Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bigfoot Book Review: Giants, Cannibals, and Monsters by Kathy Moskowitz Strain

First, I noticed that two California Indian tribes, the Me-Wuk and the Shasta had legends that said Bigfoot had carried a large basket on his back into which he put his meat - humans. The Me-Wuk called these baskets "burden-baskets" and said they were filled with humans. The Shasta said bad things were put into the baskets and a boy captured by Bigfoot believed there were people in the basket. However, the Bigfoot hid the baskets from him. Three years ago, I wrote a note from my reading that a missionary, Elikanah Walker, had written to his superiors about a race in Giants where he was working with the Indians in the North-West. These giants had feet a foot and a half long, and they took Indians while they were sleeping and carried them back to their land at the top of a snow-covered mountain. See Next Post

A Nature Note

I was driving home last night. It was a very windy evening, obviously bringing in a change of weather, but it was still  warm. The day had been abnormally hot; simply walking about brought sweat onto my brow. As I drove between two ponds, I saw a dead cottonmouth. It had obviously been crossing from one pond to the other. It was brownish on top and had a yellow-white body, a young snake but deadly nonetheless.
Other parts of the country have snow, but in Florida the snakes are crawling about.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

God Doesn't Micro-Manage Your Life

  I meet with a group of about thirty Christian (hopefully) men every week. This week I had a lot of vigor and found things irritating. First, I disagreed with the pastor, Micah, that the definition of  "meek" was
"humbleness under power." Micah asked for my defintion so I gave him the synomym "timid." This was supposedly wrong. Meek did not mean milquetoast or a doormat, he said. That was interesting since so much of my life I have been a doormat with a few heroic exceptions. Two guys in the audience had hand-held devices that supported him. I remarked, "I'll be damned!" and someone behind me commented, "Imagine that." I asked what Bibles were being used as I could not believe a dictionary had said that. Mikah asked me what dictionary I used. I told him Random House, and he poo-pooed that as being old school.When I got home, I went to my Oxford Thesaurus that I bought a few years ago. There was nothing that mentioned underlying strength in meekness. Synonyms were weak-kneed, spineless, and timid. I think the idea that there is underlying strength in meekness is just something to make Christians feel better about themselves : "I may be timid but underneath that I'm a powerhouse just waiting to be unleashed." Oh yeah.
  Another irritating thing is hearing repeatedly homillies like "God Will Provide" with Mikah jumping in and exlaiming, "He always does!" God does not provide, and if you wait around for him to provide whatever- housing, food, a vehicle or medication, you are going to be one disappointed human being. What God provides is a way of life as told (hopefully correctly) in the Bible and your salvation once you die. If God provided for you, what would be your purpose here? As meat for the aliens or Bigfoot? Your purpose here on earth, the domain of the Devil, is to test your character and see if the light of divinity or God in you grows or lessens as the Devil walks among us like a roaring lion. We are not God's Stepforth Wives, brain-dead and micro-managed by Him. The values of Christianity are love, tolerance, charity, and foregiveness. They are extremely powerful values and make it possible for man to prosper and be at peace with other men, unlike the teachings of Islam and Communism.
Their values are force and violence being inflicted carte blanche by government. From Christianity, I have gleaned the Peter Principle which is that we should do the loving thing. This includes doing the loving thing to all people including the mass murder busy shooting down people. The loving thing for you to do in that instance is to put the mass muderer out of commission the most expeditious way available to you including shooting him until he's down and unmoving.
 Another irritating issue is the meta-picture: Christianity in the United States is rapidly dieing. It may work fine for the men in my group, but it doesn't for most Americans. As a result, Christian values are rapidly being replaced by gutter values. This vaccum of values makes America ripe for Communism and Islamo-Fascism. This is what is keeping me going to the meetings.In my little way, I want to see if Christianity can offer something more to Americans than it is now. Homilies that underneath meekness is power and that God will provide will not cut it. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson 352-359-0850

