The intellectual and highly emotional talk show host Michael Savage railes that Liberals suffer from a mental disorder. I believe this mental disorder that Liberals and all other collectivists - those who see people as groups and not as individuals - suffer from is actually a lack of morals. Immorality invariably becomes self-reinforcing through money, sex, power, and other gratifications and assumes the dimensions of an addiction. Communism, the most virulent form of collectivism to date, has been responsible for the deaths of an incomprehensible 100 million human beings through executions, tortures, and mass starvations. Just knowing that should cause feelings of dread in you as our president is clearly a Marxist for his redistribution efforts faithfully follow Marx's utopian formula of "to each according to his need; from each according to his ability." As a Marxist, Obama cares little about America and Americans because America enjoys the highest prosperity in the world due to Americans practicing capitalism - the voluntary exhange of goods and money by free individuals. His response to the calamity in the Gulf of Mexico has been very lacking. He has used only 400 of the offered 2,000 ships from other countries. He claimed he "would not rest" until the Gulf oil leak was fixed, but the reality was that he took three vacations and attended many parties while American suffered. He illegally keeps the American borders open to an invasion of millions many of whom derisively call themselves "reconquistadores." He cares nothing about the property damage and the violence Americans are experiencing at the southern borders as these hordes pour out of Mexico. Obama does not like America or Americans.
As a Marxist, he has an ideological pedigree for the use of mass murders to gain terror and control over populations. The individual, you and I, do not matter to the communist. Our suffering and death are nothing. Only the State matters, and individuals are slaves to the State. That is why Obama can move this country into centralized economic planning in spite of the fact that centralized economic planning was responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Empire and in spite of the fact that when Red China abandoned centralized plannning and allowed just limited capitalism, the economy was transformed to the point that the Chinese people are now competing with Americans for gasoline and air-conditioners.
Obama knows that centralized planning fails to provide a vibrant economy, but he does not care because such a system provides what he wants: force over every aspect of your life. You will do everything he tells you to do and only what he tells you to do. Your life will no longer be your own, but his. Your life will be scripted by his bureaucrats and disciplined by his internal security force (which he mentioned during his campaign) right down to how much salt you use. America and Americans will sink into the quicksands of financial and emotional misery. It is happening now! Just look at the unemployment rate and the national debt! The figures are getting worse virtually every day! You can feel the national desperation whenever you are with other people. Everyone is scared. And they should be.
Einstein famously said that insanity was repeatedly doing the same thing believing something different will happen. Obama is pushing centralized economic planning down our throats when all the evidence both historical and present shows that it does not provide a better life except for a very few force-freaks at the top such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. For the vast majority, centralized planning causes double-digit unemployment, reduced living standards, and even mass starvations. Just look at the North Koreans eating the bark off trees! You want that? Perhaps due to Obama's increasing unpopularity, his speeches appear to be becoming flatter, slower, and more hesitant. For leadership, the best he can do is to blame and sue. "Kick ass," he calls it. But such straight-forward bravado does not connect with Obama's past which is filled with a deviousness so pronounced that it is demonic. For instance, in Chicago Obama taught Saul Alinsky's book, "Rules For Radicals," to other community organizers. That book was originally dedicated to Lucifer since Alinsky dubbed the devil as the first radical. One of Saul Alinsky's tenets in the book was that it was not necessary for a radical to be honest but essential that he appear to be honest. Thus, Obama learned from an early age to be a master of deception. Next, Obama was converted to Black Liberation Theology by the so-called" Reverend" Jeremiah Wright who preached "God Damn America!" from the pulpit while his congregation writhed ecstatically in the aisles. Of course, Obama claims that he sat in that congregation for twenty years of Sundays and saw, heard, and said nothing. Black Liberation Theology is malignantly anti-white and Marxist. It emphasizes, among other things, economic parity which Wright and Obama both preach but neither personally practices. Obama's anti-white racism can be seen in his having the Justice Department drop prosecution against the Black Panthers who intimidated white voters last November in Philadelphia. On page fifty-nine of his book, "The Audacity Of Hope," Obama wrote the execrable lie that Christians like partial-birth abortion because it brings them converts. It was Barack Obama and only Barack Obama who spoke against Nurse Jill Stanek's Born Alive Bill on the Illinois Senate floor. He wanted babies who were born alive after unsuccessful abortion attempts to lie unattended until they died from lack of care. In an attempt to control the language to obfuscate the hideousness of what he was saying, he demonically insisted on calling these infants "previable fetuses." Obama wanted a sure kill for every abortion even if it meant murdering newly born American citizens! This was done to assure him of the pro-abortion vote. What does that tell you about death panels? Obama was interviewed in Rolling Stone magazine where he praised the rap singer Jay-Z whose lyrics are pornographic and extremely disrespectful of women. Obama said of Jay-Z: "Every time I talk to Jay-Z, who is a brilliant talent and a good guy, I enjoy how he thinks." Would Obama be saying that if Jay-Z named the women he abused in his songs "Michelle?" Of course he wouldn't, but there should be no difference between Michelle and all the other women in the world. Finally, when Barack Obama was running for President against John McCain, he blatantly lied that McCain said he was willing to keep American troops fighting in Iraq for a hundred years. McCain had said American troops could stay in Iraq for a hundred years "as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed." That rules out fighting. McCain went on to compare such troops to the American troops who have been in Japan and South Korean for the past sixty years. These soldiers have not fought in sixty years; their presence keeps the peace. McCain did not say it was okay for American troops to continue fighting in Iraq for a hundred years. This was a pathetic lie by Obama and totally beneath presidential timber. For all these reasons, I believe Obama is morally challenged to an extent dangerous to our republic. With only one exception, he does not care about the consequences of his political actions even though they invariably result in increasing misery for the American people. The one exception is that he does care that his actions always increase his feeling of euphoria that result from forcing his will upon others. This is the only answer for why Obama pursues disastrous economic policies. This is the payoff- the gratification that reinforces the addiction as he follows the not only failed, but disastrous footsteps of dictators like Stalin, Kim Jong-Il, Castro, and Chavez. He is an addict to the euphoria of power, and just like any addict, he will commit any anti-social act necessary to get his next fix. Just like any addict dealing with a diminishing return from his fix over time, Obama will impose more and more force over others to maintain the same level of euphoria. For Obama's sake and more importantly, for America's sake, an intervention must be brought about. Americans must remember November!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
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