Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Restricted Calls

 A group of possibly five people are planning to get together. The rest of them have been having occasional meetings for years, and I have never attended. This year the meeting will be near me so I can go. There are some people I haven't seen for over thirty years. But there is a problem. Restricted has become increasingly critical of another member, Free Spirit. It began with Restricted complaining that Free Spirit wasn't so free financially to finally evolving over the years to predicting  that Free Spirit is going to shake down several of the group members for their last penny at the forthcoming meeting. Curiously, it is Restricted who has married Mr. Big Bucks so one wonders if this is projection within an obsessive personality. At any rate, Free Spirit will not attend if Restricted is there. She has tried to argue rationally with Restricted but her throat shuts down due to tension, and she can't get the words out. For months after the meetings, she suffers physical problems such as burping.
  I am still getting restricted calls, and no one says anything. I called Restricted, and she doesn't answer so I left a message saying she is not invited to our get-together. Technically, I can't do that. What I should have said is that if she is there, Free Spirit, another member who is sick of the verbal abuse Free Spirit gets, and I will not be there. On the message machine, I also told her she could work on establishing a positive relationship with Free Spirit, and we'd have another meeting in a year or so. I was not going to answer any more restricted calls as no one was saying anything, but Free Spirit has asked me to keep answering the calls. If they are from Restricted, maybe she will tell me if she is going to stay away from the get-together this year or not. I am not going to call Restricted as I don't like my calls piling up with no record of her calling me as she uses the restricted service. You have to be careful. I hope this can be worked out, but there is a very long, bad history. History is the best indicator of the future. It will be a shame because Free Spirit is an unorthodox soul who graduated summa cum laude while Restricted is an equally intelligent woman who believes God micro-manages her life (but apparently not Free Spirit's).  Both have energetic, colorful personalities, and had once loved each other deeply with no condemnation. Peter "Nick" Nickerson, MS, MSW North Florida

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Florida Woman Reports Bigfoot Sighting

I have received a Bigfoot sighting from Geneva, Florida. The young lady said her boyfriend wanted her to contact someone, and she found my blog. Thank you. She said she went camping with a group last March or April in Geneva going only a quarter of a mile into the woods, and the next morning they saw a Bigfoot about six and a half to seven feet tall speed-walk by. He had little eyes and large pupils. She was not scared because she thought it was someone in a gorilla suit, but her friends were scared. That area has the Wekiwa springs, run, river, and swamp. It may be a hot spot as the area is not huge and is locked in by housing. She described the Bigfoot as brownish-black. An adult Bigfoot only seven feet tall could be an indication that he's not getting enough food, and therefore it would be particularly fruitful to hang tab top cans of food and beverages by wires to gift trees(look at prior postings for my simple invention of using cans). When he finally hits your cans, keep resupplying them as soon as possible, and he may eventually show himself to you. Or you can take the chance of alienating him by putting up a trail camera at the cans. Reconyx is the only brand I've heard about that supposedly will not frighten him away with  noise or light. Bigfoot do not like trail cameras or big, aggressive dogs. Please call me with your or your friends's sightings. We've got to get the wild people recognized while there's still land for them. It's going fast, and illegal immigration is a big reason. I also think the life expectancy of a human in an ape suit in Florida might be shorter than a second lieutenant's during the Vietnam War. Peter "Nick" Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850 Florida

Friday, July 5, 2013


What's Better In The News?

*What's Better With Benghazi?
What's better with Benghazi is that we shouldn't accept the government's assertion that there were no reinforcements available. This is a lie as an in-country Navy Seal contingent was told to stand down instead of going to Benghazi. I have long said that a jet could have aided the Benghazi defenders. Yesterday, I found in Howard Wasdin's "Seal Team Six" that during the Battle of Mogadishu, Somalia, Seal Wasdin radioed a jet for help as the Ranger convoy he was in had become virtually a sitting duck for Warlord Adid's fighters as the convoy lost its direction repeatedly. The jet pilot said that he was "Winchester" meaning he was out of bombs and missiles. He came back on the radio to say he did have flares and would try to use them. So he came almost on deck to shoot out flares and generally intimidate the fighters. This proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back, and the insurgents broke the attack for a few precious moments. Wasdin was wounded severely, but was still driving the Humvee with one hand and shooting his CAR-15 rifle and then pistols with his other hand. Later in the battle, he called for help from a heliocopter. The pilot said he was Winchester too, but bravely attacked the insurgents with the skids of his heliocopter. Each time an insurgent raised his AK-47 to shoot the heliocopter, Wasdin and his men used that opportunity to cut the insurgent down.
  These were men, not Panetta or Dempsey who did nothing, and certainly not Obama, the Commander-In-Chief, who went to bed while his own beseiged men were fighting for their lives and who refused to send them any help. What kind of person can go to sleep when that is happening? Only a very cold, ruthless person, and we the people should be especially troubled to have such a person as our president. Is there any question whether he's in it for us or himself?
*What's Better With The Immigration Question?
    What's better with the immigration question is that conservatives should reframe the question by asking why we are thinking about passively accepting as citizens possibly as many as 30 million desperately poor people who will be a drain on our welfare resources, our forests and our wildlife. In addition, each person can bring in maybe four others? Instead, conservatives should be actively trying to help these people in their own countries so they can have the economic freedom to open businesses or work for businesses and prosper. Conservatives can do that themselves by forming groups that will make small business loans to Mexicans and other immigrant-prone countries in the Americas. They can vote for conservatives who are, by history, supporters of a free economy. We can get a Washington, D.C, that will support and push for free economies in all countries. This is especially important for the Christians who want to love, love, love, but don't know they should also be doing the most loving thing. The most loving thing to do is not to support flooding with impoverished, unskilled immigrants a country that is already economically broken but supporting immigrants as I have discussed in their own countries.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What's Better In The News?

