Tuesday, September 27, 2016

How To Defeat Sharia Law MuslimTerrorists

     Voltaire is said to have asked God to make his enemies ridiculous, and God did. In the absence of God, I propose we mortals recognize the ridiculousness off Sharia Law and laugh it out of existence.
     Here's the how and the why: The power in Islam is strictly vertical in that power goes from dictator to a smaller dictator on down. The top dictator is Muhammad who claimed that what he was saying and doing was from the lips of God delivered by Archangel Gabriel over the course of twenty-some years. Therefore, one had to do what Muhammad said as it was the word of God, and death was the penalty of disobedience. The smaller dictators beneath Muhammad were the autocratic rulers and caliphs who claimed authority to interpret what Muhammad said and the authority to execute what they claimed Muhammad said on pain of death to any dissenters. At the end of this absolute power hierarchy was, and still is, the married male. Feminists will love the following, but I remind them that I am now doing the job they have been too cowardly to take up. Again, it is a white male making a difference. It is the Sharia Law Muslim married male who is the final despot in this chain of absolute power. He can beat and kill family members as he wishes. He can have his daughters' genitals cut off and then sewn over so that penetration is extremely painful. The hole left for pee is so little that the woman can only dribble when she pees. The dribble is a widely known sound of sexual mutilation in women. He can divorce any of his up to four wives simply by saying, "I divorce you" three times. He can cast out any of his wives, refuse to divorce her for the rest of her life, and she cannot get a divorce, or date, or remarry. He can kill a daughter who has been raped or has had sex without marriage. The married male decides whom his daughters marry, and daughters have to submit to a hymen check by the bridegroom's family if the parents insist on inspecting the goods. The married male decides if and when his wives can leave the home. He can insist on sex at any time from his wives. In his home, the married male Sharia Law Muslim is an absolutely savage god and dictator if it pleasures him. He may earn his living shoveling donkey dung, but he can go at home at night like a King and demand and get unlimited control over his wives and children. He is a god and a dictator in his home, in his harem.
    The Sharia Law Muslims have learned to use terror well on their converts. Their system of power is starkly vertical, with only a few having power unlike
Western democracies in spite of the "progressives" who try to consolidate all power into administrative agencies that can't be legally challenged. It is also a closed system, like communism, in which there is no way out of it. If a woman leaves her tyrannical husband, she is fair game on the streets for touching, raping and even killing. If she is able to escape, the only place she can go is to a country that is kind and respects the civil rights of women and will take her in as a refugee. Mission about impossible. Short of killing the married men, there is no way, but one, to eliminate this system, especially when it is buttressed and furthered by Arabian oil money.The married men are not going to be talked out of being little gods and dictators. They're hooked on the control, the sex, the unaccountable freedom in their little harems. The only other way except for wiping out the men is ridicule.
    The way they behave must be mocked and disrespected as behavior that is so evil and crazy, that it is absurd. Being manly and having honor are of supreme importance to Sharia Law Muslim men. We must point out that running women's lives is not the measure of a man. We must point out that cutting or rubbing off women's genitals, imprisoning them in their harems, depriving them of their civil rights as individuals and persons of their own is not the measure of a man, but of a weak, effeminate boy. Along with the power of our armed forces, we must and can laugh these women-enslaving parasites out of their ancient ideology and insist on behavior that is respectful of the rights of others. This is our next weapon. Men will let us use it. Boys, especially women-parasite boys, won't.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, peternickerson12@yahoo.com
"The measure of a man'
  Is not what he  says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
   -Navy Seal Instructor

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How Palestinian Immigrants Destroyed Lebanon lV

    Hussein's Black September expulsion of Palestinians from Jordan was a calamity for Lebanon. Lebanon was the only Arab countries of twenty-two to accept Palestinian refugees. That fact needs to be kept in mind as you read the duplicitous sweet talk about Arabs caring about anything beyond their person aggrandizement and the spread of Islam. These Arabic countries had vast spaces in which to put the Palestinian refugees. They had the whole Sinai which the Egyptians had not been able to develop due to the drag of their radical Islamic culture. In addition, Nasser and the other Arab heads of states wanted the Palestinians to be their proxy fighters against Israel. These refugees, plus the high rate of Arab reproduction - another factor the European countries need to keep in mind regarding their Arab immigrants- and the exodus of Christians, who could feel the increased hostility due to the increased number of Arabs and saw the future- all resulted in the Arabs achieving a numerical superiority in Lebanon.
    In addition, the non-Muslims in Lebanon were aware of the terrorism of the PLO headed by Yassar Arafat, who was supported by the Soviet Union and other Muslim countries. The Arabs pushed a mandate to "Liberate Palestine" which meant to drive the Israelis into the sea onto the Palestinians. As they gradually became more blaming of Israel for everything wrong and converted to radical Islam, the Palestinians saw Lebanon as a base to wage war against Israel and have Israel make reprisals in Lebanon rather than the densely packed Palestine.
peternickerson12@yahoo.com- Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary
"The measure of a man,
  Is not what he say,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows,
  Others to do in his presence."
    - Navy Seal Instructor

