Tuesday, June 8, 2010

No Vacuuming Of The Gulf Oil?

Once you understand intellectually and emotionally that Barak Obama spoke against a bill to give medical attention to new-borns born after unsuccessful abortion attempts and wanted them to be ignored until they died, then you know this Muslim Marxist is capable of the most heinous crimes. That was the standard I had to use last night when I heard a talk show host asking why Obama did not use "the tried-and-true' method of having super-tankers suck up the oil out of the Gulf. What was the host's explanation for Obama not doing it? He believed that the companies backing the "green" alternatives such as oil dispersal ( how green is kerosene?) were owned by Obama-friendly investment houses. At first I thought, "Naw, even Obama wouldn'
t be capable of doing such a thing." Then I applied the standard of "he's capable of infanticide by neglect," and then I had to admit that he would be capable of killing fish, animals, birds, and people's livliehoods. If you can kill babies, you can kill anything and everything.
I urge you to try to find out if vacuuming the oil by super-tankers can be used, and if it can be, why is it not being used. Plant America is basically dead with Marxism right now. We, the grass-roots, must find out the truth, speak the truth as loudly as possible, and elect truthful people to political offices. "Truthful people" will rule out all the Marxists except the moles. Then we can restore plant America. peternickerson12@yahoo.com

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