Tuesday, March 31, 2009

#144 Global Warming For Truth-Seekers

As you may know, the control addicts in Washington, D.C. are seeking to take away much more of our money and many more of our freedoms in the name of trying to prevent global warming. Politicians have triangled in climate control between your money and freedoms and them. Children, "assault weapons," and public safety are also things they triangle in between your money and freedom and them to take away more of your money and freedom.
You may also know that I am plodding through Christopher Horner's "The Politically Incorrect Guide To Global Warming and Enviromentalism. The book is very interesting, but I am plodding because I am taking notes. Horner discusses the iconic graph of the global warmers, the "hockey stick" graph of temperatures for the last 1,000 years. The graph is called a hockey stick because there is a long stretch on the graph of low temperatures ( the hockey stick), and then at about 1960 there is a pronounced spike as temperatures got much warmer (the blade of the hockey stick).
This graph was developed by Michael Mann at the University of Virginia. However, according to Christopher Horner, Professor Mann lied. He lied by omission. Big time. On his graph, he left out the Medieval Warm Period which Horner writes is a well-documented phenomenon. In the Medieval Warm Period temperatures were higher than they are now (page 120-131).
Professor Michael Mann also lied by omitting the Little Ice Age, which occured from about 1200 A.D. to the end of the nineteenth century (page 62). There is proof that Professor Mann knew about these two weather events because they are included in his research data. But he left them out of the hockey stick graph. Why? I don't know, but it is possibly because he wanted to go along with the global warming mob so that he could advance his career. Maybe he wanted to be politically correct for the people-eaters, you know, the politicians who want your money and freedoms. That gives them an adrenaline rush and satisfies their addiction, for a while. Then they'll be back for more of your money and freedoms.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Introduction Of New Book, "Tyranny By Police"

This is the introduction of "Tyranny By Police: A True Story About How Cops In Florida Ganged Up On One Honest, Brave Man"

I dedicate this book to my mother, Katherine Rearden Nickerson, to Eric Reissmann, Chief Codes Enforcement Officer, and to Lloyd Vipperman, Attorney

"You never know what people are going to do today. That's why I keep my head bowed." - Author's mother, Katherine Rearden Nickerson
"We like what you're doing here, Pete - giving abandoned dogs a home." - Eric Reissman, Chief Codes Enforcement Officer, Alachua County, Florida
"I'm not doing it for the money. I'm doing because what happened to you should not have happened." - Lloyd Vipperman, attorney, Gainesville,Florida


In the early spring of 2004, I drove the ten year-old Ford F-150 slowly down the dirt lane, past the Starlings' blue trailer, noting again how they had taken down their sign, proclaiming "The Starlings' Plantation." Sherri's son by another man, a biker, had joined a lethal gang that brought drugs from the port of Miami into North-Central Florida where the professionals and students at the University of Florida and Shands Teaching Hospital provided an eager market. To Erin's infinite courage and new-found integrity, he had decided to quit the gang, knowing it could be his death sentence. To keep him alive, his mother and step-father had arranged for him to disappear. My wife Lee Ann and I were not happy though when Lee found out that our son Jon had been spending a great deal of time with Eric, and his parents didn't have the decency to tell us that Eric was a gang member. Plus Lee found out that the Starlings allowed Jon to smoke marijuana in their trailer without telling us again. I passed the empty sign post and rolled the truck down into the bottom where we lived.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