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Obama's "Benghazing" Venezuela Now

    Obama abandoned the men and women including two Seals and an American Ambassador at an embassy extension and a CIA station in Benghazi.
Some say a subordinate ordered their rescue, but the order got lost in the shuffle. How come? Why did the President allow that to happen? Isn't that negligence of duty? Give me the money and I'll make the complaint in court.
What was he so busy doing- apologizing about America, the savior of this planet? Now he's doing a benghazi on Venezuela. The people - women, children, and men- are suffering from hunger and thirst due to - once again!- another failed socialist economy, and he is doing nothing. He may not be, but Americans are better than that. I call upon the people of America - We, the people, We, the government- to start pushing our lazy, morally challenged, federal employees to
get moving on aiding Venezuela. If our mostly worthless federal employees, excepting many such as those in the Armed Services, don't respond, I ask that we, the people, start without them. An excellent resource would be getting your pastors involved with collecting food and drink for the Venezuelans. The Venezuelans are so ignorant and brain-washed about economics, that they may hate us capitalists, but helping them survive their socialist economy, now on its last leg, is the right thing to do. I'd go to my Episcopal church but gave up on it a year ago when the high priest showed no interest in the Copts being killed in the Middle East. Hillary and socialism are two peas in the same pods, and people starving to death under socialism is a tragic part of that insane ideology, so I do not expect her to show any initiative as it would be calling attention to the failure of socialism. Let'em die, we're going to stick to our crazy ideology! What else can crazies do? But where is Trump on this?
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major

Monday, September 12, 2016

Palestinian Refugees Destroy Lebanon III

   Great waves of Palestinians sought refuge in Jordan in 1948 and again in 1967 as the Arab nations wages war on the little sliver of land, the Nation of Israel. A
terrorist organization know as the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was set up inside Jordan and used Jordan as a base of operations to launch terrorist attacks into Israel. From the Gaza, Egypt based high level intelligence officers from the Egyptian armies and task them with inflaming the Arabs in Palestine with hate and paranoia toward Israel, badgering them to become terrorists, and aiding them to strike Israelis. Jordan king, Hussein, did not like such a militant group in his country and in 1970, he had the PLO expelled by force from his country. Thousands of Palestinian Arabs were killed by Jordanian Arabs including the PLO shooters and ordinary people who weren't fighters.
    This exodus out of Jordan hastened the destruction of loving, open, Christian
Lebanon who took in the initially grateful Palestinians. Things quickly changed as writer Brigitte Gabriel showed in Because They Hate.
    History is prelude. What the Palestinian Muslims did in beautiful, Christian Lebanon in spite of the efforts of Israel who was endlessly, and unfactually villified, is happening to Europe. She is now taking in Muslim refugees from Islamic Sharia Law countries, and Saudi Arabia is following right behind them with billions of petrodollars, investing them in pro-terrorism activities, such as building mosques in Europe. For Saudi Arabia to do that shows great and unmanly hypocrisy to the world and ill-will to the millions of poor people in the oil-rich Arabic lands. The hypocrisy is that Saudi Arabia builds mosques all around the world yet will not allow Jews, Christians, and other religious people to build temples or churches in Saudi Arabia. Other religions aren't even allowed to practice their religion in Saudi Arabia. This is weak, effeminate behavior on the part of the Saudis. The Saudi should not expect other people to allow their mosques if they won't allow temples and churches in their land. There is no  manhood in being a weasel even if you get what you want. You are still a weasel and not a man. The ill-will the Saudi and other oil billlionaires are showing the poor Arabs in the Middle East is that the billions of petrodollars are going for spreading terrorism -jihad- in other countries rather than trying to improve the lot of the poor by strengthening individual freedom, initiative to invent and innovate so the Arabs have something to sell but oil and camels, education (not religious hate) and property rights, and honesty to get rid of the crippling corruption. These cultural changes would allow people to have more skills and become more employable, and able to make services, innovations, and even inventions that would bring in more money and more and higher-paying employment. Instead, the billions go to promoting hate and jihad.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary,
"The measure of a man
  Is not what he says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
    Navy Seal Instructor

