Saturday, September 29, 2018

Freedom Advances: Government Employee Transparency

    Much to the chagrin of the totalitarian Democrats, We, the people, are going to get to see what our employees were doing about the question of Russian interference in our 2016 elections. The House Intelligence Committee has finally found the balls -- usually a missing piece of anatomy among Republicans-- to vote to release to us about 50 interviews. Nick

Freedom Advances: Ethiopia and Eritrea

    The border between these two countries has opened for the first time in 20 years. Family members are seeing each other after long absences. Nick

Bigfoot Hostile?

    In America's most loving town, Brattleboro, Vermont, it is odd and disquieting to find someone unfriendly. But I apparently have one, one of the most built-up men around to boot. We pass each other, but he shows studied ignorance of my proximity. I can say hi, even engage him in conversation, but the next time I pass him, he doesn't know me. I have talked to others about this unusual behavior and have been told that he doesn't believe Bigfoot exists. I am a great Bigfoot fan and even have on the back of my truck, "Seen Bigfoot? Please let me know"with my name, phone number, and blog address. I also have two decals of Bigfoot walking.
     I have been told that this person doesn't believe in Bigfoot as way of an answer to why he might ignore me. Could anyone be that small as in "He believes in Bigfoot so I am going to studiously ignore him?" In intellectual, mellow Vermont? Some Florida cracker maybe, but not here. My judgment says it's not simply that but more.
     There is more to me to dislike than just that, but I don't think it justifies being uncivil in public. For one, I advocate putting up tab-top cans by running a stiff, but flexible wire through the hole in the tab without popping the tab, tying it off, and attaching the other end of the wire to a tree limb as high up as you can to deter bears. If the tab seal is not broken, the contents will remain fresh and there will be no scent to attract bears. Tab-top cans of dog food and Budweiser beer can be used. Budweiser is the only beer can made strong enough to stay sealed when you hang it by the tab. The idea is that Bigfoot will see the can hanging, pull it off, thus popping it open, and he will see there is food or drink inside.This is my invention, and I think a good way to attract Bigfoot. The prompter you are in replacing the can after he takes one, the better your chance that he will build visiting your can tree into his routine. Then you can put up a trail camera and see if he will trade having a video taken of him in return for dog food or a Bud. Your chances are better with Bud as all creatures like to get intoxicated. It's only normal.
     Another thing that people in love with government and government employees, thinking that both are divine, a throwback to the Puritans at the Massachusetts Bay Colony, would not like about me is that I am critical of the government employee's attitudes toward the panthers and Bigfoot. They don't believe either exists. I believe that is a lie, that they are being influenced to say that by Big Development which wants nothing in the way -- American Indians, panthers, Bigfoot, whatever-- of exploiting the few wild lands we have left. Therefore, there are no panthers or Bigfoot out there. And there are damn few American Indians left either! Big Development, timber and logging, farming, ranching,mining, and construction are all multi-national companies, tremendously powerful, and they will and do ruin, even kill, those who get in their way. For instance, Brazil leads the world in having the greatest number of people killed by Big Development interests.
     I am sure there are other reasons to dislike me too, but let's keep it polite. We want a friendly atmosphere in Vermont for our guests. Keep it civil, big dude. Nick

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Corbyn Celebrates Jew-Killers

     Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Britain's opposition party, the Labour Party, laid a wreath at the graves of the terrorists involved in the murder of Jewish athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. He's also called Hamas terrorists "brothers."
Though he has every right to do those things, he is wrong to be encouraging others to be anti-Jewish.
     He's a dangerous man. These are dangerous times as people loose hope in progress and see robots taking more jobs. Scapegoats will be found. The Jews need to investigate the negative experiences the non-Jew has with the Jew and use their great minds to try to minimize these differences. Study these negative experiences, brothers; don't get defensive about them. Maybe the disconnect can't be bridged without destroying the Jew and his brilliance, but anti-Semitism is one hell of a price to pay! Nick  352-359-0850

Muslims Protect Sexual Harassment

     Freedom is taking a fall in Egypt. Women who dare - I say dare! - to video sexual harassment by men are being arrested. Several woman who posted their videos on Facebook are actually being tried in hateful, crazy Islamland. Cops are mocking women who complain about sexual harassment and are scaring the women away from pursuing formal complaints. Two women were detained by the police in the station house for ten hours and then counter-charged with assaulting the men who assaulted them. So much for manly Muslim men: "Eeew! I was assaulted by a woman!"
     Cops are looking bad worldwide this week. Don't go to their station houses or even accept a newspaper from one without a lawyer. Nick

Freedom Gains With India's Homosexuality

     Freedom of sex between consenting adults has made a great advance with India's Supreme Court ruling that gay sex isn't a crime. This British colonial-era law was not widely prosecuted but it was used to blackmail, threaten, silence, and shame. Now that gays have equality, let's hope they don't do what too many American same-sexers do: want preferential treatment as soon as they win equal treatment. They have gone from having a cause to having a racket. Shame on you for defecating all over the idealism of the past with your exploitative  greediness of the present. Get some real balls. Nick