#142 Global Warming For Conservatives

I am using my 4x6 index cards with information taken from "The Politically Incorret Guide To Global Warming And Enviromentalism" by Christopher Horner:
On graphs and in other places, there is a striking correlation between heat emitted by the sun (solar activity) and the measurered temperatures in the Arctic.This work was done by Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon.
Dear Reader, note the correlation with temperatures in the Arctic wasn't with carbon dioxide emissions - a greenhouse gas (GHG)- but with solar activity, meaning the hotter the sun because of sunspots, the warmer the Arctic. Push that one down the pipe of your liberal "friends."
Here's another one: "10% of the Arctic is free of ice in a typical summer. This is not caused by global warming."
Now I have some rebuttals to Al Gore's "A Convenient Lie (For Fascists):"
The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) does not, repeat, does not forecast 18 to 20 feet sea-level changes as Al Gore predicts in his book-length lie. The panel predicts a possible increase of 4 inches to less than 4 feet over the century. (page 232)
Maybe you too have always wanted to hunt under the snows of Kiliminjaro and were alarmed to hear that the snow is melting due to global warming. This is another Gore lie for, first, the snow is not snow but ice. Climate scientist, Robert Balling has pointed out that Gore ignored two major journal articles that showed that the ice on Kilimajaro was receding due to a decrease in precipitation beginning at the end of the 19th Century (when there were no man-made emissions). The lessening of the ice was not due to global warming, but to a regional change of less rain. The man who claims he invented the Internet, also didn't tell us that the sea levels have been rising since the end of the last ice age at a rate of 1.8 mm a year for the past 8,000 years and will continue to do so until the next ice age.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The hosts of the Happy Hour on Sky 97.3 radio here in Florida, Chip Morris and Mr. PC,
had some interesting news about the lying, gun-grabbing liberals. It seems that they are beginnng to say that American gun stores are supplying the drug gangs in Mexico with rocket launchers and grenades. This should be an affront to your intelligence because anyone with half a brain knows that gun stores cannot legally get or sell rocket launchers and grenades. But such stupidity might play with the Obama zombies who, let me point out, outnumber us. It will certainly play with the Obama communists who are looking for any exxcuse to disarm Americans and thus take away one more freedom. Rocket launchers and grenades are military items. If the drug cartels in Mexico are indeed getting them from America, they are getting them from one of two sources: Either from the back door of military installations and armories or from the back door of the manufacturers of these military armaments. Actually, there is another possiblity: the drug cartels are getting them when they are being stolen on the road. This is a heads-up. Be aware that the freedom-haters are exploring this lie to take away another of your freedoms - the ability to shop at gun stores- and pour loud, rude ridicule on their dirty heads at any chance you get. Remember, we conservatives have everything on our side but courage, and it's time to get some of that too!
The crazy liberals ( I'm being redundant) and the sane people in Gainesville are voting today on whether it will be legal to allow men to go into women's public bathrooms. Can you imagine that such insanity has actually come to a vote? The lying liberals say that men who feel they are women should be allowed to use the women's bathrooms while the sane people recognize that perverts and over-sexed men will use that as an excuse to go into women's bathrooms and ogle women and girls as well as to take pictures and videos of them as they slip their clothing off and then on. The liberals are nothing, and we conservatives have everything on our side but courage, and it's high time we got some of that too! Remember you God loving and fearing Christians, Jesus was no chump. Jesus was no loser. He manipulated his crucifixion so that he could be the blood sacrifice for Man's sins. He played the Jews and the Romans like a violin. Jesus was no loser. Don't you be either. Fight like Jesus for what you know is right.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Conservatives Only, continued

What do I mean by saying that Obama is a communist? Communism was conceived by Karl Marx, and Marx's formula for communism was simply "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need." Communistic governments use this formula by force which is exactly what Obama is doing. Remember his "spread the wealtlh" comment? He did not mean for that to be done voluntarily by individuals who wanted to do so, he meant, as we have seen subsequently, for the government - fat cat Demonrat politicians and their brown-shirted bureaucracy - to force by law, and then the gun and jail, if necessary, individuals to give up their money through taxes. If you believe in this practice, then you are a communist. Obama obviously believes in it, and you should call him a communist.
Author and former Clinton advisor, Dick Morris was right: If McCain had spoken against federal bailouts and asked the federal government to investigate whether there was any criminal activity in the fall of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, thereby threatening the country with an economic collapse, the people of America would have hailed him as a hero and elected him president instead of Obama. Instead of oppossing the bailout as the Republican congressmen did, McCain discontinued his presidential campaign and threw himself into the process in Washington, D.C., a place most Americans see as corrupt and self-serving. McCain did not see the national principle held by the overwhelming majority of Americans. The principle was that their money should not be used to bail out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or any other company. At his peril, McCain ignored a national mandate and was lumped with the Republican administration and flushed with hopes of getting something better with Obama, the communist wolf in sheep skins.
Obama has been elected and now has triangled America's hatred toward the trillions of dollars of debt and inflation that comes with printing worthless dollar bills that have gone into one bailout after another by pointing the finger at some 60 investors at AIG who will get million dollar bonuses from bailout money. Finally, Americans have someone to vent their anger at even if it is unjust to these 60 investors. The howling mobs, both mindless Obamites and angry Republicans, want to lynch these hapless 60 investors who are only getting what their lawful contracts said they would get. McCain though never had the strength to point the finger. I believe he was duty-bound by love of country to point the finger at candidate Obama during any one of the presidential debates and say, "Mr. Obama, because of your American and white hating friends and your terrorist-bombers who bombed right here in America, you couldn't get a security clearance as a federal employee and should not be made President of the United States!" But McCain had been broken by the communists and therefore standing up to one was apparently out of the question. How does our great nation recover from this? Only from the grassroots. The politicians, by and large, are too addicted to the power, money, prestige, and sex to risk anything by being leaders. They want to be re-elected to their addictions. We must do if by discovering and supporting the rare, strong, moral, freedom-loving leaders we can find. And we must be the ones to point the finger at wrong-doings in our everyday life and have the guts to say, "That's wrong. You should be doing ------!"
Don't just tell people what is wrong; also tell them what is the right thing to do.
We need to do this over and over again. Repetition, courage, and character are everything. Conservatives have everything on their side except courage. Let's find it, men, women, and young people!