Monday, January 28, 2013

Another Deadly Enemy For Florida Bigfooters

I believe I have posted about a boa constrictor being found in Ocala National Forest. This is not to be confused with the pythons in the Everglades. I understand the Python Hunt there has produced 100 dead snakes so far. Now Florida has not only 17 foot long pythons that could easily wrap up a big man, but boa constrictors. But wait! There's more to fear. The first case of a potentially fatal disease has been found in a horse. The diease is found in dogs, humans, and obviously, horses. It is called Leishmania Siamensis and is srpead by sandflies. Its signature mark is a red, raised sore that gets bigger and then heals, leaving a scar. The young, old, and other immune-deficient persons are vulnerable. The sore heals into a scar, but the disease goes deeper until it attacks the bones and becomes fatal. The good news is that if it is caught early enough- what "early enough" is  being unstated - it is treatable.
P.S. I've stayed at the Greenbiar and have hiked the trails, getting confused and missing dinner as the result.
It did nothing for my popularity. I head what I thought were dogs barking up in the mountains but no Bigfoot that I could tell. But there are bear and deer so Bigfoot has someone to eat besides humans. The trail camera picture of a possible Bigfoot about to tear apart a rotten stump was certainly a could be at least. We have been burned so many times though! Peter "Two-Guns" (aren't I brave!) Nickerson , MS, MSW (educated too) 352-359-0850 Please call about your black panther-Bigfoot sightings.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reply To Hillary Clinton

Madame Secretary, your choice is a Hobson's choice, that is, no choice or a false choice. It wasn't a protest or three or four men out for the night. It was a planned, well-orchestrated attack using heavy machine guns and rockets that two Seals were not able to overcome and were killed along with the ambassador and another American worker. The difference is we want to know how the attack came about so we can take steps never to loose the lives of four Americans again even if that isn't a priority with you. I am greatly dismayed that such callousness, immaturity, and dishonesty would come from a Secretary of the State. Perhaps you are not well yet. By "Senator" Two-Guns Nickerson.
Aanalysis: The administration is going to treat Republicans with contempt. It has decided that Republicans are caprons, eunuchs, and old men without the testotsterone level needed to be fighters.Except for a few like Marco Rubio, that assessment will hold true. We, the people, must arise and fight the lying, contemptuous, anti-human collectivists.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bigfooter's Truck Has Big Problems? Any Suggestions?

My 2004 Chevrolet Colorado 4x4 that I got two months ago started going out on me on Christmas night in Green Swamp, threatening to abandon me to the Bigfoot there. Then the problem cleared up for about two weeks but started again and  has been plaguing me for the past three days. Yesterday, the engine stopped running six times while driving the truck. The first place I took it in the past several days ascertained that there was no vacuum in the tube of the fuel regulator ( I hope I have this right), and since he had no service bulletins, I should go to someone who did. The next place I took it told me that the engine wouldn't be running if the regulator wasn't working, i.e, the first place was wrong, and it couldn't use the computer unless I had a light on. I then went to an auto parts store that had a fleet of Colorados and found out that they weren't having any major problems with them. One worker told me that even if there wasn't a light showing for current problems, there was still information about historical problems available through computers. I also went to the library to google the engine symptoms. I found some nightmares about Colorados but didn't want to pay for answers at other sites.
I then took the truck back to the first place, told them what the second place had to say which the first place disagreed with. The mechanic then looked at the engine and said the vacuum could be better but it was not causing the engine to cut off. He proposed letting the engine run, putting a fuel system test on it, and driving  it himself to see if the engine would cut off. Of course, you know what happened: I waited it the TV room for five hours, and the engine did not cut off. At that point, the mechanic explained that though the most likely problem was a fuel pump, you didn't casually throw a new one on since that's a $500 to $800 job. I agreed wholeheartedly. He said if the engine failed again, I should hit the gas tank with a rubbler mallet, and if that started the fuel pump, it was a sure sign that was the problem. He showed me where to hit. I left the service center and bought a rubber mallet. I also told the mechanic that twice in trying to restart the engine, it began bucking and rattling so much I thought an engine part was going to fly off. He said that was an indication of a fuel pump problem.
  If anyone has a perspective to what is going on - and off- I'd greatly appreciate your comments. I want to get back to looking for Bigfoot. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850  There's a comments section on my blog or call me. Thanks a lot.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bigfoot Hunt # 5 Continued

