Saturday, May 28, 2016

More White Slaves

    A previous post told of a pope authorizing the Jews to take 1.5 million Italians into slavery with many of them first visiting the hospitality of castration houses that the Jews specialized in. That was Pope Gelasius in 492.
    This post will expand on white slavery which Google seems to make a little difficult here. Do we have a discriminatory or lieing agenda here, mates? Run for your safe spaces! Oh, that's right; individualists don't need safe havens because we respect individuality. Unlike the sissy-bully collectivists.
    Slavic and Baltic whites were also taken usually young women and men from isolated villages. Slaves from Finland, for example, were sold as far east as Central Asia. The merciless Mongols called slavery "harvesting the Steppes" and sent Slavic peasants to the northwest sector of the Mongol empire.That women were customarily raped can by seen in Genghis Khan's 16 million descendents living today. And he was only one man, although the most prodigious. The English were taken until the 1060s when it was stopped by William the Conqueror.
    Your trump card for those who deride Americans of being slavers is to point out that a black man did it. His name was Anthony Johnson, and he petitioned the Virginia Assembly to allow him to keep a black man in perpetual slavery. His petition was granted, and after that, blacks brought in chains into America were no longer considered identured servants for a set number of years but slaves for life. Thank you, Anthony Johnson, a black man. A freed black man at that.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of 1968, William and Mary

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Killing Panthers and Eagles Too #5

As if it wasn't enough that the fragile federal Fish and Wildlife wasn't being pushed around by big campaign finance donors to take land from the endangered Florida panthers, it is now out that they're killing eagles, bats, and other birds including the raptors at the request of the people putting in wind turbines. Wind turbines are not turning out to be utopia. Great Britain, which has the best wind in Europe, is struggling to get wind turbines to provide 15% of the electricity needed. Sometimes, wind farms produce only enough energy to bring a couple of kettles of tea to a boil. Very quaint, but is it a fool's errand?
    Now, the Wall Street Journal reports that US Fish and Wildlife Disservices wants to extend a kill permit from five years to thirty years for wind turbines. This permit will allow wind turbines to kill legally kill 4,200 bald eagles (our national bird; America-haters must be ecstatic!) 888,000 bats, and 573,000 other kinds of birds, including the raptors.
    On the other hand, just to make themselves look almost criminally small, Federal Fish and Wildlife Disservices really whomped down on fossil fuel producers. They had the Justice Department file criminal charges against three oil companies for killing - get this now!- a horrible total of six ducks and one grebe. How do these guys and gals look at themselves in the mirror or look at their children in the face? Why do we allow their bosses to make them such malevolent tools? Why do we allow the puppeticians to make the bosses such tools? Why do we allow puppeticians to accept money from private donors when we know this prostitutes the politicians to the private donors? I agree with Bernie Sanders that this must stop. But don't think Denmarkian styled socialists can't be killers in America. Sincere Bernie is already alluding to the Democratic Convention not being "gentle." This reminds me of Maximilian Robespierre warning that you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Wasn't he cute with his reframing? Robespierre's Reign of Terror while he served on the Committee of (No) Public Safety killed 30 to 50 thousand French citizens, many of them without even a perfunctory trial by Madame Defarge! He should have been made to eat the omelet.
    To return to the birds. it is not reasurring to read that national birds stewards are writing that Audubon says global warming is going to kill 300 species of birds anyway so let the wind mills beat them to death now. A little superficial there, Stewards.
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Killing Panthers #4

    This is taken from a case study of the Union Of Concerned Scientists. I simply typed "Union Of Concerned Scientists- Panthers" to get it to pop up as a choice.
For the sake of the panthers, you may want to go there and get ahead of me. I will plod along the trail, barking as loudly as I can, trying to get others to pay attention to the tragedy of using private money for campaign funds by people running for office. The elected officials will do whatever their big donors say. They will not risk loosing their big donors the next election. All politicians want to be re-elected, just about. Thus, elected government officials, from the US president on down become puppeticians of the big donors. They do what the big donors want done, not what we the people, the government, want done.
    In reading the Concerned Scientists, I see that Andrew Eller, Jr., who had worked at US Fish And Wildlife for seventeen years had charged that agency officials knowingly used flawed data about panther habitat and livability to make it possible to allow planned development in southwest Florida. The US Fish And Wildlife deliberately used false date- lies, in strongmen's terms- to approve development applications to justify giving away "tens of thousands of acres" of essential Florida panther habitat, an endangered species. This lieing seemed particularly prevalent during the George W. Bush administration. The question is did he personally influence or demand, either directly or indirectly, that the Fish And Wildlife scientists lie? Is there any official in the know who will comment?
Any wife of any official? Any idealistic adult child who wants to try to help save the Florida panther and maybe help to save our country from being so strangled by corruption that we turn to obvious psychopaths to become authoritarian rulers to "protect" us from the more covert psychopaths presently in charge?
A criminal is only going to use criminality to stop the criminality of others. It's the way he operates, and it's not going to change when he or she is elected to power. It will get worse.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William & Mary, 352-359-0850,