Friday, March 20, 2009

#140 For Conservatives Only

Doesn't it just eat away at you that John McCain wasn't strong enough as a presidential candidate to oppose the bailouts and call for an investigation into why our government allowed worthless home mortgages to be made and why their worthless derivatives became the foundation of our economy? I have great respect for John McCain refusing to leave the hell-hole he was in before those who had been there longer left that hell-hole. "Hell-hole" best describes the prisons American soldiers and pilots were kept in by the communist. "Hell-hole" best describes anything made by communists. Refusing to leave prison was extremely heroic and is probably something a person can do only once in a lifetime. It simply takes too much out of you. Also remember that the communists didn't allow him to get away with his act of great bravery unscathed because they broke him - as they can break anyone - and made him apologize for America's "criminal" actions against Vietnam.
We expected too much when about thirty years later, we mominated him to run against the most powerful communist in America - Barrack Obama. It was stupid of us, of me, to think that a man broken by communists in Vietnam could prevail, thirty years later when he was a tired, old man, against the best communist the fat cat Demonrats could put up. What do I mean saying that Obama is a communist? Communism was conceived by Karl Marx. The formula for communism is, as Marx wrote it, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." To Be Continued.
Peter "Two Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

#139 Jay Leno and Rush Limbaugh

I have been sick for almost a week and didn't want to use the library when I am.Today, Rush Limbaugh discussed Jay Leno's putting on a free show for people unemployedd or having hard times. Leno released free tickets. Subsequently, he found out that people were selling their tickets on Ebay. He has asked Ebay not to sell them and was angry that it was being done. Rush asked why Leno did that because people who sold their tickets could use the money for food, rent, gas, the heating bill, etc. Plus, people who liked Leno enough to pay $200 could get a chance to see him live. Rush urged that the free market would prevail ; everyone would be happy.
Rush is right, but let's look at what happens when you have a controlled economy -an Obama economy. Obama has taken over the banks. What's next - the automobile industry? In an Obama economy, you don't have the choice to sell your tickets on Ebay for Obama knows what is good for you. You go see Jay Leno like a good child. Forget the fact that you need money you could have gotten from your tickets for food or anything. Forget it! Obama has spoken. You have to see Leno and you'd better laugh too. Now you have become a loser which is exactly what Obama wants to make you. Why? Because that makes his power - the power of government- greater. Losers are dependent, and dependent people turn to the government. You lose; Obama wins.
Why do Obama and the Demonrat Liberals want to control you through laws, executive order, and bullying? Because control over people gives Obama and the Demonrat Liberals an adrenaline rush. It gives them a high. Control is a drug, and Obama and the Liberals are control addicts. Your money, your freedoms, and finally your life are their fixes, and they will take them all. The only way out is for you to speak loudly and often about the growing tyranny of Obama and to support conservative leaders by contributions and encouraging communication. Even if you can only contribute $5, do it and do it every month. It adds up to a respectable contribution. Then go to meeting and dinners that he attends and go up to him, introduce yourself, and give him encouragement and advice.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