I pulled off on the side of a watery swamp on the east side of 471 in Green Swamp. I had seen no dead skunks on either side of the road. A skunk would not be going through a watery swamp though he could have gone up the road the trucks had created. Also on the other side of 471, there was no watery swamp but just dry land. The skunk could have gone in there. I thought of walking up the truck-made road but decided that would be selfish since people were waiting to unwrap Christmas presents. I also was a little scared that the scent was Bigfoot, and he was nearby. Again, I'm unarmed for all that matters as I've only read of one Bigfoot being killed by gunfire though I have read of many being shot. In addition, I read a sighting of a Bigfoot only feet away from an ex-Special Forces operative armed with a .45 pistol. He said that considering the size and muscularity of the Bigfoot he saw, even if he used his pistol, the Wildman would kill him before the Bigfoot would die of his .45 wounds. Nevertheless, I would rather try to fight off a Bigfoot who was full of .45 bullets than one who was not. I decided to get back into the truck and be Christmasey. Since then, I've read about someone smelling what was apparently Bigfoot and regretting that he didn't look up into the trees. Reading that reminded me that I had forgotten to do that too. What a Christmas present that would have been to have a Bigfoot perched up in a tree! Careful what you wish for.
  At about 9:30 p.m. I was back in Green Swamp on 471 when my truck engine went dead. It would not start either. I could see no headlights on 471 in front of me or behind me and thought, " Here I am in Green Swamp with just the Bigfoot!" I was eventually able to start the truck, but it died on me several times again. I finally got out of the swamp, and the truck didn't falter again on the hundred and fifty mile run for home. I came away from this Bigfoot hunt with a lot of energy because the smell could have belonged to the Skunk Ape.
 Please call me about your sighting or your friend's or for any questions or comments. Please don't call trying to impress your woman with your witticisms about Bigfoot. I've had enough of them. Pete Nickerson 352-359-0850

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bigfoot Hunt #5 Green Swamp, South Central Florida

Christmas morning I drove to Green Swamp after getting lost and loosing a lot of time. Finding the right road in South Florida is like trying to find the correct strand of grass in a hay pile. I checked in with Bulletproof, and she reminded me that it was Christmas, and people were waiting. So I didn't go any farther into the swamp but turned around and took 471 out of the swamp. As I was going down the hard top road, I smelled somthing. I immediately thought "Skunk" and then "Skunk Ape?" I made a U-turn and went back to the stink. There was a road that rogue four by four trucks had made, and I pulled in there. To Be Continued
Peter Nickerson Call me. 352-359-0850

Four Photographs

 I am holding the adorable Shady Lady who has a tumor- the red thing that you may have thought was her tongue- growing out of her mouth. The vet has looked at it. Nothing needing immediate attention. It's a triage. We get to the more pressing problems first. There's only so much money available.

 This is the Arabian, rescued from South Florida. The horse being plagued by Elli, the goat, is Dually. The horse in the corrall.  is La-La. All three horses are rescues. The goat is to keep the horses calm. At the moment he is obsessed with pushing Dually's back leg and mewing at him. Dually is long-suffering but will eventually raise his rear leg as if to say, "Back off!" That will keep the old goat off him for about five seconds.

 Here is Bulletproof caring for La-La, the crazy horse, whose eye we are trying to keep. So far, it's holding its own with care.

 This is a turkey track from the Ocala National Forest in Central Florida.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bigfoot Eating Tourists In National Parks?