Freedom Advances Against Guatemalan Socialism

     The Commission Against Impunity has become a socialist weapon in Guatemala. It has the right to not only be autonomous but to detain people if it likes. People cannot who get into its clutches cannot appeal to the law and the courts. People who are opposed to socialism are jailed there. This malevolent and bizarre institution, so typical of Socialism and its top leaders, has been closed by President Jimmy Morales who even had jeeps parked in front of its offices. Next, the commission's staffers need to be charged and tried.
     I fault the Wall Street Journal for not having my last sentence in their editorial. I can see why the socialists have balls: They need them because they are wrong. The capitalists are right, but they have no balls. They need them because they're losing. Get some balls, Journal! Stop just being sniffy as in "Tut- tut, old boy." Take the kill shot. Nick

Socialist Utopia Interfering In Myanmar

     The United Nations has recommended that Myanmar's top six generals be charged with ethnic killing and rape, but the Socialist Utopia of Red China says it will shield the generals from prosecution. Just how the socialist utopians will do that was not disclosed. But knowing socialist utopias as we do, it will not be pretty. Nick

Freedom Falls With Set-Up

     The Myanmar police admitted they set up two reporters investigating the ethnic killing of ten Myanmar Muslims. They put state secrets into a newspaper they gave to the reporters and then arrested them for possessing state secrets. Still, the journalists have been tried with that admission coming out during their trial, convicted, and sentenced. Could Sharia Law be any more unjust? This must be the kind of "law" Title IX sexual abuse coordinators at colleges would kill for - and by! Nick   352-359-0850

Stupid Article About "Bigfoot Fetish"

     Smithsonian's September, 2018 has a stupid article, "Bigfoot Fetish, Why Mythological Creatures Survive" by Ben Crair. He sniffs at Bigfoot and dismisses the thousands of tracks seen, photographed, and casted around North America as the work of Ray Wallace who died in 2002. Wallace's children said he made the tracks as a joke. Since Bigfoot tracks are still being found, Wallace's ghost must be making them, and of course, a ghost can travel anywhere.
     If this is the best that Big Development can do publicly to deny the existence of Bigfoot, then it needs to stick with threats, and damaging people - and what else do you sick, greedy subhumans do to people who tell the truth about black panthers and Bigfoot? Nick 352-359-0850

Socialist Utopia Extends Rule IIlegally

     Contrary to the provisions of Hong Kong's mini-constitution, Red China has set up an area in a bullet-train terminus in Hong Kong that is ruled by Red China's laws, not Hong Kong's. Red China is doing this to arrest people fleeing on trains from the Socialist Utopia of China. Now isn't that strange, Millennials, that people flee socialism? Or do you want a continuation of Mommy and Daddy so badly, you'll die for it? Then be prepared. Nick

Freedom Falls With Caning

     Malaysia gave six lashes to two lesbian women having sex - it wasn't disclosed what the sex was- in public under the crazed, hateful Sharia Law. The women were in a parked car. A crowd of 100 waged this barbarity. A year ago, two men were whipped eighty-three times each for having public sex together. Nick

Freedom Falls With Reporters Sentenced

     Myanmar has just sentence two Reuters journalists for reporting on the killing of ten Rohingya Muslims. Myanmar and China are trying to wipe out their Muslims as there is no peace possible with them. Nick

Socialist Utopia Weaponizes Microwave

     The Socialist Utopia of Cuba is believed to be the culprit in injuring dozens of US Embassy staffers in Cuba by using microwaves that cause phantom sounds and brain damage. As you can see, socialists not only love people but they play by the international laws and should be models for the young people who want to be crazies too. Nick

Freedom Advances: College Trials

     The Sixth Circuit Court has ruled that both parties in college trials have the right to cross-examine. The Title IX Coordinators - tinpot dictators- set up by Obama must really be irked at this advance of the freedom of the individual. Nick

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Puma Kills Bicyclist

     A hundred pound panther killed a female biker. The puma made two passes at a couple biking in North Bend, Washington. On his second pass, he made contact, pouncing on the male biker, but then leaving him, for the female. He dragged the woman to his den. There was no mention of the man making any effort to save the woman, which probably means he made none.
     People should be armed with at least a well-made knife. The chances of anything happening are very small, but look, it did happen. Nick

Freedom Falls: Jogger Jailed

     A French tourist in White Rock, British Columbia inadvertently jogged into the US while running on a beach. There were no markers on the beach. US government employees grabbed her and held her for weeks, instead of simply telling her to jog back up the beach.
     Here was probably some hateful government employees trying to make them selves look important by detaining an innocent woman for weeks. Did she lose her job? Her flight back to France? How much psychological damage does she have from her experience? What do you think she's going to say about America and Americans now? It sounds like the wrath of arrogant asses. Nick

Collectivist vs. Individualist

     The collectivist - progressive, socialist, or communist - is wrong, but he lies, and like a cornered rat, fights fiercely for his destructive beliefs. The individualist, on the other hand, is right, but he usually lacks the spirit to fight the lies and beliefs of a cornered rat. So who will win the support of the people?
Nick, the capitalist.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Socialist Utopia: China Threatens To Jail Relatives