#138 Panther Tales

MISTAKE! MISTAKE! In yesterday's posting, I said that the polar bear expert was Dr. Mitchell Tower. It should have been Dr. Mitchell Taylor. Mea culpa.
Now let's continue Ray Richard's stories about the Osceola Forest in Baker County, Florida. This is the county that used to have the best tasting moonshine in the USA, and maybe it still does. Here's Ray: "When I got older, I started leaving the house until two or three in the morning. When I would come back to the property, I would hear panthers screaming along the creek behind my uncle's house. Dad would say he heard them too. They screamed just like a woman screaming.
When the Game Commission put the panthers in here (in the 1990s), they created a danger. The cats had been fed by humans, and they weren't afraid of men as a result. I saw one lying in the road and inched my truck to within five feet of him. He just looked at me, not moving. Only the tip of his tail kept throbbing.
My hunting buddy went into the woods during archery season. He had a chiropractor's appointment at 9. One of the imported panthers ccame by as there was a feeder. Panthers learn to hang around feeders to see what's coming in to feed. The panther walked around the tree in a circle, trying to pick up my buddy's scent and then lay down by the tree. My buddy had to get to the doctor's and waited for the cat to move on. Finally, he spoke to the panther, and the cat looked up at him, growled, and stayed where he was. Desperate, my buddy shot an arrow next to the big cat, hoping to scare him off. The cat looked at the arrow sticking in the ground next to him, batted it down, and peered up at my buddy and growled another warning. My buddy had to stay in the tree until 10 in the morning before the panther got up and walked away. Then the big cat walked up the trail my buddy had walked down to the treestand on. So he slowly inched out of the woods with his bow partly-drawn constantly looking around him for a charging panther. He finally got back to his truck safely."
I gave my name and phone number to Ray in case he got any news about a Bigfoot. Ray is one man I bet I can count on calling me. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

#137 Bigfoot, Panthers, And Polar Bears

I drove down to Ocala National Forest, traveling more than 220 miles that day. I saw many tracks as Ocala has a lot of sand roads and trails. But no Bigfoot tracks. I saw a vulture flush ahead of me on one of these roads and in driving up to where he flushed, I saw that he had left a big wing feather. I got out to take it as a momento of the trip and immediately noticed that the area around the feather and the feather itself stank. I have almost no sense of smell so it must have really stunk. I looked arouind to see if there was somebody dead lying around but saw nothing. The odor must have come from the vulture. I did not take the time to ask anyone about Bigfoot but took a picture of the big foot of the day: a bear track. That track appears a couple of postings before this one. I thank my son for putting it on.
I drove from 1 to 9 p.m. and when I got home there was one poop and four pees on the floor. In a couple of days, I drove up to Lake Palestine, looking for tracks on the road into the lake. Then I drove for a total of four hours on the roads in Osceola Forest looking for tracks. I found several turkey tracks along the side of the roads and was surprised how far the tracks continued. There were also some deer tracks and as I passed a side road I saw a big turkey on it. I decided that since what I had seen was big, black, and shiny, I had better go back and make sure it wasn't a black panther. I turned around and went back. As I turned into the side road, the big turkey turned in the road and ran for the jungle-woods. I hailed a truck and a Ray Richards stopped. He had lived in Osceola Forest all his life, fifty years. He had never seen anything that would lead him to think of a Bigfoot existing in the area. "You know the rear tracks of a bear are quite long, and that is probably what people are seeing when they say they saw a Bigfoot track," Ray commented.
"Eighteen inches long?" I asked.
"No," he replied,"Not that long.
We talked for about half an hour, window to window in the middle of the road way out in the jungle-woods. After a while, he remembered one incident that could be a Bigfoot encounter: "A hunter in Lulu (a small village about ten miles away) was on his stand before there was any light and heard loud crashing coming toward him. Then he heard a growl several times, and then the creature crashed away from him. The hunter thought it was a bear."
"But bear don't crash through the woods. They are timid, quiet animals," I observed. I can think of only two animals who habitually make a great deal of noise in the woods: the nine-banded armadillo and Bigfoot. Of course, the armadillo, weighing less than ten pounds, can only make so much noise compared to a 400 to 800 pound Bigfoot if they exist.
Ray Richards related several panther stories: " When I was a boy, I saw a dark but not quite black panther approaching the fenceline to the cornfield. The big cat actually put his front paws on the top of the fence, standing on his hind feet, and looked around as cats will do. His tail was about a yard long. When he saw me, he disappeared. I ran for Dad, and we put two dogs who ran bobcats on the panther's trail. They smelled the trail and headed for the truck ( meaning they were very scared and wanted to hide under the truck.
About two years later, I saw an almost black panther on the property and put two dogs who would run anything onto the trail. They ran the cat and treed him in about two hundred yards. All I had in the truck was a cattle prod, but I took that and went toward the treed panther. As I approached the tree, the panther saw me, and he leaped out of the tree, disappearing into the woods. What a sight that was to see him leaping out of the tree! To Be Continued.
I interrupt Ray's stories about Osceola Forest, dogs, and panthers to give you something I read today: "According to the leading polar bear biologist, Dr. Mitchell
Tower, Department of the Interior, Government of Nunavut, 'of the thirteen populations of polar bears in Canada, eleven are stable or increasing in number. They are not going extinct or even appear to be affected at present." This is on page 143 of Christopher Horn's book, "The Politically Incorrect Guide To Global Warming And Enviromentalism." Horn recognized that the Artic ice is getting thinner but does not believe there are now large open areas of water appearing.Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, March 9, 2009