Big Campaign Donors Killing Florida Panthers #3

    Due to the fact that politicians want their big campaign donors to keep contributing to their future campaigns, they will do favors for the big donors. These favors make the big donors think they have big balls, but in reality all they have are big bucks and big corruption. Maybe they think they have big balls because they are so corrupt. Examination would have to establish if they really have big balls, but it is obvious the donors are corrupt because they are blackmailing the politicians and killing the Florida panthers by insisting that politicians get their development plans into panther habitat okayed by Fish and Wildlife or the politicians won't get any more donations. A law needs to be passed that those big balls, real or imagined, be fed to the panthers. America is in the mood to try to pass such legislation. We are fed up with the corrupt establishment, and the pitchforks are being sharpened.
    The past top federal wildlife official in south Florida has said of the Florida panther: "Numerically, they're doing better. Ecologically, they're screwed." This quote comes from the Tampa Bay Times. From the Florida Panther Society comes information that Andy Eller, Jr., for 18 years a federal panther biologist, was fired for daring to say that development was taking essential land from the endangered panther in south Florida. As I understand it, Andy Eller had enough with approving that panther land be given to the Big Campaign Donors With Big Balls because they were extorting that land from the politicians. Big politicians- federal congressmen and senators- were making sure that federal Fish and Wildlife officials approveg these development plans. Andy finally made a stand and spoke the truth and was promptly fired. Fortunately, Andy could appeal that wrongful termination, and he had the financial resources and or backing to pay the lawyers. He was reinstated to his job, but I understand he's left the state. Probably had to.
    Yes, Bernie, in this you are right. We must make campaign donations public money so private donors can't blackmail congressmen and senators to do their bidding or lose those donations next election.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '60, William and Mary, 352-359-0850

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Big Donors Taking Panther Habitat #2

    In the last post, I discussed the need to try to get a law passed that would feed the panthers the Big Balls of Big Donors who having bought politicians are able to use these politicians to get federal Fish and Wildllife to approve them taking panther lands. The Fish and Wildlife professionals know this land is essential to the survival of the Florida panther, a protected species, under the Endangered
Species Act, but they don't want to incur the wrath of the Big Donors and their puppet politicians. Therefore, they make sure that orders go, from the top to the bottom, that the front-line biologists in Florida who are working with the panthers okay the applications for the panther land. This is corrupt, but who wants to lose their jobs, their income, their house, and their wives, their children when they are fired and maybe get blackballed and can't get another job? Do they sacrifice almost everything for the panthers, the truth, and not being pushed around by either corrupt Big Donors or their intimidated bosses? Very few people have the fortitude to stand up to government employees with their almost unlimited resources and their hyperbolic legal charges. What is needed is more generous financial rewards for whistleblowers so they will have something to live on and have a chance to keep their marriages, their houses, and their children. The children usuallly go with the wife and often both sides try to poison the children about the other spouse. All this is often a hell that only ends with death. Even worse, all too many marital breakups ends with multiple deaths. What whistleblowers do is extremely heroic, and they should be able to survive and prosper. Financially rewarding whistleblowers  is the right thing for us to do plus it will encourage other people to blow the whistle. It's about the only way we can get to the truth.
    I've noticed pictures of female CEOs in the Wall Street Journal lately, and that reminded me that some of these corrupt, blackmailing Big Donors could be women. Although women are almost infinitely less likely to commit crimes and are more interested in the welfare of panthers, all because of their low levels of the aggressive hormone testosterone, there needs to be a punishment for them too. Since women value the nest and things related to the nest like being attractive to get a male to help build the nest and to mate her, I think the law should also fine a female who builds on panther land this: her house (her nest) be confiscated, and sold to help buy land contiguous to the present panther land.
    At the same time, almost paradoxically, if the federal Fish and Wildlife biologists are telling the truth about the panthers being so crowded that males are doing the unheard of thing of killing females, then I urge Fish and Wildlife to open a season on a certain number of females and young males to reduce the population where needed. Do not shoot the alpha males. You will be killling the best of the male population. The panthers need and deserve the best genes out there in order to survive. The alpha males are the male breeders. Keep them and love them. I would also urge the biologists to find out how much the free market will pay to hunt a female or young male panther and charge as much as will sell. Use that money also to put towards buying land contiguous to  present panther land.
    For a panther to be clawed, bitten or asphixiated to death means she has to suffer. This suffering can be avoided and should be. This can be done by a decent shot using a modern rifle. Dogs have to be used to tree the panther so you can see what sex panther you have and if he's an alpha male ( A NO-GO). A treed panther or bear offers an excellent opportunity to make a humane shot- instant unconsciousness or very close to it. No bowhunting of any sort should be used as it is too easy to miss humane shots with primitive weapons. The same applies to pistols or revolvers.  Also no muskets or any other single shot rifle should be used as an immediate second shot may be necessary and for the sake of the panther, the dogs, and rarely the hunting party, that second shot should be immediate. I would also require a qualifying score be required on the rifle range.
I'm not talking about being overbearing here, just the demonstrated competence to make an upper torso shot from 25 yards. My brother and I passed such a requirement to bowhunt sitka deer on -the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and were glad it was required after we had passed the test. You owe it to the aminal to be able to make humane shots!
    However, obviously I don't trust the field biologist very much because they have to kowtow to corruption and dishonesty to keep their jobs thanks to the Big Donors. Therefore, I don't completely trust them to say truthfully that females are being killed by the males. I urge the field biologists to take people not connected to Fish and Wildlife out into the field to show them a female killed by a male. I would like non-establishment types who are not dependent on government largesse appointed to this group as well as the shakers and movers of the establishment.  I would especially like to see middle and lower middle class being taken out to the field. Call this part of the huge wave of populism that Bernie and Trump represent. You could develop a list of people who given a few hours warning could be ready to go. It's no big deal. There's a list like this for people who will go pick up a deer killed by a vehicle. She is used for meat if she's not torn up too badly.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary,, 352-359-0850.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Big Money Taking Panther Habitat!