Friday, September 9, 2016

Why NotTo Join The Islamic State

    It is the end of the work- week in America and time to see what I have learned this week, if anything, to try to dissuade you from the faith of Sharia Islam which I believe is a totalitarian faith of hate and death and is the Islamic State's faith upon pain of death or maybe conversion or maybe submission with many indignities including criminal acts rained down upon you as a non-person. Giving up the faith is a death sentence also. My reading has led to understanding Islamic heaven as a place you don't want to be in. It is very concentrated on animal satisfaction- shade for comfort, non-intoxicating wine for drink, and part-women and boys for sex. The part-women, the "houri," are only part women, as described in the Quran, and the rest of them is something else. They also regrow their hymens after each act of genital penetration so that they are always virgins. The Quran doesn't address if these creatures feel continued discomfort being perpetually deflowered. I would think they would. Having sex with boys is a perversion that no one should look forward to. The Catholic Church has had to pay dearly in reputation for allowing that perversion by its priests, and Islam should too. That perversion needs to be stricken from the Quran immediately. My copy of the Quran tries to hide the practice by saying "...youths like unguarded pearls..." That's not good enough. Boys for sex in Islamic paradise has to go. The Quran is not perfect and must be changed in a big way to reflect this change. Child sexual abuse must be eliminated as a promise in Islamic paradise.
    Take a look at it: You're promised sex with only intact hymens on part-human women and sex with boys. If you're a fairly normal person, where on the spectrum from heaven to hell, does life in Islam's Paradise lie? I'd say on the hell end. I wouldn't want to be there. Why would you?
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary
"The measure of a man,
 Is not what he says,
 But what he does,
 And what he allows others,
 To do in his presence."
  -Navy Seal Instructor
"Free Will is your ability to be rational in spite of irrational ideas from your genes and your experiences including the one you are presently having." Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Lebanon Destroyed By Palestinian Immigration II

    The second onslaught of immigration from Palestine came because of the Six-Day War of 1967. Palestinians again became refugees in Lebanon and Jordan with the same expectation that the Israelis would be destroyed, and they could return home. Again, Gabriel does not mention Palestinians being forced out of Israel or persecution of them there. Israel was not destroyed, and the refugee population in Jordan and Lebanon increased. Yassar Arafat's PLO set up a small state within Jordan and waged guerilla warfare on Israel until King Hussein ordered his armies to drive the PLO out of Jordan. The armies killed thousands of the PLO and thousands of Palestinian civilians. This "Black September" campaign stabilized Jordan at the expense of Lebanon which like Merkel's Germany kept its borders open to the refugees out of short-sighted compassion. Refugees as refugees make your heart ache, but as new citizens, plugged into social service support, they can become cold-blooded murderers especially if Sharia Muslims.
    On the American scene, I applaud the graffiti artist's rendering of Governor LePage in KKK robes. Both have the right to their free speech. The devil or the reality is in the details, and I'd suggest that the cartoon should be given 24 hours on the wall, and then another graffiti artist could be legally free to make his cartoon. I found LePage unbelievable for his statement that he was worried that giving the antidote to heroin users who had overdosed might encourage others to overdose. First rule, Governor: Do no harm. People's lives come first. It was such a typical Country Club Republican statement! I thought even Down Easterners were beyond that.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary
"The measure of a man,
  Is not what he says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
   -Navy Seal Instructor
"Free Will is the ability to be think and act rationally in spite of irrational impulses from your genes and your experiences, including the experience you are presently in."- Peter Nickerson