# 136 First Slaveholder In America

I used the Interlibrary Loan System to get "The American People" by Nash and others. It was published in 1986 by which time white men had given up the truth and their manhood for political intimidation or correctness. The editors deceitfully opened Chapter 3, "Mastering the New World," on page 63 with a page devoted to the African Anthony Johnson and his family by telling how they had worked themselves out of being indentured servants and went on to own property and import servants. But the editors wrote that alas! indentured slavery was replaced by full-time, permanent slavery. This was lying by omission because the editors did not bother to state that Anthony Johnson had also legally changed the classification of one of his indentured servants, John Caison, an African, to that of a full-time, permanent slave, thus becoming the first slaveholder in America. The editors obviously didn't want their readers to know that the first man to hold black slaves in America was a black himself. Political intimidation at work.
An older source, "Virginia," published by the Virginia Writers' Association in 1940 is honest. It states that in 1653, an Anthony Johnson petitioned the Northampton Court for the return for life of runaway, black identured servant John Casor. Casor claimed he had already served seven years longer than he should have.
But the court awarded John Casor to Anthony Johnson for life. This was the first black made a slave in America except those who had been made slaves for life because of crimes they were judged to have committed. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS,MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Bigfoot Question, Helping Rush Limbaugh

In traveling the dirt roads looking for Bigfoot tracks, I have been wondering if he simply jumps over these roads. Various animals including fox, panthers, and jaguars are aware they leave sent and manipulate their tracks to confuse pursuing dogs. In addition, I have read of a Bigfoot hunter in Washington State, who finds Bigfoot tracks in the snow up in the Blue Mountains. Supposedly, he says that Bigfoot stays on windswept rocks as much as possible because he is aware that he is leaving tracks. Thus, he may look at a dusty road and not want to walk on it. Could a creature eight feet tall and weighing 400 to 800 pounds jump a dirt road? Don't athletes jump 20 feet in the running broad jump? Doesn't a chimpanzee have four times the strength of a human? Maybe Bigfoot does too. Wouldn't that be something to be driving down a dirt road and see Bigfoot jump over it ahead of you? If anyone has any insights into this question, please contact me at peternickerson12@yahoo.com. Thanking you in advance.
Today, I heard Rush Limbaugh ask why Conservatives have a hard time standing up for what they believe in. They have difficulty because the Liberals have claimed the high road by stating that they care about people, and the Conservatives are only selfish, greedy, and uncaring. As a Conservative, this is not true for me. I care about people, and this was one of the points I differed from Ayn Rand on. She looked down on social workers and the like, saying they preferred the bloody bandage to creating material progress. Ayn Rand never had children and apparently did not have a nurturing part in herself. I believe in caring for people, all people, and I don't believe in using force to take from one person to give to another. I believe force should only be used in the defense of innocent others and in self-defense. Any other kind of force lies on the path of hate. Politicians who advocate and legislators who vote for taking money by force from one group of people to give to another group are on the path of hate. Liberals then are on the path of hate. They are hateful. The path of hate leads to death. Liberals are death merchants. You can readily see that with their hateful abortion legislation and their hateful anger at gun ownership.
I, as a Conservative, care about people. I have been a social worker and am proud of the work I did. It is a noble profession. However, I would have much preferred to have worked as a social worker for an agency that received its contributions from charity rather than from forced taxation. If you care for people using funds that are given voluntarily, you are squarely on the path of love. The path of love leads to life. That is why Conservatives are for babies not being killed and for the means to defend others and themselves through gun ownership.
Conservatives, you are on the high road. You are on the path of love that leads to life. Stand tall! It is the liberals who are on the low road because of their use of force on others to get what they want. Liberals are on the path of hate which leads to death. They are the death merchants. I hope Rush sees this, and it is helpful to him. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Tyranny By Police"