  Yes, he is. This is the inescapable conclusion from reading David Paulide's "Missing 411: The Western States." Paulides also makes the hard-to-believe statement that the National Park Service (NPS) does not keep a list of missing persons. I am trying to get his companion book, "Missing 411: The Eastern States" and if the same assertion is made there, I plan to contact my Congressman about it. His name is Ted Yoho, a Tea Party candidate so I'll be expecting an honest, complete answer. I would like to proceed with my journal recordings as I read the book: I am now reading David Paulide's "Missing 411." It is very disquieting as it is about people, primarily children as young as two, who disappear under the noses' of their parents. Sometimes bones are found, even people still alive, but usually not. In almost all cases trained tracking dogs can't or won't work the scent trail. Often unusual weather comes in as soon as the person goes missing, stopping the search. That seems supernatural. Paulides also writes that there are so many disappearances in Texas and Florida that he could write a book about each. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  352-359-0850  Live in Gainesville and want to go on a Bigfoot camera-hunt in a 4x4 truck? We won't go to a National Park. Call me.

Obama Stuck In A Crazy Box ?

  I've watched "2016" and may have a more complete understanding of Obama's destructive behavior toward America which is assiduously being hidden by most of the media and other useful idiots: Obama believes the United States is a colonialist and an imperialist country. That's the crazy box he's in, and he got it from his father apparently. You can supposedly find this in one of his autobiographies (narcissism calls for more than one autobiography) "Dreams From My Father." If "2016" is correct, I would retitle Obama's book "Delusions From My Father" because Obama Sr. believed America belongs to the group of colonialists and imperialists who had preyed upon third world countries and took their resources. In addition to that, those resources once they got to the advanced countries suddenly became all the modern inventions as if by magic. Suddenly, the advanced countries had the internal combustion engine, cars, trains, planes, air-conditioning, everything just from those resources. Poof! Those resources became all those things. Those things were not invented by geniuses after years and years of work. No sir! They popped out of the third-world resources stolen by the colonialists and imperialists with the USA being the biggest thief. Why if those resources had stayed in the third world nations all those inventions would have magically appeared there instead! Thus, those inventions belong to the third world, not to America and the rest of the advaced nations. So if we continue to allow Obama to destroy our economy to the degree that we no longer can use our inventions, that's all right with him. More than that, that's precisely what he's trying to do- Put us at the level of Kenya because everything we have we have stolen from Kenay and other poor countries.
 This is the crazy box that Obama is in. You think it's impossible that anyone would be that dumb?  Not at all. This is what his father believed, and since Obama never had to live with his father and see what a flawed person he, like every human (some more than others) is,  Obama idealizes his father and  his delusions. I myself am only half better. My box was homophobia which I got from my father whom I idealized until I got old enough to know better.  One of my father's sayings was " I've committed every crime in the book, but I would never be a queer!" There were many other derogatory things said about and done to homosexuals by my father. Now intellectually, I knew this was a crazy box but when I tried to move out of the box, I was hit emotionally with headaches and fears of being in certain situations. The headaches are gone, Thank God!, but many of the fears persist fifty years later. It is not easy to get out of your box. Obama is no different.
  This thesis that Obama thinks the United States and other advanced nations are colonialist and imperialists
explains why Obama had the bust of Winston Churchill removed from the Oval Office. Britain was a colonialist nation and Churchill had served as Secretary of the Colonial Office. It explains why Obama, a secret multi-millionaire, never gave his half-brother who lives in dire poverty in Kenya a dime. His half-brother had dared to write a book saying that Kenya had been better off as a British colony. Forget that he's writing the truth, and that it's easily proven: it was contrary to his father's delusions. Like father, like adoring son. They're Obama, Jr.'s delusions now. Our president is stuck in his father'r crazy box. I highly recommend the video "2016."  Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Verizon Refunds Bigfooter His Money

 Veriznon has refunded the $400 I sent it as a deposit. I'm thankful just to have my money back at this point. Thanks for the donneybrook I had to go through, Verizon. Pete

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Good Times Are Coming, America, If We Can Keep Obama From Stopping Them

