Monday, June 8, 2009

#170 More Panthers and Bigfoot

In the last posting, I mentioned that the DEA Agent found that Bigfoot had put rocks up on fallen tree trunks. The only correlation of rocks with Bigfoot has been in Bigfoot throwing rocks at humans. Perhaps, as this was apparently the same spot as where they had been sleeping, they found rocks and put them on logs to be armed.
Over the weekend, I called Christian to thank him for the black panther picture, and to make certain he had reports of people seeing dark spots on black panthers. Roger that. He said that he was going to try to trap a black panther and have the media and other experts outside of law enforcement (and government in general, I hope) there to see the big cat. Christian said he has a trap. I wanted to tell him about the Game Commission putting out a trap for a black panther after he had followed a young black boy all the way to his house. This happened only about a mile from my house. The Game Commission came from Jacksonville and placed the trap in the woods behind the chicken, duck, and geese pens the cat had visiting. He went into the trap and then began a terrible, hugely loud struggle to get out. Thankfully, he did. I believe the Game Commission would have had him killed and denied he was a black puma.
Christian also said that a five-toed and a three-toed bigfoot were being seen frequently enough that bear hunters were trying to get their bear dogs to run them. I can't remember having read of any dog standing up to a bigfoot. They all flee, even the most courageous of them. But perhaps in a pack, the dogs would have the couarge to pursue one. Unless bigfoot had some quirk about being pursued by dogs like the panther does - he's terrified - I would anticipate bigfoot killing the dogs. Leopards and jaguars will lie in wait for the lead dog and pick off the lead dogs one by one until they are all dead or grievously wounded. Perhaps bigfoot would use his rocks for this contingency too.
Now I have two panther sightings here in Florida. The first one is a tan panther seen on Lake Orange just below Gainesville and the University of Florida. Larry Santucci, a portrait artist ,told me that the big cat walked across his yard. He lives right on the lake, and I believe this sighting was very recent. The second one from Larry Thompson who saw a black panther crossing the road near Taylor in the Osceola Forest ( a flat pinewoods swamp) in the seventies. He said "it was awesome" seeing the big cat.
One of the librarians here at the library where I post wanted to know if I had any sightings of panthers to tell her son about. He's writing a paper for school. I gave him my business card, and if he's reading this, please let me know if your government teacher makes any negative comments about my writing or penalizes you for not parroting the party line. The indoctrination is that there are no panthers except in Southwest Florida. Call me at 352-359-0850. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at

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