Before I return to the rogue cops, I want to say that I did call Uncle Al, the 77 year-older who had supposedly seen Bigfoot or Bigfoot tracks in Camden County, Georgia. The number had been disconnected.
I want to display and analyze a paragraph of Sergeant Whitney Stout's police report that became public when she submitted it to the court. The paragraph appears on page two and three. The report was made on March 26, 2004. Sergeant Stout writes, "At 0900 hours on 1/30/04 (sic) Dan and I heard our dog barking. We went into the yard to see why he was barking. When we did so, we observed a punching bag and a kicking pole (sic) had been erected on Nickerson's property withing approx. 10-15 feet of our front yard. These two items had been erected within the previous 24 hours. The location of the bag and pole would require Nickerson to walk through several feet of dense vegetation to use them. We initially saw no one (sic) but the bag was swinging. I then saw Nickerson jog in the easement of our property line. In the six years we have lived next to Nickerson, I have never seen him jog. This behavior agitated our dog (sic) and that seemed to be Nickerson's purpose. Nickerson later told Sgt. S. Weaver of GPD that these activities were done to agitate us."
First, you see that Sgt. Stout's testimony is different than her husband's. She states that I jogged in the easment to their property line. Dan Stout said he saw me running repeatedly in "a 10-12 (sic) diameter circle." Which one is it? The truth is that I did jog down our part of the lane to their part of the lane. I used to run two to three miles several times a week but tore my meniscus. The "famous" orthopaedic surgeon assured me I would be able to run again, but I have never been able to resume running. Periodically, I try, and my knee always hurts. That was what I was doing that morning. Sergeant Stout is right; Corporal Stout lied. Both of them go on to lie by omission when they discuss or fail to discuss our fenceline. Sergeant Stout doesn't mention it at all, but Corporal Stout notes "the fenceline."
It was our fenceline, and it consisted of two fences. First, we put up a field fence, also known as a hog fence. Then we put up a six foot privacy fence directly behind that fence in the area between the two houses so we could have more privacy.
Neither cop mentions that my punching bag and striking post were behind a six foot privacy fence. The bag and post were on our property, and moreover behind a six-foot privacy fence. They had no right in the world to complain about them except for their paranoid ideation that I put them there to harass them. How could a bag and post on my property harass them? They would have to have some mental disorder to find harassment in a punching bag and striking pole on my property. It's none of their business. Plus, they were behind a six foot privacy fence. But Judge Glant ordered the bag and pole taken down. We're cops, and we can do anything we want to because we're cops! Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

#132 Bigfoot Hunt Cont.