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sharia Islam's Paradise

    I have been reading Islam for about two months trying to find a way to dissuade people from being converted to Sharia Islam. This jihad has been hampered by a terrible memory, and I ask the reader for some mercy with my generalities. For instance, I have just read - doubtlessly I have read it before, of a prominent person, a general, I think, in the Philippines, who said something like, "How can we defeat the Muslims when they look down the barrel of our guns and see Paradise?" Well, of course, they die even if they die willingly, but he is surely alluding to the fact that there are many more to replace each dead fighter because of their belief in a very happy, happy heaven. This is the main Achilles' heel of Sharia Islam. First, this happy, happy heaven is based not on evidence, except supposedly what Muhammad believed he heard from the angel, Michael during his visits to the cave, while riding, and even giving speeches during which he fell into some kind of fit or seizure. I have yet to read a comment about anyone else seeing the angel. In America, it is certainly your prerogative to believe in what you wish, that is, have faith in what you want to have faith in. That is why America in spite of the damage done by the freedom haters is still the greatest land in the world. You can have whatever faith you want, however far out others think it is, and you can openly discuss your faith to those willing to listen. This is very, very different from the Islamic State which Americans don't even know about accurately. This is because our freedom hating president has ordered the military not to report land the IS is taking only land it is losing. But as I have said repeatedly, Obama is best understood as a Shia Muslim not a patriotic American. You could not say this about your caliphate even if you believe it in the IS. Don't you think an individual should be able to be able to do that? Are you not more than a camel or an ass? No one owns you, and has the right to tell you what to think and say.
    Another problem with the Islamic heaven is that it is extremely low-brow in that it rewards you with sex, non-intoxicating wine, and shade. Aren't you more than a camel or an ass? How about compatible friends, schools and universities, libraries,movie theaters, lecture halls computers, TVs, and travel? The Muslims I've been around were very intelligent. Do they become brain dead in Islamic heaven?
    The other problem with Islamic heaven is the sex. Sexually having boys like "unguarded pearls" is illegal as well as morally wrong in the modern world. Besides, where do these boys come from? Do they want to serve as whores? Have their parents- not that they can legally today- agreed to their son's whoring in paradise? Who is the defeated warrior who had the most handsome son around and would not willingly hand him over to the caliph for the caliph's sexual pleasure? So the caliph killed them both. Does Protective Services for Children know about this use of children in Islam heaven? They are probably on the way. It is 2016. We know that the IS makes sex slaves of boys as well as girls and women, so obviously these men would like to pursue that perversion in heaven, but do individual Muslims support this? If you took a free, honest vote, would the "ummah" support boy sex slaves in paradise? Are the Muslims even free to say whether they support it or not? They would be accused of apostasy, wouldn't they? Which means death. Look how individuals have been free in the West to confront the criminal Catholic Church for allowing priests to get away with making their altar boys sex-slaves. Don't you Muslims, especially the Sharia ones, want that kind of freedom? Have you no concept of the civil rights of a human being? Can you not see a person as a non-slave to Muslim,  as a sovereign person, able to look at the evidence, think, and choose for himself? Who has the right to enslave you? Allah? And that's because Mohammad had a fit and said so? Are you sure you want to base a life of total slavery - they'd kill you for your thoughts if they could (and you know that!)- on Mohammad? He was not God, you know. He was a man. The consequences of being a man is that you are not perfect. You Sunni, as compared to the Shia, know that.
    Another problems is with the "houri." the part human female sex slaves who have their hymen restored after each act of intercourse. Who wants to have sex with only a half-human? For many of the men being killed in the IS and in other terrorists groups, they not have had intercourse. If they have intercourse in heaven with only a part human, they have never had sex with a human woman. How sad! It is also sad that a religion has two faces about sex: On earth, it has to be with a wife, temporary wife, sex slave or boy. In heaven, it can be with many part-human women who become virgins after each act or many boys. The results are that observant Muslims boys are sex-starved on earth yet satiated in heaven. Why not more sex on earth so you can have a human, female partner rather than some robotic houri in heaven who has to go through the discomfort of having her hymen broken every time she has sex?  Or be a pervert and have a boy?
    I have read of Morocco's Mohammad VI supposedly implying, as recorded by the Wall Street Journal, that modern Muslims don't believe in the Islamic heaven as described in the Quran. My first reaction was that was simply more Islamic deceit "for the religion." Why do you have to lie for the religion? Perhaps, though Muhammad VI was correct: it is a growing conclusion in the ummah that the Quranic heaven not longer applies, it is outmoded. If so what are you now thinking when you look into the barrel of a gun? Something sane like "this was not worth it?"
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary
"The measure of a man,
  Is not what he says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
   - Navy Seal Instructor
"Free Will is the ability to be rational in spite of your genes and your experiences including the one you are presently experiencing." Peter Nickerson

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Destruction of Lebanon by Palestinian Immigrants l