Months ago, I heard a report from the too sweet voice of Clark Howard, consumer advocate and author. He said his studying had led him to believe that America was going to be all right in spite of the politicians because there was going to be a natural gas discovery in America. This discovery would be so profound with energy so cheap that companies from all over the world would be relocating to America. I believe that assessment underrates the ability of President Obama to hurt our economy. Sure enough, aren't we now seeing that he has sicked the often demonic Enviroment Protection Agency onto the means of making this gas available - hydraulic fracturing, usually just called fracking. The EPA has gone to three sites and things it has found the smoking gun in a well in Wyoming. Its staff claims to be finding an uanacceptable level of toxic chemicals in the test well, but the Wyoming government has criticized the analysis. It has found that the water in the well was allowed to stay there too long, allowing toxins to build up over time. Thus, it did not represent a sample of water at one point in time but only after days of buildup. The other finding by the Wyoming department was that the insturment the EPA used to take the sample was coated with black paint and that contaminated the sample of water taken. I urge everyone to try to stay on top of this EPA scrutiny because Obama is demonizing fossil fuel. Fossil fuel is a red herring, What he wants to do is hurt our economy, and he's triangling in fossil fuel as his concern. It's not. His concern is disablilng Ameica. Depriving the USA of an  economic rennaisance in which we would become the world's leader in the supply of gas and oil, is of paramount importance to him, I believe. I ask that you become and stay informed about this issue, and find the spine to talk it up to as many people as you can. I also raise your voice to ask for a national leader who will stand by us and for us  day to day. No more Johnny-Come-Latelys! I see Marco Rubio and Newt Gingerich as possibles. After the election, Tim  Ryan looked like a cochroach scurrying for a dark, wet crack to hide in. Are there no men anymore?  Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bigfoot Family Seen

The majority of outdoorsmen are macho, and they don't want to be laughed at or demeaned by others. It could result in a fight so many figure the best thing is to keep quiet about things that might cause them trouble. Bigfoot sightings somewhat similar to black panther sightings a decade ago are often kept quiet to avoid ridicule, or if you retaliate to ridicule, fights which can easily escalate to the use of instruments such as knives, guns, or even your pickup truck. However much progress has been made by the flat-earthers and it's much safer to tell your Bigfoot stories now. Many have been penned up for forty or more years. This sighting took place a mere eight years ago near Grandfather mountain in North Carolina. A friend, Christian, in northwest North Carolina told me it yesterday. He knows the three men involved, one very well, and says he is a straight-shooter. The story is that three or four men where logging near the mountain when they smelled something horrible. The worst smell of their lives. They looked up from their work and saw baby Bigfoot, his mother, and his father. Like the three bears. The manimals stared at them a while and then moved back into the forest. They were probably quietly asking, " Why are you destroying my woods?" It's just the question all the various interests in land development are terrified of and is precisely why Bigfoot is not recognized as existing. It's the same story as the black phase of the puma that I have been investigating since 1998 when I learned there was such an animal from a honest Florida Game Commission worker at a  game management area check-out station on the Gulf of Mexico. After the three Bigfoot in this story walked off, the loggers went over to where they had stood, and their smell was still almost overwhelming. Apparently, there was no more contact made.
Please call me with your black panther (puma) sightings and your Bigfoot sightings. I am looking for an alert, smart, and determined person as a buddy on my Bigfoot- black panther camera-hunts. I've got a serious injury in one knee so the hunting will be primarily from my four-wheel truck, but I do get out to check for tracks. Authors Lyle Blackburn, Kathy Strain, and David Paulides are all stressing the danger in looking for Bigfoot. Paulides repeats that a partner in the woods is absolutely necessary. Call me. Maybe you'll get the million dollar video. Bigfoot is much less afraid of you and stays around longer if you are in a vehicle. I see the day coming when you can go to the National Forests, stay in your car, and feed Bigfoot just as the folks used to do with the bears in the Smokey Mountains and elsewhere before law enforcement denied you that right. Let's go bigfootin' this weekend! Pete Nickerson 352-359-0850