Picking up on whether Illnois babies who survived an abortion attempt and were born alive should receive medical care or simply ignored until they died, we are about to have a vote. Remember that baby-killer Obama has already said he will vote "Present" which in Illinois amounts to a "no" without the honesty: Presiding Officer, Senator Karpiel : "The question is, shall
Senate Bill 1093 pass. Those in favor will vote Aye. Opposed, vote Nay. The voting is open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Take the record, Madam Secretary. On this question, there are 34 voting Aye, 6 voting Nay, 12 voting Present. And Senate Bill 1093, having received the required constitutional majority, is declared passed. Senate Bill 1094. Senator O'Malley. Read the bill, Madam Secretary."
I have used strong language in this post but it is honest. Obama voted for the killing of young Americans by neglect. Fortunately, he was defeated, and Obama needs to be continued to be defeated because he is not for Americans, he is not for America. He is a Muslim Marxist with a cosmic vision of things that has no regard for the flesh and blood individual nor does it have any regard for the suffering it would bring about as you have just seen in his speech against Illinois Senate Bill 1093. He does not live on earth; he lives in La-La Land!
You are not on the path of love if you say nothing about a man who would let babies die by neglect. You are not moral if you saw the heinous immorality of a person and said nothing against that immorality. peternickerson12@yahoo.com
Friday, April 30, 2010
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