    First, word on the home front: I see that Cooter of The Dukes of Hazzard" is going to close one of his show memorabilia stores because the snots in power won't let his customers park behind his store because it's zoned commercial. We're the government -employees, that is,- and we're here to seize and plunder
even in Tennessee. The government employees don't like the redneck culture that is sold in Cooter's stores. Instead of allowing the people, the real government, decide, the government employees,  decide what "should" be allowed. There's no freedom in this, only tyranny. If people didn't want the store, they wouldn't shop there, and Cooter would have to close.
But the parasite government as well as individuals out in the community disdain freedom except freedom to do, say, and sell what they want done, said, and sold.
In other words, they are tyrants trying to legislate culture. Cooter, I knew Jerry Rushing on whom the Dukes of Hazzard is based. We talked on the telephone for years about black panthers and Bigfoot. I'm sure the weak, effeminate "men" would sniff about those topics too. I mention men because generally I don't think women are that interested in freedom. I think they look to comfort in which to raise their children and enjoy themselves. By and large, I think it is men who are idealistic, who want to climb the mountains. But men too are threatened by the controlling government employees and controlling wives. That's why so many married women with two kids say, "I have three children." Men need to realize they can survive for a good while without sex from a woman and without her paycheck, that their manhood is more important than sexual release and more toys. In the West you see, it is widely stated that the rooster and the hen switch identities upon marriage which is vastly different than marital affairs under Sharia Islam where the woman stays in a very inferior position all her life usually.
    The first wave of Palestinians immigrants came in 1948-9, after Israel declared its right as a nation, and was promptly invaded by the five Arab countries around her, including Lebanon. The Arab nations had asked Arabs to leave Israel and promised them they could come back as soon as the five nations drove the Jews into the sea. Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate doesn't say whether the Arabs in Israel would have been safe with the Jews during this Arabic attack. Could the Jews possibly have that kind of restraint? I know the Arabs wouldn't if they were in the Jews' position. However, the Jews weren't run into the sea. Remarkably, they won, and Lebanon, Gabriel's home, took in 180,000 Palestinian Arabs. The Lebanese and the United Nations National Works Agency set up refugee camps in and around Sidon, Tyre, Tripoli, and the then-beautiful capital, Beirut, the Paris of the Middle East. This was the first of three waves of immigrants that rocked and eventually sank Lebanon, the former Phoenicia.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary.
"The measure of a man,
  Is not what he says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
    -Navy Seal Instructor
"Free Will is the ability to be rational in spite of the irrational urges from your genes and your experiences."- Peter Nickerson

Friday, September 2, 2016

Christians Buck Up To ISIS

    Being weak is provoking violence. It's not fair, it's just reality. Turning the other cheek when the other one is slapped is not of loving thing to do. How does it express love? It doesn't. It only expresses weakness, and it's almost guaranteed to get you another slap.
    The Islamic State, that cancer of hate and death, killed Christians across Iraq and Syria after President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton pulled American troops out, knowing full well that they had created the opportunity for the colonization of the unguarded area for the Sharia fighters. In northern Iraq, these Sharia terrorists pushed thirty thousand Christians out of the Nineveh Plain where Christians had lived since about the time of Christ according to Robert Spencer's The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS, pp. 126-27.
    In the early part of 2015, the Christians of Iraq stopped turning the other cheek and did the most loving thing: they started fighting back, making it more difficult for the Islamists to sin by murdering people. They received no support from any of the employees of any of the Western governments, but eventually elements of America's true government, the people, began to respond to the Christians' plight. For instance, an Army veteran, Sean Rowe, started the Veterans Against ISIS trying to get American veterans to go fight the cowardly, insane ISIS terrorists in Iraq. A Marine veteran joined an Iraqi militia to fight. Others followed. These were heroic men.
    By "heroic" I do not mean that everything these men did in life was heroic. I mean that they were heroic to go to Iraq and fight the crazed and torturing ISIS
whimps who blow up innocents and rape eight year-olders of both sexes.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary.
"The measure of a man,
  Is not what he says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
   - Navy Seal Instructor
"Free Will is your ability to be rational in spite of the irrational urges of your genes and your experiences." Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, fighting with the troops the best way I can.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Burkini Or Aquatic Body Bag Ban Lifted At One French Beach

    The burkini or aquatic body bag ban was lifted at one beach in France by order of France's highest court. There are about 29 more localities with the ban according to the Wall Street Journal p A10, 8-29-2016. However, the bans are so  popular that the politicians on both the right and left side of the assembly are supporting them. Nicolas Sarkozy is planning to run for the presidency again, and he wants even more bans of Muslim clothing.
    Why are the French so prissy and controlling? Don' they believe in the freedom of the individual or just the freedom of the collective to take away the freedoms of the individual? They are acting like Sharia Muslims. What moral authority are they going to have to stiffen their world renowned limp spines when the Sharia Muslims have enough immigrants in France to go to these beaches and protest all the skin being shown by people in bikinis and who are naked?
You know that is the next step to the Muslim interest in the beaches. The government employees won't be able to use the principle of the sanctity of individual rights, because they have already walked over that principle in banning burkinis or aquatic body bags. They will have no moral grounds, and it will simply be force. The force of the unprincipled, weak French over Sharia Islamists steeped in the religion of hate and death? No contest.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary
"The measure of a man,
  Is not what he says,
  But what he does,
  And what he allows others,
  To do in his presence."
   -Navy Seal Instructor
"Free Will is the ability to act rationally in spite of irrational urges from your genes and your experiences." Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major.