*What's Better With Racial Discrimination and Paula Dean?
 What's better with racial discrimination and Paul Dean is that the race-baiting Demonic-crats could do no better in finding racial discrimination and slurs in America than going back thirty years to what Paula Dean said then. Hooo-wheee! Aren't we up-to-date? They couldn't do any better than that? Well, that's wonderful, isn't it? Did you hear any of these weak hypocrites go on the war path when one of their own, Senator Byrd of West Virginia, was discovered to have been an officer in the Klu Klux Klan?
*There is enough shale oil in California- mainly in the Monterey Shale Field- to rival Saudi Arabia in the production of oil. The main obstacle to development is Obama's father's wish and Fred Davis's wish that America should suffer for its "colonialism." The wishes are being actualized by Barack Obama.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850  Sources: Wall Street Journal, talk show hosts, and general reading.

Why Do You Think God Would Choose You?

Intellectually, it intrigues me when we pray that God will provide us some favor. This idea is particularly strong with my friend Quaker who believes God is directing her life on a  micro-basis. For instance, a house sale seems to fall apart; that was God's will. But the next day, the loan resurrects itself, and the sale goes through. That was God's will too. If everything is God's will than what is the point of living? Let God live his own life instead of doing it through me. Life is too painful to be allowed proxies. Also, isn't it intellectually fatuous to think that God is going to grant me some favor when new-born babies are dieing of disease and starvation?  They have done nothing wrong. They are sinless. I asked this question of my Quaker friend, and she replied like this: "You don't know how those babies would have grown up to become. They might have been murders or other great sinners."
  My response was, " Shouldn't God make that clear why he is allowing babies to die? Doesn't he want us to know that he is a just God?"
  Quaker had no response for this, and now we get into the covert and emotional reasons for religion with this fact: For years, Quaker has been calling me using "Restricted." I have asked her why she does this, and got a sideways "answer" that was no answer. Just today, I was told that the "Restricted" service costs money. If that's true, the plot thickens. In the past week, I have received three calls from "Restricted." I've answered two of them, and there was no response on the other end. Were these calls from Quaker? I ask that when every "Restricted" call I have received has been from Quaker?  After the second call, I left a message at her number asking her to call me again. The next day "Restricted" called but there was only silence on the phone.But Quaker is a deeply religious person. Not only does she believe God is micro-managing her life, but she spends two hours in the morning on devotionals. What the hell is going on? Is she really that messed up and why? And why would she call and not say anything? It's such a waste of time. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Should God Just Love?

When I brought up the issue of Jesus killing Jezebel and her children, the Quaker friend asked, " What is God all about anyway? Just to love, love, love?"
  This is a strange defense for killing a jezebel and her children. After observing that, I would like to answer now that I've had time to think, that the Most Loving Principle answers what God and anyone else should do. Here I am, telling what God should be doing! I'm sorry but I am a child of God, and he didn't give me a brain for nothing. That principle is that you do the most loving thing in every situation. Certainly, there are many things you can do besides passively loving everything someone does or killing the sucker! Instead of Jesus killing Jezebel, how about giving her a conscience that had higher values than the one she had?
  Readers, I've had comments from the Quaker friend that I am "confused" and from the Methodist minister that "some of my arguements are weak," but those comments are useless and ad hominem until you tell me how I am confused and weak. If you won't do that, I have no respect for you. Sorry, but that's the most loving thing that should be done to you. You don't call me names and walk away without consequences. To be fair, the Methodist minister said he'd tell me how my arguements were weak.  I'm listening. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850  North of Gainesville, Florida 

What's Better In The News?

*What's Better With A Stoned Fox?
    The icon of a stoned fox is being inserted into pictures, advertisments, and paintings in Russia as a way to mock the authoritarian government of Putin's.
* What's Better With Freedom in Colorado?
  What's better is that measures to oust Senator John Morse (Demonic-crat) who was responsible for the gun control package being passed this year in Colorado have jumped a major hurdle. However, the Demonic-crats may head the issue to the courts which is one of their tactics when they want to go against what we the people want.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850  North of Gainesville, Florida  Sources: Wall Street Journal