    I have learned on the Internet that the panthers in Florida are again showing holes in their hearts. The term is septal defects which means that there is a hole  between the two upper chambers of the heart. In 1995, the Texas cougar, Puma concolor stanleyana, was introduced by way of 15 such big cats from Texas into Florida to mix with the alleged ( I am deliberately showing my suspicions about the truth of what government employess say as they must lie or lose their jobs!) inbred panthers. Their inbreeding was showing up in defects such as holes in their hearts. The inbreeding problem seemed to have been solved by the genetic mix of 15 hot females from Texas. But now it's cropped up again. In 2005, after a hiatus of ten years, an autopsy on a road-killed two year old male panther by a Florida cop showed that he had the dreaded congenital heart defect. Five more autopsies were made on killed panthers in the next nine years, and they also showed, to a panther, that they too had holes in their hearts. What I am going to show in posts is how this is the fault of government politician-employees and federal employing kow-towing to the Big Boys who want the panther habitat. This Big Boys think they have such big balls. I hope to make you as angry at them as I am so we can try to pass a law that will allow panther lovers to castrate these Big Boys and feed their Big Balls to the panthers.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, William and Mary

Thursday, May 5, 2016

1.5 Million Whites Enslaved By Jews

    Slavery is being talked about so much by the crazy socialist talk show hosts like Stephanie Miller and Tom Hartman up here in Bernie country - Vermont- that I doubted the date of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation - an executve order, by the way. The proclamation took place in 1863, and it is now 2016, and the socialists are still harping about it as if it were yesterday. I decided that if the centuries meant nothing to the harpies, I would play that game too and add a little context to the harpies' incessant belittlling of the white man as the sole oppressor in history and the world. I went to Google and found that 1.5 million white people, mainly young women and young men, were kidnapped from Europe to serve as sex slaves and workers by Jews. In 492 Pope Gelasius permitted Jews to take non-Christians into slavery in Italy and then were delivered to sex-starved individuals as well as those who needed workers in North Africa, the Middle East, and even Central Asia. Jews specialized in castrating Europeans and set up castration houses. Castrated men were highly prized by Muslims who are absolutely paranoid about their wives' supposed infidelity impulses. The apex of the Jewish seizure of Europeans was between 1500 and 1650.
    This is a little perspective for the highly-agitated, low information Socialists.
The message is, little Hitlers, that slavery was not just for the whites. However, the whites did end it. American whites at that, knowledge slobs.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bowel Obstrction #11

Preface: I was going into the post office in north Brattleboro when I heard a robin screaming from a hedge of evergreens nearby. Then I heard the "clack" of grackles and knew they were trying to get to Mother Robin's eggs or chicks. I approached the hedge, and two black raiders with big tails flew out, clacking as they went. I watched them land in a nearby tree, and when they saw me still observing them, they flew across Putney Road. Unfortunately, they'd be back. Mother Robin needed one of Arnold's guns.
Tuesday, May 3, '16: I'm operating without my journal, but Ms. Peterson of Brattleboro Internal Medicine also tried to float this rationalization for not indentifying the authorship of her letter. She said I could look at the long, narrow rectangle at the bottom of the letter, which contained a list of clinicians, and conclude that one of them sent me my "fired as a patient" letter. Back home, another senior citizen and I put our silver heads together and pored over the rectangle of names. We were unable to find Peterson's name so since she told me the name of the letter-writer was in the rectangle, and she had written the letter, and her name was not in the rectangle, she was telling me a falsehood.
    Without my notes, the second and last thing that was wrong with her letter was that her final sentence said there was a disclosure form included so my medical information could be forwarded to my new health practitioner. There was no such letter.
    Thus ends, I guess, my critique of supposed Alene Peterson's letter to me. It was an unidentified, incomplete letter. If I had written such a letter, I wouldn't have wanted to identify myself as the author either. It was shabby and hostile and not at all professional.
    Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, Class of '68, William and Mary