Terry made some calls and got Uncle Al's number which she gave to me. She also described a dirt road where Uncle Al had taken her on a four-wheeler to try to see Bigfoot. A very energetic 77 year older. She had not seen a woods person. Terry also said that Uncle Al called her Penelope, and that she knew him through her boyfriend. Penelope was such a nice person, I really didn't want to leave. When I did, because she had to get back to work, I drove back to ask her if Uncle Al was a steady person. She replied that he was definitely a steady person, and she loved him. Lucky Uncle Al! She had not known what he did for money before he retired. My phone battery was too weak to call him, and I worked my way back to Route 40. I found the Crooked River State Park just beyond Kings Bay Submarine Base and saw the U.S George Bush, retired in the sand. The park had only 600 acres so I didn't even try to tour it. I did visit the historic part of St. Marys and read the marker for the spot where the first pecans were supposedly grown in the Southeast. Then I began driving the forty miles back to Folkston and found the dirt road that Tammy had told me about. I drove three miles down the road without seeing a house. Then I came upon an old church and later a handful of houses built right on the road. One had signs in the window reading "Boston Butt" and "Meals Cooked To Order." I was sure this was a joot joint. I got uncomfortable without a gun or even a hunting knife, so I turned around and drove back. I saw fresh tracks in the road, but each time I got out, I saw that they were deer tracks. As soon as it got dark, I started seeing deer, seven in all. I got two ice cream sandwiches and a horrible fountain coke in Folkston and turned south on 121. Beyond the south end of the Okefenokee National Park, I found a very broad dirt road and drove down that several miles but saw nothing. The trip was over 200 miles long and took nine hours. By some miracle, no one had pooped or peed on the floor when I got home, but the dogs were very eager to get outside.
Bullets From Two-Guns: Last week at Toasmasters' I had to give a two minute table topic. I decided to try to articulate what I had learned about Anthony Johnson and compare it to what Obama was doing now. I said, "When I arrived here, I realized I had left my personal gear at home and asked Roz for four dollars to buy enough gas to get home. I could have waited until the meetng began and then told you that I was trying to live on Social Security but Roz had that plus a retirement. I could have asked you to vote to force Roz to give me four dollars since she had more money than me. In 1619, the first 19 Africans were brought to Jamestown Island in Virginia. One of those Africans or more likely, a later African was Anthony Johnson. At that point he was not called a slave but an identured servant. He was able to pay for his identure and his wife's. He became so prosperous that he acquired other Africans, and one day he decided he would try to stop one of them from serving the rest of his identure with someone else by going to the Northhampton County court and having that identured servant re-classified as a slave in permanent bondage. In a short time, all blacks who had been identured servants became slaves in permanent bondage. Anthony Johnson, a black from Africa, started slavery in America. Now we have elected another black which was a tremendous milestone for a race that had sufferred slavery for about two hundred years here. But this man, Barrack Obama, is beginning to act like Anthony Johnson in that he is putting people in the top income brackets into partial-slavery. Their money is being taken from them through high taxes to be given to others with less income. I didn't take Roz's four dollars by force, and Obama has no right to take these high income people's money either." This little speech took four minutes, and I was slapped on the wrist several times for talking too long. The room was quite subdued at the end of the meeting. When I first mentioned Anthony Johnson, our one black member smiled as if to say she knew all about that myth, but as I continued, she became stony-faced. A retired dentist complimented me as he left, saying that I had come a long way not only as a speaker but as a man. You can tell the U.S. Attorney General that I would be happy to discuss race with him or anyone else. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, March 2, 2009

#131 A Hunt For Bigfoot

This comes from my journal last Wednesday: I'm hunting for Bigfoot in Southeastern Georgia and have stopped in Kingston, Georgia for haute cuisine at McDonald's. I've gotten three stories of Bigfoot so far. The first was at the S&S store in Worthingon Springs, Florida. A Robert Robertson told me that two or three years ago, some hunters at his hunt club, the Palestine Hunt Club, on Lake Palestine, saw Bigfoot tracks on the dirt road that leads to their clubhouse. Palestine Hunt Club is close, if not contiguous to, the Osceole National Forest which begins in Olustee, Florida. Even though one of the men who saw the tracks was a good friend, Robert dismissed the report.
I stopped at Okenfenokee Pastimes, a campground on State Road 121 just across the entrance to the Okefenokee National Park. The owners of the campgrounds have a Bigfoot website, and I asked one of them, Jo Knight, is they had any recent Bigfoot sightings. They hadn't, but after I told her about the Bigfoot tracks at Lake Palestine, she related that she had a friend whose father had seen the Bardin Booger, a Bigfoot. Bardin is in Florida, close to Palatka.
I then continued up State Road 121 until I reached Folston, where I got onto Route 40 and headed east toward the Atlantic Ocean. My map of Florda showed a St. Marys River State Forest, and I wanted to see it, but no one had heard of it. I then looked at a Georgia map at a Flash convenience store, and it didn't show it. Then I started looking for a Crooked River State Park as I headed east. I tired of all the stores and shops along the road, got onto a county road and followed it to a dirt road. On the dirt road, I found the Stateline Nursery and pulled in. Three people were unloading a truck, and one of them, a buxomed, bubbly woman walked over to me.Terry Graham knew an "Uncle Al", a 77 year old man from Jacksonville who regularly came to Camden County with his wife to look for Bigfoot and claimed to have seen them. To Be Continued. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com or better 352-359-0849.

Bear Track