Saturday, March 10, 2018

Cop Cowardice In Parkland Shootings!

     Would you really like to hear from a poor person instead of just the elites? One who has no television or Internet and sits on a plastic chair or are you just a virtue actor? From almost the bottom, this is my take on the Parkland school shootings: The most immediate cause was the Cruiz kid of course. The second was the cowardice of the first cop and the first three to arrive at the scene. I've seen some Fox news coverage and seen the talking heads analyze the four cops' behavior. The closest anyone will come to "gutless" is "lack of training." I was disappointed that was the best Fox could do in getting talking heads. They were so sanitized, gelded, and gutless. Fox news needs to get another head on its panels from the ranks of the real people - those who struggle. Fox can even call it their "wild card" to try to distance themselves from the nitty-gritty perspectives of the struggling. I'll try.
     You do not need "training" to have guts though it makes it easier. Any decent man with a gun outside that high school would have responded to the shooting inside by going inside. Perhaps, some armed women would have too. Two hours ago, I was getting free senior coffee at a generous fast food store. There was a woman outside with a suitcase on wheels. She looked like a homeless person. She walked away from the restaurant, got up to the road, and purposefully went down on her knees. No sooner had her knees hit the side of the road, than a car stopped and two women got out and assisted her to the next fast food restaurant to perch for a while. This took no social work training, it took common decency.
     Those four cops were lacking common decency because they were cowards.
I can tell you that hostile gunfire is extremely threatening. In Florida once, I was using an electronic caller to see if I could draw in a "non-existent" (as the game wardens insisted) panther in North-Central Florida. A nearby turkey hunter didn't appreciate the racket I was making with my dyeing rabbit cassette so he opened up with first his shotgun, and firing all his shots in that, opened up with his pistol and fired all his shots in that. As far as I could tell, he wasn't firing a me. My first desire was to curl up in a fetal position on the ground and hide like a baby. But without any "training," I fired into the ground several shots from my two handguns to let him know I was armed and willing to defend myself. The turkey hunter responded by walking away from me, firing shots as he put distance between us.
     Now, the POS shooting kids in the school was obviously no turkey hunter. Someone who shoots kids has earned the POS appellation. Why would you be afraid of a POS? Surely, you're much better than him. I wonder if any of the news commentators has mentioned the problem of cowardice with Florida militia-not-men during the 1800s Indian Wars. Their cowardliness became so exasperating that either General Jessup or General Harrison made a public speech in which he urged all married Florida women to divorce their husbands and marry men from the other states so they would have the guts to protect their wives and families from the Indians.
     Also, if the high school kids know about this cowardice by the four cops, why aren't they attacking that as well as guns?  Why aren't they saying anything about the fact that Cruiz verbalized doing harm to others with his guns. Why aren't they calling for a law that mandates any person hearing someone saying he is going to shoot someone must report it to the police. I think these kids are opening themselves up to charges of anti-gun crisis actors if they remain only focused on guns. It's not very mature, but then they are kids. The same thing holds for law enforcement's ignoring multiple calls about Cruiz. What's the simplest reason? Occam's Razor. They wanted it to happen so there would be a hue and cry about guns? Or public organizations are so lazy and secure because they don't have to make a profit or compete with other organizations as private businesses do, they know they can get away with murder? Take your pick or
Nick Nickerson 352-259-0850