     China is now trying to get Chinese Muslims who are abroad back to China apparently because too many are becoming jihadist fighters from Syria to Afghanistan. One way the state does this is by telling the Chinese Muslims they must return to China or their relatives will have a hard time ( double-speak for "be sent to death camp Gulag for torture and possible death). Even 71 year-old family members are being snatched and sent to the Gulag.
     Just what about socialism do you Millennials find appealing, besides the blatant lies? Nick

Socialist Utipia: China Pursuing Muslims Abroad

     China is now trying to get Chinese Muslims abroad back home by reissuing passports that only allow a one-way passage to China and by threatening to put the relatives of Muslims abroad into the death camps if the Muslims don't return to China. The Chinese government is also requiring Chinese Muslims abroad to spy on other Chinese Muslims to find out their activities. Apparently, the Chinese government is worried that too many Chinese Muslims abroad are becoming radicalized. They are turning up in jihadist groups from Syria to Afghanistan.
 Would you Millennials like being sent to death camps because a relative wasn't returning to your socialist utopia? Of course you would because you are crazy! Nick

Freedom Under Fire: Pope Francis

     Pope Francis is not being open and honest. He will not comment on Archbishop Vegano's comments about him knowing about Cardinal McCarrick's sexual crimes. This refusal to be honest deprived the Pope of moral authority, and he should immediately open up or resign or be replaced. He is being a hypocrite. Nick

Freedom Marches On: Archbishop Vigano

      Archbishop Vigano has revealed the Pope Francis knew that seminarian and child molester Cardinal McCarrick had been sanctioned and leashed by Pope Benedict. This was a gutsy statement and a good model for the world. Nick

Socialist Utopia: China Destroying Churches and Mosques

     Now the Socialist Utopia of China is demolishing churches and mosques around China. Persecution has become the most extreme since the Cultural (double-speak for "Barbaric") Revolution.
     You still like socialism, babied Millennials? Nick

Socialist Utopia: China's New Gulag

     The Socialist Utopia of China has built a new Gulag of 1,300 estimated death camps for the Muslims in the northwest region of Xianjiang and has imprisoned about one million Muslims. Word is seeping out of the death camps that guards tell prisoners that there is no God and the dictator Xi Jinping should be thanked not Allah. Is this the kind of authoritarianism you weak Millennials want? Nick

Freedom Fails: Islam in England

     The gene pool for strength and courage was mostly used up during the two World Wars in Europe as the strong and courageous were called into military duty and died in battle by bullet and disease. Those remaining were too weak or cowardly to serve so many survived and bred the present generations in Europe. These generations are largely weak and cowardly.
     In come the Muslims to this land of mainly weak and cowardly Europeans. So who do you think is going to rule? Muslims or Europeans? And it's happening. Stores are being cowed into obeying Sharia law and even motorists have to stop because Muslims are praying in the streets. European women often can't walk the streets in their Western clothing without being harassed and even sexually attacked.
     The Europeans must find the guts to first be truthful about the problem instead of lying and hiding. Second, they must enforce the laws, instead of exempting the Muslims. If government employees won't do these things, the people must organize and get enough money together to sue these employees both professionally and personally. They also need to demonstrate. Of course, the problems is that the makers- Europeans- are busy making, while the takers -Muslims- have lots of free time to continue being parasites and predators. But it must be done. You are fighting for your lives and your country! Nick

Freedom Falls: California Speech

     California's socialist governor, Jerry Brown, signed legislation last year that threatens jail time for health-care providers who willfully and repeatedly ignore a patient's preferred pronouns. In other words, if you are a nurse, and I refer to myself by any crazy word salad, you, the nurse, must use crazy word. Where then is your dignity as a nurse to use the King's English you are accustomed to using? Why force you to learn, remember, and use the individual crazy pronouns your crazy patients use? The answer is that socialism mandates continual chaos and struggle to "evolve" something better. It's nothing better than agitated paranoid schizophrenia, but, of course, the socialists as good paranoids always think they are right, and you are wrong and dangerous. Nick

Socialist Utopia: Success By Capitalism

     The Socialist Utopia of Red China starved to death 30 million people during the Great Leap Forward (double-speak for "backwards") from 1958 to 1962.
     In 1978, people were still starving so 18 famished farmers in the village of Xiaogang became courageous due to desperation. It was patently obvious that group efforts failed to produce enough crops, so the 18 men colluded and conspired to divide their group plot of land into 18 sections, one for each farmer. Each farmer would tend only to his plot. This was going to be an individual effort. Not only that, but anything produced above the state's quota on them would go to the individual farmer to do with as he wished not the dictatorial state. Now farmers directly profited from their work. Within a year, the village food production sky-rocketed, and the people stopped starving. This collusion and conspiracy became known as the Xiaogang pact, and was later copied by the Communist Party, desperate to stop their starving of the Chinese people and the bad reputation socialism was deservedly getting worldwide. Nick, the capitalist.

Freedom Falls: Jails Opponent

     I dedicate the following posts to Ayn Rand and the Navy Seals.
     Putin has jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny for a month
     for protesting. Putin has done this to isolate him from participating in the upcoming elections. You millennials don't value your freedom? Nick