachua County, Florida, within a month they had seen deer, a bear and a black panther on their road. Early this summer I got a sighting of a Bigfoot in Hawthorne. The lady almost bumped into him behind her home. It appeared that he had been peeping at her while she was inside the house. Her husband admitted she walked around nude a lot. I wonder if Bigfoot would make room for me. All this is only about twenty miles from the University of Florida in Gainesville, possibly better known as Trophy Town. Happy Trails to you, Two-Gun s
Saturday, December 1, 2012
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